[spoiler]lol :)[/spoiler]
You laugh you lose thread
Do you have that one about puppyplay?
quick, post the not edited ones
cuck holding is serious user
here you go
but seriously, wtf is that site?
Cuckholding, bdsm, pegging, puppyplay, watersports, period sex, furries, ballbusting, gay/trans. Even a fetish about polishing shoes. All perfectly acceptable.
Race play? Vile and sickening. How dare anyone be into this perversive degenerate filth.
Actually if you go to the site right now, the author has a blog post up:
>Quick Clarification! In the comic, I caution newbies about the prevalence of racist cuckold material to be found on the internet. I personally see a distinction between racism and consensual race-play. Racism is bad! Thoughtfully playing with loaded power dynamics for mutual, consensual erotic stimulation is fine! No kink-shaming here, just warning new-cuckold-interested-readers that there is legitimately shitty stuff out there that isn’t integral to cuckolding so it’s not a surprise when it pops up!
So, I can appreciate that.
Replace the bull's face with Trump's face.
Replace the wife's face with Erika Moen's face.
Replace the cucked husband's face with Erika's husband's face.
Send that to them and they'll lose their shit. She talked about like it's the end of the world with Trump as president.
Is this satire?
some of the comics on the site are fappable, im just saying what we're all thinking
Huh, well that's pretty cool of them then.
100% serious. Comics fall into 3 main types.
Here's a fetish you may not know about, so we asked some people into it to explain.
How the body, especially sexual organs, work.
Sex toy reviews.
>this whole thread
Nah, you're just gay.
>her shirt just says "fat"
Good on her for admitting it?
I cried reading this
That post ended me
Day of the rope can't come soon enough.
just scrolled it
pic relalated though
>On second thought mom, I think I'm straight.
If you rage you win ?
Fuck woman, he said he was gay, not a faggot.
Wait is he fcking her at the end?
Total fcking degenerate
Gays are just closet faggots, and still deserve the gas chamber.
This fucking got me.
Post the gay lasagna farts one
The transsexual part is really sad. Their mothers and them commiting suicide.
And for the fags. They shouldnt be called homosexual man. They sully the word man. I dont want to be put in the same category as them ffs.
oh fuck i'm dying
Can you explain the joke please I've seen this in several threads and still haven't gotten it.
The joke is that's the "girl" is transgender and isn't really a girl.
Btw, you really should have asked for a quick rundown.
Don't see how it's Sup Forums related but I lost.
Good one.
Oh fuck, I know the one you're talking about. Pretty sure it was a different artist though. He worked at Cartoon Network, and his blog regularly featured his gay furry art. Disgusting.
Don't know where to find it now.
Its the same gay fetish website, but there are so many
still, requesting the piss play and lasagna farts ones
ylyl thread?
I got you fampai
And YLYL isnt politics or news. Fuck off to
over 9000 hours in mspaint...
you have got to be squidding me
its always the clever ones that fucking get me.
Don't think so. She looked like she was crying
crusades when?
I was first gay looser
I edited it with my screen caping software, it only has 30 colors.
I feel like these relationships don't even exist outside of their fantasies.
Even in the heart of San Francisco you will never see a pairing like this.
Lost it at both of these
Fucking Furries!
Seriously can someone explain that? Is that from a movie
I want Sup Forumsirgins to leave REEEE
That's actually very clever. I actually did laugh and lose at this one which I rarely do.
uwu whats this
I thought this was ylyl, not cringe thread
Lol this guy just gave himself away as a true faggot. People only post bananas in Sup Forums ylyl threads, loser. Way to be gay. Also your country is a garbage can.
>Also your country is a garbage can.
You're just jelly coz you're not getting any of that sweet juvvie street boi pussy.
fucking lol what is this from
thanks lori
Well when OP's boyfriend told him about his coming out, he laughed just like him mother in law said he would
>make webcomic
>have guest artists all the time work for free
>rake in the patreon cash for doing nothing
this is gold though.
No laugh only cri ;(