Did Hitler do good or bad for Germany?

did Hitler do good or bad for Germany?

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bad, but only because of the outcome of the war

Good until he failed to do good.

Are you srs? He goofed it obviously

Good for 1933~1942
Bad for the rest

Good. And as he freed Germany of its debt, the rest of the world went into financial depression. This is where the German economic miracle came from.

>led to the subjugation and humiliation of Germany for eternity
>not even allowed to have a military anymore
>lost even more land in WWII to Poland and France than when he first set out

At least he killed himself, I guess it saved him from being made a mockery in a war crimes tribunal

It's not that black and white.
If he had won, it would be good, not only for Germany but for all of Europa.
And even though he lost, his actions kept us from being completely destroyed by communism.
That being said, there are also obviously bad things as well. Such as losing a huge ammount of good strong men in the war, being left with whimps and betas.
And communism was not completely defeated, and we see that clearly today.

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. You must be successful, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Racial politics doesn’t have to be the only factor of that. If you can’t achieve these things in your real life, then you are not ready to be a political activist, either anonymously or in reality.

Always remember that we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet don’t. So work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for yourself. Because if you can’t make anything of your own, individual life, then how can you think you’ll be able to make a difference for the race, for the lives of many? Spend your time wisely, and keep your real life priorities in order. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life. Your time on Earth is short and precious. Start planning on making the most of it.

short term good, long term bad

hard to say what Germany would look like without him nowadays though. might be that the Eternal Aryan Guilt we have to live with nowadays is still preferable to whatever we might have ended up as if he didn't stomp all the shitcunts trying to destroy Germany

Just Imagine there would be no "racism" in Europa for every country the only ones that ever did bad things to black people were Americans (If we ignore the colonization), there would be no stigma against whites. No guilt tripping and most Importantly 60 Million European men who could have had children maybe even doubling the white Population by now

Really bad IMO
He was still a lad tho

The good side lost WW2. It's so sad

We all lost in WW2

problem is that there is also the chance that we'd be commies.

it's hard to say if his contribution was net positive or negative without knowing what Europe would look like without him

Hitler ruined nationalism and white pride forever, trying to achieve an outcome that wasn't even feasible in the first place. He was retarded and ruined everything.

Extremely bad.
When your whole plan for succes is to win a war against the whole world you know you're a shit leader.

Communists won ww2



No, the JEWS won WW2, you worthless moron

The German people sure seemed more than happy with him:

Seeing how it was them who spawned the communism meme...


The Whore of Babylon

He reduced unemployment from 6 million to 1 million in 3 years and often had gdp increases of over 30%. He became powerful enough to break the treaty of Versailles and regain almost all of Germany's original territory. The only thing he needed was Danzig, and Poland was willing to negotiate until Chamberlain, with Churchill's backing, gave them a guarantee of support (which turned out to be worthless).

Britain turned the war into a world War. If they hadn't involved themselves Hitler would've marched straight into Russia and destroyed the Bolsheveks forever. He didn't expect to fight literally the entire world, nor could any country survive such a fight.

Chamberlain was an autist and is responsible for the second war.

No but for germany as a whole, he got 3 million germans working again in his first year and also got 98% of the vote to gouvern in austria later on. He only did good for the country, he was their best leader they'd ever had

If he had done good, germany wouldn't currently be populated by mudslimes, niggers, and cucked whites.

Burger's on the money

>We all lost in WW2
Most of you are Jews or shitskins. So you won. Rejoice!

Not only the Brits. The US was hell-bent for a world war. If you look at FDR's quotes from the time, he was eager to got to war with Germany even if Hitler never had happened.

Same thing

Underrated post.

The world went to complete and total shit after WWII and the world created out of the ashes is a fucking abomination.

Both he resparked the German nationalism to bring a country with depressed state to one with unity and prosperity . Though he sure fucked up on the rest of the ideas of lebensraum. If hitler only took austria and sudentland he would more or less be revered to the German people current day as the hero who saved them from the depression they faced

What did hitler do bad?

This is true. I believe he allowed Pearl Harbor to happen, there were suspicions of an attack but nothing was done.

Also he gave Stalin billions of dollars which he didn't feel obliged to ever give back, and gave the brits supplies to survive without which they would have been forced to surrender.

he lost

I wouldn't say that America had some what of a prosperous period until 1950

Good pulled germany out of the dirt and promoted German culture and to be an independent country not being dependent on anybody else that isn't german the only shit thing was loosing the war but it still was All in either win the war and create a perfect country or die trying


América became a global superpower and experienced its golden age. However the bolsheveks managed to eventually intrude and we ended up with the Bush presidency, which is where everything started going wrong. America "won" ww2 because we stayed out of it until the very end. Noninterventionism is a good thing. Our meddling in the middle east brought us down to the same shitty standard as the rest of the world.

Oh, and Bush was a fan of Churchill and had a bust of him in the Oval Office

During that time of propserity, politicians and business elites as well as their jewish friends were working behind the scenes to destroy this country. Its not as though someone flipped a switch in the 60s that sent everything to hell, this shit has been in the works for a long time.

Meanwhile we fed half of Europe to the commies, paved the way for the rise of Communist China, and got a lot of good men killed fighting a fundamentally unrighteous war.

Mostly bad, very, very bad.

Lets not forget that as a result of his decisions, millions of Germans were killed or seriously wounded in the war. That isn't counting the millions of people outside of Germany that he was also responsible for killing.

If he had simply not gone to war he could have ruled Europe through economic power. Instead he wanted to pick a fight that he lost.

What did hitler do bad?
Name a single illegal thing hitler did.

this He pushed Britain and France to war then after the fluke invasion of France he went in over his head and invaded Russia, constantly interfering with his generals, trusting his quack doctor's amphetamines more than them. His neuroses made him a passionate orator and a poor decision maker.

He should have focussed on small fry and made a concerted effort to dig in, advance technology and develop nuclear weapons, which all the major powers knew about and was one of the reasons for the escalation.

Good of course

Thanks to him millions of Turks live im Germany.

I'd say that was bretty nice of him.

Note:don't worry about sauer Krauts. They are just jealous of us)

They couldn't charge any established laws so they had to invent crimes in Nuremberg, and it wasn't any of the crimes you were taught.

If hitler and his regime never entered into the picture, Germany would have kept getting poorer until it became a nOn country. Hitler literally saved Germany, but not in the greatest way possible (IE he lost the war)

Why don't you be a good little subuman and sit in the corner while the real human beings discuss things.

They didn't murder people, they followed same laws of warfare as allies, no clue why there were trials for war crimes, allies would be tried for muderering millions of civilians with terrorists bombs and German population would cheer as evil terrorists allies would be executed for their crimes.

The people of dresden would have justice as the terrorists are brought to justice.

Go bitch somewhere else.

Good. Great. Fantastic.

In fact he did so well that they had to shut him down and drag him into war.


All the germans who said 'yes' in this thread will go to jail.


Go bitch somewhere else


Go be subhuman somewhere else.

That was the (((USA))), kebab


The first Gastarbeiter were recruited from European nations. However Turkey pressured the Federal Republic to allow its citizens to become guest workers.[1] Theodor Blank, Secretary of State for Employment, was opposed to such agreements. He held the opinion that the cultural gap between Germany and Turkey would be too large and also held the opinion that Germany needed no more labourers because there were enough unemployed people living in the poorer regions of Germany who could fill these vacancies. The United States, however, put some political pressure on Germany, wanting to stabilize and create goodwill from a potential ally. The German Department of Foreign Affairs carried on the negotiations after this, and in 1961 an agreement was reached.[6][6]

Go be pathetic somewhere else

>Go be a worthless parasite somewhere else.


Holy shit we go way back.

Go be an annoying bitch somewhere else

Good on the social/economic side of Germany.

Bad on the military side.