How do we solve the pederasty problem?

How do we solve the pederasty problem?

We need to kill all pedestrians.

>get on the twatter accounts you have because it's a smart thing to do
>pretend to be faggot rights activists
>slip in pro pedo shit
>promote infighting among the multicultural marxists
>open windows for traditional values to be asserted and look good

Honestly, I say we meme this shit.

Think about it. Degenerates are still several moves away from having normies accept anything close to pedophilia so why don't we push the "agenda" and let it die in the spotlight here and now while people still hate it?

Well, god damn. Perfect fucking timing, user.

being a child fucker is now seen as a good thing? what the fuck?

It's not. But for it to be it's going to require a slow crawl into normalcy (which it's already started).

If we blow this up now while it's still seen as the sin it is, it'll set the left back years.

I can see this one blowing up in our faces. Knowing how retarded the left is, they will accept this as the new gay or tranny craze.

>Brits pronounce "pedo" as "pee-doh"
>mfw Brits don't pronounce "pedestrians" as "peedestrians"

Only the most extreme of Progressives would get on board. Blacks and Latinos and some White Dems are ULTRA fucking religious. This shit WOULD NOT sit well with them.

You think you're hot shit?

Wait just a little longer, they're just probing with the pedo thing, let themselves shoot themselves in the foot by going full blown on the issue.

actually that movement could be a great benefit.
no normal human being with reasonable thoughts will support this, and you can be pretty sure that everyone that supports the pedoshit is a pedo. they basically out themselves and as soon as the day of the rope comes we know which ones has to get the rope

dont do that. people tend to swing oppinions if they see many people support an issue. when you meme it yourself you just work towards making it more normal. stay low, observe, and write down the names. soon the day will come

Well we spell it paedophile, pronounce it more like pair-doh-phile

A actually saw that on a non fake big Spanish LGTB twitter account, and they were having a discussion.

reported you to your local goverment hans

Age of consent in the ancient world was when a girl hit puberty. Call that what you want but she's a young woman at that point. 12-13. 18 AOC is purely an American concept, other countries are lower in age.

This is why we bait them out into the open with fake twitter accounts posting articles and memes with shit like "Agism IS Sexism" "My Body, My Child, My Rules!!"

And bicyclists. Don't forget those cunts.

What you do is you spread this shit as far as you can. Make it systemic. There is already a growing lashback against the left due to being too inclusive and not being practical. If we start telling parents it's progressive to let their kids be [BLACKED], for their 12 year olds to marry a 50 year old fundie who forces them onto tranny hormones, they will go fucking bananas.

There's no possible way people can honestly see that shit as normal, especially if we bring up rape as much as possible; "It's not RAPE, it's LOVE" kinda shit.

But you have to start now. You have to spread and over-expose it now because already, tendrils of it are spreading and people like (((Milo))) and (((Takei))) are talking about it. Nip it in the bud, show the normies that this is what the left wants along with making our children so unsure of their own sexuality they're easy to predate on. It's perfect.

Cyclists will suffice.

should have just said the "ae" is like the "e" in "meddle" or something like that, or else the yank will think there's an "r" in it


Are you retarded?

This is a line America can't cross. Anyone who was a democrat 20 years ago because they were for workers, who hasn't already abandoned the party, will lose their minds when they see this insanity.

Thats cultural problem. Nobilization could be used to transform village culture into urbanistic one. Instead war was used to lower urban culture to village sodomites level.

Then we pushed village to nobilization and libshite stopped villagization. So we are in situation, where village have urban culture and city has village culture. So it`s unacceptable to be a pedo in the village culturally. And city scums are into all the faggotry in the world.

A bigger issue is stopping cucks who are attracted to sloppy seconds. They're the ones marrying some ex-whore and end up surprised when their marriage fails.

Although they scorn it in public, Latinos have huge rates of paedophilia.

Only a feminist eunuch would oppose monogamous love between a consenting male and female

What's the problem?


Oh no! If the libcucks have their way then respectable young men may marry young girls instead of those girls just becoming degenerate whores!

What a travesty! I wanted to marry those whores because I'm a dumb christcuck!

The Aussie is right little girls dont have the whore instincts of teenager and adult women thus are perfect for actual relationships.

Kys pedo

Little girls are objectively better than grown women that is a fact.

Pajeet! Bad!

It has been scientifically confirmed.

Only deluded feminists and LITERAL cuckolds think otherwise

World leaders would rather lay with cunny than any old hag.

Jesus Christ himself said "cunny is the cleanest, best pleasure"

Thats more ephebophillia though. The point was that homosecuality is linked to adult gay men molesting young boys, and now the left is trying to nomalize this sort of pedophilia after spending years propagandizing they weren't related. This is the next phase of the (((gay agenda))).

Anime lolis and loli sexbots

this is how we will win

>Often too tall
>"pussy is too big"
Wow, pedos are manlets with baby dicks, who fucking knew

Good shout

No cunny is better relationship material anons not some cumdumpster like a grown hag.

All cyclists should burn eternally

only if you're a subhuman scouser, overwise it's pee-doh-phile

>i can't find a woman who doesn't love me for something besides money

kys user

Stop posting obvious false flags

Q, I, and + BTFO. How will they recover?

The pedo rights thing isn't going to fly unless you're able to get kids to say "I'm OK with banging grown ass people" which probably will never happen.

Eventually we'll all just use advanced dildonic bodysuits to have remote sex over the internet with complete strangers and it won't even matter, pedos will fuck adults roleplaying as kids in VR mode.

If a 5 year old is mature enough to decide their gender and start taking hormones than surely they are mature enough to decide if they want to fuck old men

>nu-Sup Forums wouldn't take a cute lgf
this place is disgusting.

Are you kidding? Look at the popularity of dd/lg with young girls and how they prefer older men over guys their age. And sex with on older woman as a young male gives you stud status.

I know right. It's like these fucks are /reddit/ or something.

>when you play way too much grand theft auto

Minimum sentence for pedos should be death. by drop hanging.

Lighter sentence if the age difference is less then four years.

