What happens here/how white is wales? I have welsh heritage and living in a small cottage in the valley seems pretty comfy desu
Same here. 60% Welsh. My entire mother's side is from there.
you're not Welsh and you'd be more foreign than the people in the local Chinese takeaway if you came here.
I dont know but its rightful EU clay.
Aren't they basically low-stature wimps that got BTFO by every single invader ever?
Yt's y gryyt plyce fyr syre. Wylsh ary whyte
I didn't say I was Welsh shariablue. Did you guys run out of funding? Forced to pay niggers to shill now?
Of course we're not welsh, we have the ability to move abroad
You aren't Welsh, stay away you foreign cunts
I assume just sheepherding and a really great language.
Americans and Aussies would fit in in most of Wales pretty well, except in the few places that still speak Welsh. I'd advise you learn that if you decide to move there.
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Only England is cucked. Wales, Scotland and N. Ireland are all over 97% white.
>Americans and Aussies would fit in in most of Wales pretty well
they wouldn't at all, because they're foreigners from another continent.
Eating your bamboo shoots to grow?
England is cucked in the body. Scotland is cucked in the mind.
>People make fun of me
It's pretty nice mostly but there is a large Muslim population in Cardiff, just like most cities in the U.K. and Europe.
I lived in wales for a couple of years recently.
It's extremely white here South and North however Welsh culture is dead in the South so if you really wanna experience Welsh culture go up North.
Lots of white trash in the South, especially the valleys.
T. Person living in South Wales
>Scotland wants to import millions of rapefugees and worships the eussr
>Not cucked
Pick one
Its really comfy.
Very white, very quiet, a boring but lovely place to live.
Quintessentially Welsh.
Oh and just stay the fuck away from Cardiff its muzzie central in Wales.
>White trash
What did he mean by this?
Thanks welshbros
If they integrated, they'd fit in, plus, it wouldn't be too hard for overseas Anglos to fit in there. But they'd definitely be out of place if they moved there and didn't change.
Why do Celts love heroin so much? Shits worse than the Opium wars.
Are there really that many Chinese people in Australian population centers now?
All we learned in public school in my district about the U.K. was pretty much all just American colonialization, 1776 and about the Scotts and Irish fighting the English for freedom. The only time I ever heard Wales talked of in school was after Princess Diana died, I thought she was literally declared the Princess of Whales (the animal) for years until I went to a privat school with a much better education system.
Meh, rather be a so called white trash 'chav' than a middle class cuck desu.
Pretty much this along with the drug heads.
Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous...
That is funny.
Oh yeah. In Melbourne it's like 50% Asian in the cbd. Asains can be pretty cool though, except the FOBs
Sydney and Melbourne are full of them and other Asians. But they don't cause any trouble and usually mind their business.
Don't let the shills fool you. This is a true look at Wales.
Plus their food is pretty good and cheap
No problem.
Remember, if you are visiting, go north.
Yeah it's also pretty pathetic. Then again I was in Nevada, I believe 2nd worst state for education when I went in the 90's.
Gib beef in black bean pls.
The cognitive dissonance here is laughable
Why does the langauge look so weird?
It's cute.
I've been a couple of times cuz we have family a couple miles from the border (near Shrewsbury), but it's normally just hiking in the country, not in the towns
Read The Mabinogion and Howl's moving castle.
Both pertain to epic Welshmen.
Wales preserved the native Britons bloodlines and stories.
I'm from south wales, we are starting to see the effects of immigration in our towns and valleys/villages..
in towns you always hear foreign languages ( mostly polish), id never hear foreign languages when i was a kid.
the frequency of seeing colour people has increase quite a lot, Turks/Bulgarians opening up car washes everywhere.
arabs hanging out with welsh people has become more common..
i see more colour people mixing with welsh people, going to the night clubs, chilling in town., no doubt sexual intercourse between races has increased because of the above.
I visited the city of cardiff for the first time in a year and its completely different scene, i was shocked at how many burkas (full on ninja!) are walking down the main street, hijabs everywhere,
honestly shocked me and i do not like the direction Cardiff is going, its becoming a multicultural mess..
It sounds nice but yeah looks like a mentally deranged cat had a seizure on the w and y keys.
Depends where you go really. There are more fitness freaks than druggies though and we have a culture of sport. Every country has their fair share of junkes.
Thanks possibly distant relative.
I thank god I left the public education system. I never even really understood basic math until I had an actual good teacher help me out and actually thrived there. I'm a rocket surgeon now.
I actually have read Howl's, cute book but a bit different from the movie
>Plaid Cymru and Labour want more of this
Forgot pic
Welshman here. Certain areas of South Wales are absolute shit, e.g. Merthyr, Newport.
Cardiff (capital) is a left-wing bastion filled with Somalis.
The rest of the country is pretty much 100% white and is beautiful. It's a bit like the shire with more inbreeding. Wales has the highest density of castles in the world or some shit, but most of them were built by Anglo kings (a few are native).
As others have said, North Wales is definitely the best part of Wales (South Welsh here); it's where Welsh culture is still held in high regard as well as the language and it has very beautiful landscapes, e.g. Snowdonia.
There is no inbreeding here and if there is, we must be doing it right.
Our youth are beautiful and very sporty like. If that's inbreeding, then I'd recommend.
Mae'r Cymraeg yn ddim yn rhyfedd, byrger dwp.
It's good that it worked out for you, if you get a shitty teacher then you can kiss bye bye to learning, the same is true if you're in a shitty classroom full of chavs/nigs that want to disrupt so the rest of the class cannot learn anything because the teacher is too busy giving attention to that annoyance that should have been given the coat hanger treatment at 4 months.
Sadly we don't live in a just world. But it works out in the end, usually.
>North Wales is definitely the best part of Wale
>Gog detected
We hate you inbred scum
> how white is wales?
Not white enough.
Lots of inbreeding in South Wales (Valleys).
On another note, most people in Cardiff aren't Welsh either: they're usually Anglo/Irish/Paki immigrant-descended.
Bydd y dyn hwn yn talu am bopeth. kek
I'm from the South. Have you been up North? It's very nice.
>What happens here/how white is wales? I have welsh heritage and living in a small cottage in the valley seems pretty comfy desu
Most of Wales's funding came from the EU.
Wales is now totally fucked.
Sleeping with family memebers is heavily frowned upon. The fuck are you on about?
Didn't wales vote today leave EU though?
Scotland has put out an invite for packis to rape it's women and England has just got the power back to start fighting them again. You don't understand what cucked means.
I just mean there is a lot of genetic scum in the South, in addition to heroin chavs.
>Most of Wale's funding came from the EU that got its money from the UK*
>Wales is totally fine now.*
ftfy, now we've cut out the middleman and the EU shall no longer take chunks of our contributions.
All the money that came from EU is money that the UK gave to the EU.
thats one of the reasons why people voted Brexit, why are we letting europe decide what to spend our money on? we can do that ourselves.
>most of the funding goes to shitty public art projects
Good riddance
Yeah but that doesn't stop the Scots from doing it.
Fucking Scots, they ruined Scotland!
Shit is grim man, they both look like Nordic cuck Scots that vote Labour.
Rwy'n dy garu di
Yes, Wales voted to leave the EU.
So, did Cornwall - who also receives most of their funding from the EU.
Fucking idiots.
No there isn't, you dumb cunt. Come meet me in Port Talbot and I'll show you genetic trash, you faggot. Bring ya misses too.
>Not taking the Dwi'npill.
You okay there, ffrind?
And where does that funding come from? Before the EU you fucking idiot...
Oh yes, it comes from the UK, what Wales gets is the rebate from UK contributions, we get less money than what the UK pays in. You're basically saying this.
>Please EU take big chunks of our money and drip feed us small scraps
You're such a good goy.
how cant you understand that all the money EU send to the UK is money that the UK sent to EU in the first place?
they are just giving our own money back.. we gave them money for them to decide what to do with it.. are we fucking stupid?
good job we voted brexit.
pam na wnewch chi fy ngharu?
A Tory government is not going to fund a Labour/Plaid Cumri region of the UK.
The EU was Wales's only economic life line.
You don't fucking know who you're messing with bruv.
To be fair, did you watch that question time episode in Bangor?
Dear lord, every single person in that audience was retarded.
Pam na wnewch chi edrych ar mi pan fyddwn yn gwneud gariad?
Why did Wales and Cornwall need EU funding in the first place?
You think the Tories will fund Wales and Cornwall?
Silly cunts.
nope i havent seen it.. do you have a link?
Good, maybe they will spend it on things that are needed instead of stupid stuff like heroin and dresses.
kek that's spicy. Rhoi bag ar eich pen a fi fydd yn
the most pleasure i will ever get out of Sup Forums is reading welshbro posts in my head with a welsh accent
If OP goes to Wales, he should expect to see this a lot.
Huh, you speak like a New South Welshman.
Hold onto your sides.
Live in Wales here. Everyone's friendly, we voted Leave, but we have been royally fucked by Labour over the years.
Literally my dad. I hate my heritage.
Just a symptom of based patriotism in addition to rampant alcoholism. It's something to be proud of.
>gwan gwan gwan gwan
>bloody fuck me faro
I'm ded.
I think Wales will be fine after we leave the EU.
even if we do become poorer i dont care.
border control,sovereignty of the UK is most important.
Good shit, I hardly hear anything like this anymore. Need to spend more time with my older relatives
Labour fucks everyone over they've been fucking England over for the last 20 years.