In the capitol building AMA
Currently Taking a poop
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Trump,Putin or Assad who is your favorite daddy?
...Good question
Trump because this toilet seat was warm when I sat down
And Assad isn't really like his dad
How's the toilet paper?
What was the color of your poop? What about the density and volume?
The fuck is the point of this thread?
Pls kill McConnell if you see him.
Thin. I expected charmin
Why do Americans have disgusting open stalls.
Brown and solid.
I'd say a 6/10 quality poop with respectable density.
>would be able to pick it up and throw it at McConnell
has Lindsay Graham attempted to give u a blow job yet?
Literal shitposting
>has Lindsay Graham attempted to give u a blow job yet?
Follow on: has McCain ever given Graham a BJ in the stall next to you?
They say it needs to be open like that in case of emergencies so the fire department can get in but this never happens, it is fucking retarded. Terrible design.
Makes sense, probably for security reasons too.
Someone was in my foot territory
Idk who it was. I shouted "fuck off faggot" instinctively
How the fuck would I know that?
Been there done that. Are you an hilltern? I was in the Rayburn building.
Eric, stop shitposting.
Did you pass penis inspection?
Yup hilltern
>toilet paper sucks. Paper thin. Like I can't even blow my nose on it thin
Also if someone passes out in there you will see them laying on the floor.
I ALWAYS pass penis inspection
I don't see any poop in your picture.
Poop and timestamp
Wanna grab lunch and show me around DC bro?
6/10, it's ok.
Who is the greatest president to ever live and why is it donald trump?
How the fuck is this thread still up? This isn't politics or news. Fuck off nigger.
Ya sure just don't do me like ya did Seth rich
Cool. Being a hilltern completely turned me off from politics and law school. Everyone up there is more like a weird space alien than human being. I'm a software developer now. I'll take autism over sociopathy any day.
Uhh the fucking grilled cheese jam
Good for you. It's pretty bullshit. Luckily I stopped using adderall but these kids run on it. I swear they can't sit still.
I mean these are the ppl who are looking over legislation, it's no wonder we are so fucked as a country
>maybe you're right.
I should trade in my lanyard for a neck beard. And live a comfy life
Nah I work two blocks from the White House (aka Casa Trump), would love to see the Capitol tho
Stop by for a poop!
Wanna know how i know you're not an indian?
Sinker or floater?
WTF, the fries are only good when hot - why would you eat them last? How could you so betray a nation? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Cause you POO IN LOO
>tfw will get to play battleshits later at the Capitol with a Sup Forumsbro
Next time take an upper decker
Where you stand on seat and press your back against the wall and shit on top of the toilet
did it make a big splash?
This is great idea. When i get access to pelosis bathroom next week I'm doing this
Not really. Graceful entry with minimal ploopage
Do they still have that Buffalo chicken wrap in the cafeteria? Fuck, it's been so long I don't remember which building its in
Haven't seen it in a week or two but I've also been avoiding it
>chicken Caesar salad wrap ftw
Great discussion of politics we're having here
Its so you can proposition eachother for gay sex by tapping your foot in the other gay's stall.
Draw this fellow!
His name was Seth Rich. He may have been a Bernie Bro, but he was still a bro. He saved us from Hillary's neocon WWIII. We will always honor his sacrifice.