Communism would work if we just invented an immortal incorruptible A.I. supercomputer capable of determining the value of every resource and distributing it evenly and also had a large robot army that could stop any uprisings and also did eugenics on humans allowing those that worked hard to live and those that didn't would die until humans were so perfectly adapted to communism that the A.I. and robot army would be able to leave and humans could do communism on their own.
Communism would work if we just invented an immortal incorruptible A.I...
firstly you keep making these awful threads every day with pictures of kanna
second what happens when the 1% pay to have the AI altered to favor them. Or what happens when the AI loses interest in politics
Basically Wall-E
where everyone is a fat piece of shit who does nothing but consume and humanity stop making progress for 700 years
and then everyone dies the moment they touch down on Earth because living 700 years in sterile environment absolutely fucked up your immune system.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" encourage everyone to be a lazy piece of shit.
horrible idea, the AI would realize that the only way to achieve a communist society is to exterminate everyone
Communism is so awful it doesn't even work in my own flawed imaginary universe wtf.
fucking leafs
Problem for you is that communist AI would kill all communist the second it would be switched on, since communists are even more useless than niggers.
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
My need is villa with four cars and my ability is nothing.
>Those that work hard will live
>those that don't will die
So, we become literal slaves to the machines?
eliminate phoneposters
You're either ignorant and imbecilic or a complete fucking twat. Communism has no merits that should be implemented in a system with humans. If you want a commie AI it should be in a robotic society.
If you want to be such a limp dick ideological wanker to have a fucking generated intelligence tell everyone what to do you should be strung up right now and save the rest of us the bother of having to listen to you.
Communism is the ideology for faggots who can't do things for themselves. If you lack the willpower or abilities to make it in a competitive environment, leave that environment or die.
>Value is objective
the trick here is that it's not
Friend Computer is our friend
And, like Friend Computer the AI would go paranoid and insane, which isn't to say it wouldn't run things quite well. The Computer may summarily execute for some inane reason but at least the trains run on time.
A communist society would free individuals from long working hours by first automating production to an extent that the average length of the working day is reduced and second by eliminating the exploitation inherent in the division between workers and owners. A communist system would thus free individuals from alienation in the sense of having one's life structured around survival (making a wage or salary in a capitalist system), which Marx referred to as a transition from the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom." As a result, a communist society is envisioned as being composed of an intellectually-inclined population with both the time and resources to pursue its creative hobbies and genuine interests, and to contribute to creative social wealth in this manner. Karl Marx considered "true richness" to be the amount of time one has at his or her disposal to pursue one's creative passions. Marx's notion of communism is in this way radically individualistic.
No shit, stupid
It was easier to screenshot, MY FUCKIN BAD
Communism alone would never work. Mixed Market Economy. now that`s better
Why is your face so tiny, autistic spaniard?
>As a result, a communist society is envisioned as being composed of an intellectually-inclined population with both the time and resources to pursue its creative hobbies and genuine interests, and to contribute to creative social wealth in this manner. Karl Marx considered "true richness" to be the amount of time one has at his or her disposal to pursue one's creative passions
In other words commies think they are going to be the artists and the thinkers while someone else is going to fix the sewers, or go out into the hellish blizzard to turn the power back on.
Democratic Socialism > Marxism > Communism
>Most communism historically has been:
Mao, Lenin, Stalin - all fascists.
Not me comrade.
sewer robots.
communism will work in the post technological singularity world
since everyone will be worth the same: zero
I have no memes.... and i must shitpost
The controlled chaos and creative destruction in relatively free market economies is one of its big strengths over planned economies. Literally no way to replicate it in communism.
communism is killing my free-will, I hate it
>those that didn't work would die
that being a slave of the artificial,the aim of communist is ensuring the life of people who dont want to sell their labour power only for surviving.In a real communist society working will be considered as a hobby not a mean of making a living
It's a robot so why would it accept bribe?
Literally any ideology would work with an omniscient and omnipotent manager. More news at 10.
Why not just get rid of the humans at that point?
Fucking leafposters. Sage.