Hmmm really makes you think
About what? Sluts?
Piss off brit
Wow Twitter bots pumping out social AstroTurf what else is new
Sage and hide folks. This thread is to get you angry for no reason, it's fuckin Twitter for fucks sake. There are more important things to talk about.
Digits confirm all white males will migrate to Mars by 2050, no nogs or women allowed. We will have perfected human cloning and found a way to do it without women by then, and will make perfect men. This civilization will thrive and by 2150, Earth will be a wasteland while Mars will be the utopian sci-fi world envisioned by 1950s novels.
I want my women,please.
You'll get an AI gf
Kek confirms twice
Oh, I'd in fact prefer that to a woman.
Look at their pictures: not a single asian woman. Why are they so based? It's like, they're the last pure creatures one can breed with.
people are angered that morons wilfully pursue things thatll make them more discontent?
really activates my almonds
Sounds pretty great
Twitter turning white females to coalburners freely while we are silenced and only free in containment zones like Sup Forums. Winning a war against attrition is impossible in the long run lads
Okay so we'll draft it as all-white (and maybe some based japs) + all men, sexual desires and love fulfilled by perfected AI waifus. We advance faster than the past 1000 years of human development combined.
Cold out
idea: get a black gf, kek!
really gets the juices flowing.
No one cares about their opinions.
An observation: They have low self-esteem, low self-control and no morals (basically whores).
K-Kek? Is this your will?
These are just a tiny minority
J-jews are based okay?
t. r/the_Donald
It's just the celebrity-worshiping and social-media addicted trash.
Never hang around with people that talk like dindus.
>goes to website that removes negative comments about black people
>surprised to find positive comments about black people
and this is why you don't trust a fucking kike.
I can't wait to watch them dying at the hands of radicalised mudslimes and their pet niggers.
>black boys are such a blessing
wait till they bless your wallet or your phone away
>basic sluts with snapchat filters
that was deeeeeep
Nobody even makes those comments on Twitter except for Sup Forums people. Meanwhile if you search for "White people" you'll see so much hate like you've never seen before.
Why can't white women stop getting blacked?
Why do white and asian girls love BBC so much?
Now you know what it feels like to be an Asian guy. Couple more decades of this and you'll be broken as shit.
Asian women have the same attitude except replace Black with White guys. Anyone that shuns their own race and goes to another is degenerate.
Reminder that race mixing was created by the porn industry and black guy on white girl almost never happens besides in the lowest class.
Jews in any country but Jewland are guaranteed to be terrible, pretty much. They're oh-so hated minorities that need safety from nazis half the time, but talk about how they're not really white the other half. But they don't want to be a majority, because then they couldn't claim to be victimized minorities! At least the ones that moved to Jewland actually just want to be Jewish. Ones that didn't move are usually ones that just want to be minorities.