>being a slav white supremacist
is there anything more retarded?
>being a slav white supremacist
is there anything more retarded?
Slavs are not white? Why would anyone praise his enemy?
Russian Wehr aboos are pretty Kek
Yea, being a kike shilling faggot on Sup Forums. Sage.
You're trolling, right? What are we, then?
unless you're race-mixed with arabs, you're not "white"
>it's another slavs are not white episode
Slavs. Also West literally doesn't consider Slavs to be white and to this day repeat nazi propaganda (especially in the US) westerners are not our friends by any means and dickriding them by going ''we iz white brothas and shieet'' is pathetic and will fuck every eastern european nation over.
Yes, a Europeans christian, it is a sandnigger religion for sandniggers. You lazy, worhless motherfuckers made him your king xD
Fuck i hate pole's, i have to yell at the worthless panel-beaters every fucking week for them to atleast TRY to do a good job. You are no better than scum gypsy's.
But they do recognize us as white.
Calm down, Ahmed, he is trolling.
>they do recognize us as white
also slavs don't even have white skin color
Who doesn't recognize us as white? I'm going to need some sources on that.
Yeah we do, not as white as Nordics, but still pretty white.
>is there anything more retarded?
Being white
>that one retarded ruskie faggot with polish proxy
do lachy ivan ty kurwo
Serbs are not white nor slav.
Go back to Turkmenistan with your Turkish brothers, Mehmet.
I'll bite
There are Mexican and Asian white supremacists.
There will probably be blacks thrown in jail in our life time for """""white supremacy""""
But Slavs need not apply.
If you're white enough to get nigged for being white , you are white enough.
>naw, we should keep infighting :^)
your so fucking stupid
slav is your ethnicity. white is your race. dumbfuck
truly a credible source
>a literal Iranian who assimilated Slav culture and traditions
You're more Mehmet than I am. I live in the North, no Turks here, faggot.
You do realize that spics are considered white in the US, right?
Obvious kike pole, hitler missed this one
being a anglo white supremacist
Jew is my race.
Slavs are their own race, this is correct.
I believe the general rule of thumb is if you are white enough that SJWs want to see you go extinct, you are white enough to be a white supremacist.
Glorious Wendo-Sarmatian Master Race
You puny cumskins can't even compete
The only descendants of Wends live in eastern Germany.
Trump voters