What does Sup Forums think
What does Sup Forums think
>cuckstian unvalue
>betterment of anything but the jews
>meanwhile Sup Forums believes the jewish values are what are essential for the betterment of man, but they're such in denial that they call it christianity even though no figure in the entire religion approves
>also the last 3 are all the same thing
This man lives in a country where dog blowjobs are legal.
and where do you live?
You're right, I try to spread the same idea actually.
"cultural christianity" is just atheism minus the fedoras
>christ values
>betterment of man
'scuse me op ive got to go beat my slave, stone my wife, sacrifice my virgin daughter, and fit one of every animal in the world on something made out of wood
I agree.
The fact that there is no God should forever remain hidden (from normies).
Religion is necessary for social cohesion and Christianity has been Europe's religion for the past millennium (longer actually).
Paganism would not work because multiple Gods will eventually lead to a divided population.
I agree with the waffle nigger
>christian values being vital to the betterment of man
then why is sweden better than mexico?
Personally I think a new religion is in order, but first the society needs to be reformed, the cluster fuck it is now, is guaranteed to fail.
Correct. I honestly don't believe in God, but I will always identify as Catholic. Religions are essential to keep a society in check. I know for experience about people who would be massive dumb criminal cunts if it weren't because they "found Jesus Christ". When Christianity was at the center of things Hispanics used to be way more decent. Same probably applies to other western populations.
Thats debatable.
Also don't spread this, everyone has to make these steps themselves, dragging them along could be worse than letting them stay in darkness.
Ignorance is bliss, after all.
>predicate society on hiding basic facts from the normies
it won't work, sooner or later they'll figure it out and it'll all come crashing down
Rare flag
>Yeah I don't believe Jesus rose from the dead or that he was the messiah or that God exists or that scripture is inspired, but everyone else should believe it
Just admit you're agnostic or atheist. You're so afraid of being labelled nihilistic or edgy you cling onto the nearest available moral system, despite not believing it has any objective basis.
Literally backwards.
This is retarded. I don't know where to start, but religion != ethical people. You should be a commonly decent person without having to refer to a book which is a few millennia old. I've found Stoicism to be the most morally guiding philosophy but that's just me.
I'm not new I have been on for like 2 months
no theyre not, stupid fucking leaf
Normies are too stupid to know the truth. It's simply too dangerous. Look what's happening now. Christianity is in decline and so is the birth rate.
Without religion, women will become degenerates, people will become tolerant and people will no longer be united.
agnostics are fence sitting cucks
Christianism will save the world once again from the muslim invasion which is to come.
Ah yes if only we all had Christian values that occelate between middle eastern barbarism and being the biggest cuck to ever live who goes out of their way to feed their enemies.
>You should be a commonly decent person without having to refer to a book which is a few millennia old
You say this because you were raised in a Catholic country with Catholic values.
If you were born in Cambodia you would be a different person.
Its true. All the fedora tipping atheist talking about their incredible intelligence, in majority are as stupid as the other liberals they identify with, perhaps even dumber.
Mind midgets need to be told whats right and wrong.
95% Western thought is either Christianity or post-Christianity
mind midgets think there is a right and wrong.
The only reason most people follow "morality" is because they fear the manmade consequences of being immoral. You can't accept this fact because it diminishes your masculinity so you pretend to make it look as if you submit to it willingly. Anyone will become a totalitarian dictator if you give them unlimited power.
People who brag about their intelligence and downplay others tend to be sheeple with two digit IQs.
>tfw agnostic
>You should be a commonly decent person without having to refer to a book which is a few millennia old.
That's the thing, most people can't do that.
Sup Forumsacks can, because we hate degeneracy, but normies need to be guided for that.
this coming from the nation that legalized betiality
Exactly, the reason i say most atheists are probably dumber than the average liberal, is because the liberal has strong beliefs in the good of individuality ( which in most cases seem to be negative to the society) but still they have those beliefs and they stick to them, while atheists are basically just going FUCK RELIGION FUCK CHRISTIANITY ITS THE SAME AS ISLAM and since right wing is closely connected to religion, their reason for liberalism comes first and foremost from their hate of the opposing party, which is silly to me.
People who say im agnostic and nothing else are the worst of the worst to be honest.
You can be agnostic and an atheist and agnostic and religious( though the way of thinking of this person would be incredibly unusual and even though they may believe in god, being agnostic could make their beliefs not as firm as straight up religious people).
nice shitpost
The last panel can be explained through Darwinism though.
People should look into Darwinism way more anyway, as it explains how different races have features (e.g. IQ).
Without Darwinism you can literally blame all the failings of the blacks on socio-economics.
*how different races have different features
I unironically fit the bill of what you described. I'm desperate man. Everything around me is falling apart and so am I in many ways due to sin eating me away. I don't need episteme to understand I need Christ as my Lord and Savior. Everything I know/was taught totally blows it out of the water as a jewish cult to subvert Rome. As Jordan Peterson explains, you don't have to understand the rules of a game or recite them to play it but you engage in it living in it. But I also cannot deny God having a personal intervention with me in ways that can be plausibly denied to anyone else but me. Sola fide. I wager that even if I go against every rational decision or carnal impulse to be together with my herd in eternity its worth it. Even if reincarnation is true or some other afterlife, I'll be with my humble volk. So yes I am a sheep.
>needing religion to fix your civilization
I think you're just too cowardly to take the leap of faith and accept that God exists and that we are all accountable in this life. Suit up 'cos God's gon' judge all y'all sinners.
In 2011 16% of your people were undeclared or non religious.
Its not about courage, its about simply not being able to.
Are you the same dumb Lithuanian that keeps posting in religious threads and continually gets BTFO? Or are all Lithuanian scum this edgy. Really stirs my walnut sauce...
>last three plate the same
Atheism is antireligion, if you don't believe me look at any post on Reddit by someone who claims to be enlightened
Sadly thats true, because atheism became a way for stupid people to jerk their ego off and pretend to be above others.
Im an atheist and not anti religion, anti extremism though, everything in moderation.
You're right, but one can't navigate through life with a simple value like "betterment of man", since it's a rationalization anyone can spin that value in any way they can just by thinking about it. The whole point of religion is to realize that there exists a set of objective truths and realize that they are in most ways above and beyond us. Therefore the only sensible thing is to find a natural place in a cosmological order (rationalism and materialism suggests that people can figure out anything and basically be anything. ie nothing is beyond man). This idea is then reflected structures of society, making them stable and coherent.
TL;DR we need transcendence in our lives, because whatever we can rationally apprehend we can rationally manipulate and therefore overcome. The religious impulse says that there are things we can't overcome due to our nature.
the only thing more annoying than a preachy evangelical christian hypocrite is a preachy evangelical atheist hypocrite.