Don't forget, this is a real headline

Don't forget, this is a real headline.

Other urls found in this thread:

lonk ?

They did in the 60s, but President Johnson ruined it.

They're called countries.

whites are an ethnic minority



it's a shitty ex-harry potter fanfiction blog

white people deserve safe spaces without coloureds


The sign should say colored only


and fucking keck at that

this tbhh

There are no gibs there for them though

found the safe space.

They already exist. They're called ghettos.

kek spbp

If only Huffington Post was a real news agency.

Same priciple should apply to white people then

>TFW you're not (((allowed))) to have one free form ethnic minorities

It would be an article from Canadas huff post. Lel.

>this is a real picture

This. They have their ghettos.

A lot of normies consider Huffington Post as a reliable source.

>Niggers now willingly segregate themselves
We've gone full circle

So we're going back to Jim Crow. Finally, an issue Sup Forums and democrats can agree on.

I agree. They need camps where they are concentrated into a central area

It was.

Canadians memes are becoming real.

Honestly I agree with the headline. Seperate the sjw cunts, niggers and shitskins from the normal white people is a good idea.

That's what ghettos are for rigth?

>all these people missing the point

It's fucking hilarious. Watch liberals defend this.

>oh but we're the good guys! We're doing apartheid the right way!

Lank you fag


Huffington is also a former cultist bitch

>TFW you're not (((allowed))) to have one free form ethnic minorities
>le 45%

very true

a fucking leaf

This unironically sounds like fashwave
They said synthwave was free of negroid influence.
Was I lied to?

No, they will still demand access to white spaces and to have leadership and high level roles there. They just want their own spaces where whites have no access.

They want to ahve their cake and eat it too, so to say.

Isn't this the plot of the second season of Stand Alone Complex?
Gohda wants to create tension between the rapefugees and the natives, then arm them to make them start killing people, and then sit back and watch as they establish an apartheid utopia within Japan's borders where only refugees are allowed.

Or something like that, it's been almost a decade since I watched it.

music has no race user
(except for rap)

>le black Beethoven

I'll be fine with that as soon as we get "whites only" places again.

I agree but that's not what the article wants. They want blacks to have their own spaces where no whites are allowed but the opposite, whites own spaces, is racist and awful.

The article talks about ethnic minorities so that will happen soon enough

Why do i read it like safe space without white males. I mean they are already raping woman here so seems like they like the woman.

What is huffposts endgame anyway? Their reallife fanfiction is bretty bad and it seems like they are on some drugs the whole time.

I'm not quite aware of all those genres distinctions, for me it's all house. But I was stunned when realized to my surprise that in NYC they name mtv-pop-shit like rhyanna that name, and if you want some good music, you should lurk for techno. So it's all techno for me. And negros definitely make some badass techno, there's no doubt about it, they do have ears, probably that's why they're not too smart, because ear-lobes take too much of their skull interiour, but then comes Thomas Sowell who is maybe even smarter than I am and that's really impressive, so I can't be sure about my racist view here other than whites can't dance, and russians usually can't even sing for fuck sake (but that could be some social issue)


Unbelievable... that's segregation. I can't believe Huffingtonpost is that racist towards minorities.

So, all of Africa? South America? When are they leaving?

I am an ethnic minority and we had a safe space from black people, it was called apartheid.

I agree with Huffpost.

I see nothing wrong with this. White people already have almost everything, why can't we have a small space where we can be in peace?

So do white people deserve safe spaces too?

>Don't forget, this is a real headline.
Maybe in your timeline.

I'd prefer a Cyberpunk dystopian future over 1984 or Brave New World dystopian future. Trump and his corporate friend might bring that.

In that case I deserve a "safe space" without non-whites.

You should thank the stars every single day that they didn't massacre you all, it would've been well deserved.

We have them. they're called Ghettos. and you're about 800000000000x more likely to be shot in one of them.

White people deserve safe countries without minorities.

Dude, are you Nazi?

You already have it, It's called Europe.

>taking huff post seriously

I recommend a prescription of "red pill". Take it twice a day.


Liberals will soon realize that people will naturally segregate themselves.

>real headline
>fake news source

leaf nails it.

Feel 'unsafe' or unsettled by the amount of white people in white countries? GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

They can have it,
when they leave white countries.

>implying I'll take that bait


That's a reasonable request senpai.
They should also have safe buses, safe toilets and safe water fountains.

White minority here. I would like a safe space, please.

Well, they have their own countries already

ya it's called "go back to your country"

there, no white people at all

see how that works?

if you want to know if something iike this is bat shit crazy with minorities.
Ask yourself. Would a white person who goes to their country be afforded the same privledge. If not.'s bat shit crazy.

Of course they want the white man to build and maintain these safe spaces, keep the lights on, water running, heat working, and roads paved. And let us not forget to give them free housing, medicine, internet, phones, school, food, and walking around money.

In short, they want the white man's world without the white man in it.

They would if they could, thats why we have better safe spaces now.


Question for Sup Forums:

If racism = prejudice + power

Does that mean that I, a white South African, is incapable of being a racist to black people?

No, retard. Whites are always racist.

You were just now describing africa

Finland was a tough one, I'll give you that. I had no colonialism to throw in your face. I had some good arguments lined up though.

The writers husband killed himself. Not even kidding.

How did none of you autists link this yet? Mfw phone post

I like this one better

There's whole continents of "safe" space in Africa and South America...

White people deserve safe spaces without minoritie too

They already have prisons. What else do they want?

Whites deserve a safe space without ethnic minorities too

I agree let's leave them alone.

We have those, they're called prisons.

i heard there is a lot of safe space back where the fuck they came from

They already have those. All throughout Africa, Asia, South America, and more!


Why contain it?

Why yes indeed.

Contain the minorities to safe spaces without whites. Pretty gud idea.


We are a minority worldwide
So we need ethnostates
Thanks huff po

The moment that bitch wrote she couldnt be impartial I stopped reading. Journalism is going to hell.

These are good posts

more cute animes pls

The best part about this shit is that it's read mostly by white people in largely white areas who can't get over the feeling of powerlessness that accompanies global capitalism. They are narcissisticly obsessed with the notion that EVERYTHING they do is somehow morally reprehensible and the only thing that offers them any escape is articles like this drivel.

it's called go back to your 3rd world safespace shitholes you shitskins

This is correct

'' people '' of color deserve fucking nothing

>Left now promoting segregation