All shills supporting neocon kike worshipping Trump will be disregarded as t_d newfags.
That is all.
All shills supporting neocon kike worshipping Trump will be disregarded as t_d newfags.
That is all.
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Fuck off newfag. I've been here since summer and Sup Forums has ALWAYS been pro-Trump. Any of my fellow centipedes care to back me up on this??
This shit is getting so old you can go cry about muh russia and muh pop vote somewhere else k fag / open your damn eyes and look at the stacks of evidence cause its looking like your muh russia story is falling apart day by day
sage this shit and move on
fuck off newfags. I've been here for only 5 minutes and I can confirm Sup Forums has always been a trump board since its inception
This is bait
Fuck off retard
Stop taking words as actions.
You're as bad as the fucking liberals now. Only when Trump actually acts on what he said, well then we will have a problem.
>thinks he can escape the kikes
>does nothing but whine on an imageboard
>Leftist shill A pretends to be extremely anti-Trump
Leftist shill B pretends to be extremely pro-Trump
Their main goal is to create the illusion of conflict between two groups of right-wingers, and promote disunity on our platform.
Remmeber that Trump isn't perfect, but he's not a total cuck either. These leftist shills would rather have some commie nigger in charge and flood the West with more niggers, so don't listen to their bullshit.
At the end of the day, all factions of right-wingers have a common enemy in these dirty reds.
Shill C pretends he knows who is or isn't a shill based on absolutelynothing
You can't honestly call yourself a Sup Forumsack and support Trump. He goes against everything Sup Forums stands for, especially with Assad. Sup Forums has always been pro-Assad and there is nothing you can do about it, faggot. We meme'd him precisely because he thought he wasn't a warmonger like Hillary, but we were wrong.
If you still support Trump after this, you're a blatant newfag straight from reddit.
I think you dropped this, bro:
>supporting globalism is now redpilled
Blatant newfag.
>words are actions
You people dont even try
The thing about shills is that their posts are always uncanny. If you look at them without thinking, their posts ALMOST look like something a normal person would post. But if you ask yourself if anyone would seriously post what you're looking at unironically, the shill thread is exposed instantly.
this board is pro happening and nothing else
nice jpg
how do I upvote?
Except you don't really support those views. You're a commie LARPing as a nationalist, and you're replying to other LARPing commies pretending to be neocons.
You keep demanding polorization, in that if we don't immediately abandon Trump and his movement - we must all be Zionist globalists, etc. The end goal is to create disunity, and reduce support for major right-wing movements.
You've never considered the notion that people with slightly different views can still support a major right-wing politician, because the majority of his views align with theirs.
Also, Trump has never officially declared military action against Assad, and he still supports US co-operation with Russia to attack ISIS. You're over-exaggerating his corcodile tears over dead Syrian niglets to mean "HURR DURR HE WANTS TO NUKE ALEPPO." It's literally just leftist opportunism. We've seen the increase in false-flag shitposting in the last few days, and we've screencapped the /leftypol/ threads, you can't ruse us.
I'm pretty sure last month you were calling Trump a traitor because he was "too friendly with Russia/Assad."
We aren't pro trump anymore you dumb fags
Holy shit the effort shills put into messing up with Sup Forums is so depressing.
I have nothing in common with Trump or the cucks who support him if they can't realize that the Syrian gas attack was a false flag. They're just more useful idiots beating the CIA war drum, and they're my enemy.
And youre still a fucking moron that thinks words equate to action
You are literally the equivalent of a liberal wanting to ban hate speech because you cant put the two aside
stopped reading right there
>Trump is right-wing
>I support Israel
>Ben Shapiro is based
>all these other goys are just communists trying to divide you
Fuck off Reddit
They're just pissing in an ocean of piss.
They'll either get jaded and leave, or read so many of our posts that they get redpilled and become one of us. Sup Forums has destroyed/devoured dozens of /leftypol/ raids in the past.
Don't forget to sage.
I never said any of those things. Step up your shillgame, /leftypol/.
>it's a "shills attempting to argue" thread.
Sup, /leftypol/.
Still larping as the eternal "former trump supporter" I see.
Somebody should pretend to be a /leftypol/ shill, and pretend to say really dumb shit and make it obvious that we're commies pushing an agenda.
Would be funny to see false-flagging shills shilling false-flagging shills shilling false-flagging shills.
Look around you, faggot. Every third thread is Sup Forumsacks disavowing their support for Trump or adopting a cautionary stance. Every post is a "If Trump goes to war in Syria, I'm never voting again." You think /leftypol/ organized this whole thing? It's genuine people beginning to wake up.
It doesn't matter anyways what you think. If I know this board, and I believe I do, you t_d kikes will become a minority, and fast. The people demand redpills, and Trump is getting more and more bluepilled by the second.
Obvious shills from leftypol
>every third post
Yeah, nah, you're just a LARPing faggot.
Also, tell me who benefits from shitting on Trump constantly? Trump's enemies are literally neoncon deepstate faggots like John McCain, leftist shill media, spics, Muslims, and commies like you and your fellow autists. It's not in the right's interest to attack istself right now. Trump's rise to power has bolstered the rise of nationalist movements in Europe, for example. Trump isn't perfect, but we are logical and we realize that it's better for him to stay in power right now.
You keep demanding that we abandon Trump, yet you offer no alternative. The reality is there ins't one. You're just a leftist trying to dismantle the right.