Crocodile tears?

Crocodile tears?

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Reminder: Terrorists have chemical weapons.

The sad part is that this shit works.

Boo Hoo
Go suck a moderate terrorist dick.

The fuck she looks like a clown now.

everything about that program needs to be destroyed

Whos that whore?


Which city/province are you from?

A leftist apologist on media

"these poor kids that got gassed instead of getting an arm or leg blown off with dozens of shrapnells penetrating their bodies and having to lay down in complete agony until they bleed completely out like we prefer to do it" these fucking hypocrites. anyone condemning that gas attack but doesnt mind all the drone strikes and bombings we do that kill countless civillians should shoot himself for being such a fucking hypocrite. gas attacks are awfull, wether assad ordered them or were a false flag, but what the west does in the neighboring countries is just as bad, and is done far more regulary

Is it time to start caring about human lives again? Obama has been out of office for a while now. Remind me when we start to care about getting spied on too.

>get involved
>be told in 2 years time 'the reason they hate us is because the West keeps getting involved in their conflicts, so we have a duty to take them in'

If leftists care that much then they can fuck off over there themselves and 'help out'.

A coalition bombing in Iraq/Syria a week or two ago that killed 100+ civilians virtually got zero press, it's fucked up.

Journalists of mainstream media should be the first to die on the day of the rope.

ALWAYS kill a traitor before an enemy.

see, im more into politics than the average guy, but didnt even hear of that. people seriously need to start thinking for themselves and form their own oppinions

I don't know why the average person feels it's ok for reports like this to happen without proper sources. It's not even apparent to me that the Assad regime was involved, but we're constantly told they were without proof

Did she cry over the London car jihad? Did they show this photo on the project, do only dead Muslims get air time, not their victims?

Did she cry over the Bataclan?

Too bad they only got a screencap; a video would be fucking hilarious. Oh well, bandwidth in australia is an issue, I understand.

kek will reveal the answer in time

She wasn't allowed to. Waleed had to remind us of how peaceful Islam is.

Did she cry over Nice?
Was this shown on the Project?

because they trust the media. they didnt realize yet that they have an agenda. they just think "why would they lie about that? they dont have any interest in supporting certain politics so they surely tell the truth" not knowing how tightly intervened it all is. redpilling people on the media might be the most important thing to do as this opens the gate for other narratives to enter the minds, which they then have to filter, check, look up and form an oppinion of it based of sources from all kinds, instead of just beleaving the narrative of that on source.

Did she cry over Mosul?
here you go famalam

Did she cry over Berlin?

It's a shame these presenters don't cry when they see their own people being massacred in their homelands.

The most blatant and pathetic kind.

Nice to see Sunni terrorist apologist Waleed helping her along.

I especially liked when she subtly challenged Trump's manhood and wants him to "do something" (explode brown children I assume).

I wonder if she cried when she watched the video of the White Helmet fellas slowly beheading that 12 year old boy?

we're really going to war this time aren't we

I just turn off the T.V when cancer comes on I guess I don't watch a lot of T.V then.

no one cries over this shit unless it affects them. shes a fucking actor. im sick of fucking actors.

>war is terrible (boo hoo)
>let's start one

Fuck every person who falls for this shit.

>crying over bad propaganda

>Going to war with a secular government to install a radical shariah state

What a time to be alive.

Australian leftist news panel host.

Their show wins many awards and is retained in a prime time slot - Despite being grossly unprofitable and a ratings disaster. Every moment like this is repackaged and reprinted in the major news media repeatedly.

It's almost like it exists simply to promote certain political views.

The co-host is a Sunni Muslim who is seen as a great example of progressive, hip, left loving Islam. His wife of course must wear a half-sack and he has given speeches on the need to abolish free speech and wrote an article about the Boston Bombing in which he literally used the "pls be white pls be white pls be white" meme.

Why do you think it's called "The Project"?
Really makes you think...

And the name "The project"

It got minimal press in the far left.

The Project and friends didn't get around to covering it. They had more important things to discuss, like Married At First Sight.

I wonder if The Project (and Q and A) addressed the fact that a famous Muslim feminist speaker had to cancel her appearance on Q and A this week because of death threats from our Islamic community, and that we have now got a Sheikh in hiding and under police protection because he said it might be necessary to close down schools that teach violent jihad against the west.

>Australian leftist news panel host.

apparently she cries a lot. here she is crying because people donated or something, and her husband died of brain cancer, which I suppose he got from having to deal with her.

No. That would be tasteless user.

Just like they can show the dead kid on the beach or the kid with some dust on him or dead kids in Al Qaeda warehouses, but not one of them would even report on the children beheaded by the rebels...let alone play the video.

more brain cancer tears.

she's just emotional, guys.

The show has been around for about 8 years, and she has cried less than 10 times. Probably about 6 times in a 8 year span, half of which about her dead husband from brain cancer.

It was especially satisfying seeing Waleed Aly get trounced by Christopher Hitchens.

Trying to get him to repeatedly denounce the homophobic passages in the Koran and all Aly could do was stare at his shoes.

I also enjoy Gavin McInnes abusing him from time to time.

>over emotional woman cries while adding her tea tray shallow understanding of the issue at hand
Nothing to see here, the project has always been leftist garbage for turbo-normies

What I don't understand is why everyone is once again assuming that Assad is responsible for this when this exact same thing happened before and a UN investigation found that it was the rebels who used the chemical weapons.

Why do these faggots have such sort memories?

and i thought germany is fucked when it comes to propaganda

Disgusting bitch.

Yes. Every time a woman cries on television over some event that has nothing to do with her its emotional manipulation.

Fuck television. It's obviously all scripted, even the so called news outlets.

It's terrible here. Either it's a PC cuckfest (like in this thread), or it's a shameless shill for big business and the banking elite.

Lügenpresse is everywhere in the West, we are no different to an EU country.

75% of all media holdings in Australia are owned by pic related.

A large chunk of the remaining 25% are managed by (literal) marxist government employees.

We're past the stage that America is currently in - Literally no one here takes the news seriously.

Some just cry because their women.

This woman is a terrible actress though. That's the main problem. Even Waleed Jihadi looks uncomfortable.

Watching a pile of dead kids without emotions is what's fucked. That war has been going on for 6 years. Pic related is how MILLIONS of refugees live in tents in Turkey and Jordan.

Yet they let it totally influence their opinions anyway.


Isn't this the woman that still showered with her son when he was six?

Why would he put leftist shows on his channel like the project?

And yes. Bitch is a fucking lunatic

He doesn't own Ten



The fact news outlets would publish this, and people would believe and fall for it, really lessens my faith in humanity.

Turkey fucking despises Syria.

The United States should do nothing and let he rest of the world deal with this shit. Fuck Syria and fuck this stupid crying baby.

Agreed. Let each country fix their own shit.

>autopsy confirms who realeased the gas

Turk medical expertise is clearly eons ahead of other european nations, well done

If Erdogan tries to pull any shit I swear to God...

>be ten times bigger than the next big guy
>demand that a bunch of midgets solve the biggest problem effecting everybody

Are you even a real American?

>3 million 'refugees' in Turkey alone
>assume 2/3 are women/children/elderly
>leaving 1 million men capable of fighting
>active Syrian military personnel = less then 180,000
>estimated number of ISIS fighters = less than 32,000
"Refugees" are cowards who would rather have their families live in tents in the mud than fight for a better future.

You can't cry unless it's sandniggers getting BTFO.

If you cry for dead white people you're an evil racist, literally Hitler.

How can the rest of Europe even compete?

>assume 2/3 are women/children/elderly
It's much more than that.
>"Refugees" are cowards
The women and children are not cowards. Men need training and organization and hope that they can win, they can't just "fight" on their own under relentless conventional and chemical bombardment without any tools to defend themselves.

>Children die, boo-hoo
>Shitskins are forced to live in dirt
>They flee the war in hopes of better future!

When Germans invaded USSR there were no refugee camps. People took weapons in their hands and stood against enemie's oppression. The ones who didn't die on the front, were working on factories to produce ammo, tanks etc. There are numerous stories of children heroes, which include not only showcase of honor and bravery, but also self-sacrifice (Zinaida Portnova as example).

If Syrian men showed honor, joined Assad or russian/usa armies to stand their ground with weapons in their hands, perhaps you could accept women fleeing from Syria until the war was over. But MILLIONS of men fleeing their country, leaving women and children behind?! And you wan me to feel sorry for them, you, hungarian cuck? Fuck you. Die in muck, you brainless moralist.

false flag, btw.

>ISIS child militants murder people on video for years
>"who cares, goy?"
>ISIS conducts false flag and murders kids with gas
>"OH MY GOD A BLOOBLOOBLOOO SO SAD VERY TEARS, start murdering syrian children from the air with robots immediately. also start WW3. just kill everyone now."

>user finds out people look for their own interests

Good job germany
And now the next step : countries work the same way, so if your country is in favor of overthrowing Assad that means it's getting something out of it.
So why would you undermine all of this just for the sake of the "truth" when you're literally going against your personal interests ?

Trump understood that.

>Muh refugees

Oh fuck, a white woman is crying. Better give fucking ISIS free entry, a nice home and centerlink.

I wonder if she will still be a milf when she is wearing a burka, either by choice or after Waleed threatens to throw acid on her face.

>>Shitskins are forced to live in dirt
For years, and they live on 45 cents a day.

> People took weapons in their hands and stood against enemie's oppression.
What kind of weapons can they take to stop death from the sky you evil Russian twat? Go fuck yourself.

>tfw Turkish medicine is so advanced that they can know who released a gas attack


why do retards think that the solution to war is to have one?

"oh no, these people *might* kill some people, so let's kill 1,000 times as many people and destroy a country or two in the process. that will certainly stop those people from maybe killing someone."

Said it before and I'll say it again, the US should have happened here. As an island, you *can* control immigration without issue, likewise cartels etc. Would have been a beautiful thing. Also that piece of pig fucking shit next to her is exactly where we need him to be. With all the other lefty scumbags, concentrated in one piece of trash show I can easily avoid with the rest of thinking Australia

>there were no refugees in WWII
That's an absolute load of bullshit, there where millions of displaced people because of the war.

I still don't like dunecoon and nigger "refugees" in europe tho, and like half of the refugees that come to Europe don't even come from warzones, they just outright lie to get gibs.

Yellow Cake Uranium.

Do they still let Steve Price on?

Jesus Christ, i thought Australians were based

People don't "care" about anything anymore. They'll just follow the opinions of the trendiest people.

Yeah, but he 'changed' after being on that jungle show. He's not a grumpy conservative anymore, he just follows (((the narrative))) these days.

They can't. How they can compete with this level of intelligence?

She's fucking NOTHING

I'm not sure why at this point, anyone is even giving a shit anymore. That war has been going on for years, we have seen those pictures countless times. It never changed fucking anything and it won't change anything this time either.

Pfft we handed our weapons over like spineless faggots after one mass shooting off the mainland. Fuckin cucked. We totally require a Trump/Le Pen

We don't need a Trump or Le Pen. We need something bigger. We need a fucking Oliver Cromwell.

Literally the most east continent

Which "Death from the sky", idiot? Only allies have air forces. ISIS is not in possesion of any.

Regular weapons, however, can be obtain by, oh, I don't know, kindly asking west for a place within it's military formations? Keeping this chimps under comand, disciplin them and send to battle.

>Reuters quoted "jihadist ideologues" as claiming that ISIL has 40,000 fighters and 60,000 supporters, while a Kurdish leader estimated in November 2014 that ISIL's military had 200,000 fighters.

Compare this to TWO MILLION refugees in Germany, where 75% are male, 3 million in Turkey and you have yourself considerable force to deal with.

They have no reason to escape.
Cowardice is the biggest sin.

Because he's a globalist. Not on the "right" or the "left".

Also The Project isn't on his channel.

He does own "leftist" outlets like and Vice of course.

Holy shit can you imagine

"Western" culture and society is what I meant, and we're basically an outpost for it.


Gore and dead people usually don't phase me. I've seen all of the major gore videos. 1 lunatic 1 ice pick, Mexican chainsaw massacre, etc.

For some reason though children and babies being gassed affected me. I'm not sure why... maybe because I have a baby niece now.

Either way it ain't right.

The whole point is to get the u.s. to invade them. This same thing has been done dozens of times. Jews get the goyim to invade the middle east install puppet goverments. The public fall for it every fucking time.

But a monarchist.

Erdogan merely wants to protect his people in Syria.

And Germany.

And Holland.

And France.

And Britain.


By "millions of people" you mean jewish refugees and polish in Iran? Give me an example of Russian mass displacement due to fleeing to other country in order to escape war zone.

Has she been stuffing her face with blueberry pie to ease the agonies of suffering by proxy?