Right Wing Germany

How right wing is Germany these days?

Are there still actual Nazis there?

Are there Nazis in the sense that they want to kill Muslims like they did to the Jude?

Or are they cucked as the media makes them out to be?

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Can you guys really get arrested for watching Hitler videos on jewtube?

>Actual nazis there
Certainly in the villages and often in biker gangs.

>Are they nazis in the sence of wanting to kill muzzie and jews


Nazis in germany are fucking furious, You should know that anger aswell Nige we all do i think.

just dumb thugs who dont know shit about politics and chanting dumb paroles while fighting with the antifa which is basicly the same.

>gegen jede Art von Radikalismus
the irony, they are saying they are against every kind of radicalism but are radical at the same time.

no they are also shown in TV and in schools for educational purposes.

Thse are both sides of the same coin Its like the (((EDL))) or even the old national front in england stomp around and bark and punch and make a lot of noise and accomplish nothing and have zero political power

for guilt tripping.

(((Educational puposes)))

Hang yourself, Hans

no after ww2 schools were no longer allowed to tell politcal views to students. Kids get told what we did but are free to make their own opinion.

kek i guess they know more than you since they actually care if the country gets invaded by shitskins unlike bots like yourself...kek.
Go and suck Ahmed ya cuck nigger faggot.

Dunno where you went to school but i know people from NRWF and the north and those schools guilttrip.

> Kids get told waht we did but are free to make their own opinion
Nice school you got there. Mine was different, though - especially in politics. One of our female teachers kept claiming how perfect our current political system is (and how business-lobbyism is important for democracy for some reason?) - if you dared criticize the state or one of its institutions in any way, she would get really angry over it. History was similar - we covered the "third reich"-topic at least in 3 different school years - every time the teachers would go on about how we are all responsible for what some other Germans did in the past etc. - sure, you were "free to make your own opinion", but only if you were able to withstand the political and ideological positions that teachers are supposed to imprint on their students. I only had one good teacher in politics who - when discussing political topics - didn't try to influence our opinion, and actually told us that what he was doing at times (not praising and even criticizing EU, UN and German State decisions) would easily get him fired if people in the 'Kultusministerium' found out about it, so he asked us not tell anyone. You could have whatever opinion you liked in his class; only when it came to exams was when he couldn't accept every opinion - since others could see those opinions as well, and officially accepting "unpopular opinions" of some students might have led to him being fired as well.

I'm sure they are taught its bad and they should feel bad about it

there's plenty of children and grandchildren of actual nazis who hold the same/similar views as their parents/grandparents but they usually keep low profiles.


It's definitely not just ''heres a part of history'' it's probably about how evil German people are, and how they should feel bad and allow someone brown/black to rape and behead them

What about all the Muslim kids in these schools? I wonder if they are taught to about the lolocaust and to feel bad about it

.... Really makes you think

>one of our female teachers kept claiming how perfect our current political system is

>very time the teachers would go on about how we are all responsible for what some other Germans did in the past

Same in my school but we got time to talk about it in discussing rounds were we talked about the backrounds and got asked if we think it is fair that we get still responsible for things we did 70 years ago. We could say yes or no.

we also visited the KZ Buchenwald course we got told we did something wrong but how I already told

That sounds aweful. I got taught history with zero bias. We learnt from both axis and allied perspectives in the world wars. Germany sounds pretty scary to live in if you have children. Good luck with changing your cult government.

Did you go to a private or public school? I went to a private school and was taught both sides of ww1 but when it came to ww2, i was given the 6 gorillion treatment

No. But a lot of rational docus or even pro german docus are blocked.

You see some of the very recent ww2 documentaries? It's basically just Hitler was an idiot and failed at everything besides gassing jews. Teaches them that Germans were retarded. They have changed so many historical facts over the years to make the nazi's look completely incompetent. They don't just try and focus on the battles they lost either, they basically just make shit up. All the new documentaries completely contradict each other considering they're just making stuff up.

I'm sure if the Muslims watched something like Schindlers List they would cream themselves though.

It's illegal to not suck brown cock in Germany.

The only muslim kids in schools worth shit are extremly western and dont really care anyways.
In the shitty schools they dont really "teach" its more like preventing brawls and drug trading.

Watch it cunt, being an evil nazi in the new, tolerant germany is a great way to get shipped off for re-education

Dude, no rocketlaunchers in the glass house please

Public school

>Right Wing
Next thread. OP is an obvious baiting plebbitor who can't even be bothered to type a full paragraph without using cuck spacing.

Either you are Somali or a really really retarded Swede.

We need to stop with the mutual shitslinging and help each other. bitching on a austrian egg painter board wont help our lands.

it's like having a fierce competition with our swedish allies, let's call it "race to the cock" shall we ?

I just seen a pegida rally with Tommy Robinson speaking, the crowd sounded pretty fucking hard mate.


Come on..

The crow IS hard, its a lot of football hooligans and general german pub brawler types.
That also means they are dumb as shit most likely and dont hold a job.
two sides of the coin bre.

I wish we had that "OOH, OOH, OOH" chant, that stuff would get the adrenaline going and scare the muzzies off

Yeah honestly that sounds hot as fuck

Daily reminder that Nazism is actually a left-wing ideology.

The Frankfurt School, which pushed left wing Cultural Marxism, didn't want to be associated with the NAZIs. They recognized that if Socialists, Communists, and NAZIs all occupied the left side of the spectrum, then that was detrimental to their image. So they created a bullshit "rectangular" political compass, to put distance between themselves and fascists and NAZIs.

In reality, the classic political compass has only two sides. On the left, top down authoritarianism. On the right, anarchy. The more government control, the more left wing the ideology is. The more individual liberty, the more right wing it is. Nazism, fascism, communism, socialist, monarchy, etc, etc, are all left wing.

What and learn: youtube.com/watch?v=JdS6fyUIklI