Israeli teen who made threats on Jewish institutions in the USA made millions online, nobody knows for which services since he was paid for virtually:
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This is being slid hard
>he was paid for virtually
did he get erp boipucci?
>erp boipucci?
Why does every German poster diverts the topic to homosex?
You haven't watch german fetish porn, haven't you?
Who could be behind this?
Who could have paid him millions of dollars to false flag "attack" Jewish groups to blame on Trump?
i thought that was supposed to be scat, make up your own fucking mind
>implying thag eating the poopoo isn't something that every homo does
Oy vey.
I wonder if Ben Shapiro is going to talk about this on his little podcast.
who do you think was behind this? Who benefits from faked hate crimes?
Is anyone else feeling really, really sleepy?
Surprisingly enough Benji covered the story the day it broke, although I doubt hell follow up now
>millions of shekels
ftfy Schlomo
We should remember that this person is a Jew, he has no moral scruples attacking his own for shekels. It is possible he was paid by (((someone))) to do this as a mercenary, independent of his Jewish identity.
Mystery. Israeli OP might know more. What's the rumours in Israel OP?
I mean you are degenerates, from homo to scat, you are degenerate anyways when it's about porn you psychos, same with japanese.
Hard work = Weird Fetishes.
That's why I'm vanilla sex is Siestaland.
Who has enough money to pay someone millions to make fabricate hate crimes?
Tens of thousands I can understand, but millions for hate crimes?
It is impossible to profit from those fabrications if the cost is so high.
So the jews got jew'd? Color me surprised
Hitler bump
Bump bump bump
Since it's a hate crime and he has millions in the bank, how soon is he gonna be sued by American Jews?
Wow why did this post slideto he bottom
>Tfw walk into Sup Forums and its all slide breads.
Mossad or the CIA
I only care virtually.
>JCC bomb hoaxer made millions selling forged docs online — report
>After finding his bitcoin account, investigators believe Israeli-American teen sold counterfeit IDs on dark net for cryptocurrency
A cover up?
Sup Forums held a fundraiser for him since he was "one of the good ones"
Whatcha doin' mossad?
goyim made him do it
Reminder that horse fuckers kept the shills away on /mlpol/.
Mossad shekels no doubt
George Soros payed him in Bit-Shekels.
The money was real in his mind.
Give me a quick rundown on what's going on, never heard of this story.
B-but his lawyer said that he was just a mentally ill young man
That little kike is going to end up costing you Jews a lot.
They were the shills you utter mongrel.