Italy will reclaim its land

Italy will reclaim its land

Why haven't you?

Why haven't you?


They'd have to reclaim their own land first, and you know what they say, Italians are lazy

good luck niggerfaggots

Italy and the Roman empire are two different entities.

Is it a coincidence that all those places are complete shitholes now?

>posts Roman empire

wew lad

Your land? No, it's ours.

Rome = Ancient great empire
Italy = Young shitty nation

just stars with taking back italy from boatniggers and mobs


I don't mind eating lasagna every day.

T. Spen


But you can fight Middle East all you want.

Notice that you didn't have Scotland there, pal.

Your "empire" was no match for strong Scottish men.

This is the land of Romans. you lombard/visigoth/hunic rape babies can BTFO

pls do, then help us establish north sea empire desu

>Not Latium
Get out Karling scum.

Is there a donald trump for italy?

Berlusconi but he's out of office now. Had one too many teens at his sex parties that then went on to work at his TV stations or was it the other way around?

Can't reclaim France :^)

I think who that map excludes is even more important than who it includes at this point.

The Romans nearly genocided the entire population, they just couldn't maintain a presence there due to logistics.

Well that's annoying. Any one good to take his place?

G-g-guys I found this secret factory of italians superweapons!

What are they planning to do with them?


why haven't you?

make you fat
oh wait...

You don't reclaim your land by rescuing drowning African invaders from the Mediterranean.

Says the guy whose military is weakest

Pretty sure you guys already tried that during ww2

finland is swedish clay
sweden = roman empire


>Roman Empire
Kek. Pick one, faggot.

filthy animal!


Will that be before or after your 3 hours afternoon nap? I get it pasta makes you sleepy.

>sweden = roman empire

We will take it back


Lol. You're having trouble staying in the E.U.

Much less being able to run anything else.

Leave North Africa out of it, it's not the fertile farming land it used to be.

Better version or nothing, that would be a muslim state you know

roman empire =/= italy
roman empire=romania
it's in the fucking name.

Don't forget to run away to Turkey when it comes to fighting. Oh, and you had better start blaming cold weather and lack of ligistics.

Are you implying that Italians are related to Romans lol


best version coming through

calm down Börje. Finland will conquer Sweden after its muslim collapse. Hope you are still alive when it happens so we can re-educate you out of multiculturalism.

Shut it you noodle slurping tongue clicker.

What does that have to do with the Roman Empire tho

the austro-hungarian monarchy will become a thing before you reclaim jack shit.

We will retake the Umayyad Caliphate first at this rate

We used to be imperialists an shit

you go girlfriend

mmm hmmm

wtf are those lands on the left
answer plz

you can't reclaim your lands if you are catholic, dipshit. return to the true gods first

Even some of your cities are no longer Swedish clay

The first roman emperor with somali heritage

They arent the same as ancient romans

They are germanic or have germanic mixed

Roman empire utsilzes slavery. we should do that to illegal immigrants from islam

Before calling anyone an animal, stop the animals that are currently fucking your women.

Canada will reclaim its land

You couldn't even beat the Austrians in twelve battles, or niggers.

Roman empire-Holy roman Empire-Russian empire Finland-Sweden ofcourse

If you remove nationalism meme and pick a different desert religion as the state religion(hint:islam) you have our support.

Greenland, Iceland

Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island (USA)

Unsure of the bottom one.


too many leaves