Damn Sup Forums... huffington post isn't messing around anymore...
Damn Sup Forums... huffington post isn't messing around anymore
>by Poorna Bell
stop any time proxy faggot
that would be doing us a favor
we'll go colonize the space without any shitskins holding us back, then come back to Earth in few thousand years to find subhumans like Mrs. Poo in her name here have all gone extinct
And nuke Earth from orbit? Yes please!
intergalactic lebenstraum
I don't want to go to space
fucking sign me and get me away from all of these degenerates
Finally something I can agree with
Considering white people* are the only ones capable of sending someone into space, I doubt it.
*honorary mentioning of the Chinese because I think they had a single guy they shot into space
>united kingdom
Please do it. I want the freedom of space.
>be white
>leave the planet
>establish new civilization
>come back to earth in 500 years
>tfw Europe looks like Tahiti
Please God let this happen, we want off this crap planet. Tired of holding it up, lets leave and let the niggers rape this cunt
Don't worry, the author clearly said white people.
Link or fuck off
Link that shit you retard, or better archive it
Life on a new planet with way less people to compete with for a job and likely higher paid labor and lower cost of living and goods due to the lower populace? NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!
>800 million white people leave earth
>establish great new planet
>earth eventually crashes due to overpopulation
>poor refugees arrive in space ships
>soccer moms and commies feel bad and take them in
>crash the new planet with overpopulation
>poorna Bell
Nice poomunity huffpost has.
Loving this new "opinion" get out clause the media use nowadays. Let me try.
t. merely an opinion piece, Sup Forums is a board of peace
>send all white people to space
>we start colonizing mars
>meanwhile dindus ruin earth
>mars becomes nicer than earth
>receive message from earth
>"yo whitey mars is racis an shiet you gotta help us out fuckin white people"
Go to sleep
>>be white
>>leave the planet
>>establish new civilization
>constant radio transmissions from earth, calling you a racist and demanding that you should down some gibs to Earth
>it never ends
>What is mars?
Tahiti looks comfy pham. Would go for vacations
>implying we wouldn't go to our best length to instil great fear of other races, using wewuz and dindunuffins as examples of great evil
That argument never even enters their mind. They love overcrowded places because it means that there are enough scraps falling off the table for them to get by without ever putting any work into it.
Imagine if we all left and started a new civilisation. Earth would turn into a shit hole.
How would the degenerates on earth manage to escape in the first place?
I say we start with leftists and (((whites)))
>the entire globe is like Haiti
>population has fallen to 30 million because brown people have returned to living like animals
Majority of people working at the huffington post are white.
>the meek shall inherit the earth
Miss Poo will get her wish.
Poorna Loorna
The chinese or Jpas would have killed them all by then
>white people leave earth
>chinks take over
>help us whitey
>leave planet
>go to the asteroid belt
>nudge them each just a little
swear on me mum that heavy-bombardment i ain't got no nothing to do withit
post archive sauce faget
Yes please, i would love to be as far away from niggers as possible
White space empire when?
fuck blacks, spics, and shitskins
only east asian, native american, and white can win
Fake news
Believable, but fake nonetheless
45 replies and not a single link. Fuck you Sup Forums
> implying space Nazis
Oh yeah, nignog safari! Just like motherfucking Predator movies
Confirmed they are pushing immigration every where so when white flight happens the only choice for whites is to colonize space so they have more places to ruin when we finish building it.
They've done this everywhere. White people build it, non whites show up and fuck it all up
>indians out of nowhere
Why ?
Also, are you seriously putting chinks and gooks in the same bag as the nips ?
You zainichi filth, lad ?
Indian women(especially westernized) are passive aggressive whores.
What happens when white people make an interstellar space empire and everyone has a free toilet that gently mists your butthole after you're done pooping? Do all the poopskins come in and then get pissy at us again?
>I say we take off and nukes the site from orbit
>it's the only way to be sure
Honestly, being sent to space to establish a white only colony in space sounds alot of fun.
>white people preparing for colonization of space
>still care about the prosperity of Mother Earth because it's our honest planet
>want all white people in space though
>Keep he has japs here as earths watchdogs, allowing them to use all methods of violence they need to suppress the shitskin menace
Imagine what the Japs would do to the nogs if we gave them free reign
We already sent white people to space though.
A few times. Some Poo's too.
Meanwhile, in India...
Fake. This doesn't exist.
Agreed. White people should ascend and leave the shitskins to rot.
Anyone have the pic of all the (((huffpost))) fake news titles?
i have some c haplogroup dna
also r dna shared between euros and native americans
koreans, mongols, and japanese are basically the same
the difference is an infusion of c/d haplogroup also polynesians are ok, look at the peaceful societies compared to the chaos ones
(chaos ones are chimps, chinks, shitskins, etc.,) we are in the same boat
so fuck huffington newspaper
Checked and true. Japs and chinks have far less tolerance for niggers than western countries do.
Same way we get them from point a-b now - Traffickers.
Good job seanigger. He knew he was going to receive that answer from someone since Sup Forums is so fucking predictable. (You) gave him a (You) just like I give (You)(You)
When will white people realize Asian males are your greatest ally?
>almost certainly aliens, insanely smart
>very beta and obedient to white men and the white agenda
>their women are attractive and not brown
>the degenerate ones kill themselves for you
>leave for space
>Europe turns into squids
Forgot image
There's no blacks in Tahiti lad
>tfw 100 light years away from the nearest nigger
>Majority of people working at the huffington post are white.
So (((white))) they earn a gold star.
Shit,this is the playbook straight of the Howard Stern Show.
You guys will keep reading Not because you like and agree with it, but because you want to see what they will say next.
Wtf I love japan now
Stop posting fake news, OP. Don't be a faggot. Wait. Too late. OP is a faggot.
>Need to send white people into space
>Need white people to develop the ability to send white people into space
Man they are fucked.
there's nothing in ireland
im in
How about we send darkies to hell instead?
Actually it would be a great deal if white people get the space and the rest stays on earth.
We could colonize many planets. Mars as a starter Ganymed Venus the Moon. In a few centuries we would be god tier compared to the niggers left on earth.
Abandon Terra?
No! It isn't the seat of out Imperium, waiting to be unified and fly the banner of the Equila!
Hail the Emperor
We all can agree on that.
it's an opinion piece not news you stupid hick
Oh, mixed up with Haiti
And? The difference is stern knows that he's an unfunny dirtwad. Huff post wants to be seen as a reputable news site and is in a constant state of fucking that up.
Sign me the fuck up but only if the tech for artificial gravity is there. Some of you a anons might think living I space would be cool, even if your floating around the whole time. I for one will stick to Earth because I think that sounds terribly uncomfortable
If whites left the world would turn into a dump. Look at all the non white third world countries. I all whites need to go somewhere and not let anyone in and just watch the rest of the world turn to craps. kek
"Immigration" would just start all over again -- Earth would be such a shithole all the non-whites would demand to move to space and live with us. Then they'd destroy it, shitting and pissing everywhere, while simultaneously calling us racist for every perceived slight.
You cannot win. You cannot fucking win.
White's greatest weakness is empathy. Some rich trophy wife would watch a sob story about muh poor impoverished earthlings on space cable and start a charity to get them spaceships. In 50 years mars would turn into neo-mogadishu
I can't find this article and it's not on her author page.
I support this idea, it will redpill the fuck out of normies when they see what shit earth turns into, we colonize space and pull of a real eugenics program while earthlings deconstruct western civilization, patriarchy and most important of all :
>their genetic POOl
Not if we run a technocratic dictatorship. Not to mention space would be a harsh lifestyle. There would legitimately be no room for gibmedats with no useful skills.
For anyone interested, her husband killed himself. I mean I can see why, being married to this bitch. Still, could be a fun reminder to send her.
fuck you europe
This is my dream. Humanity can remove kebab and then explore space in peace for the next ten thousand years.
Spics v africoons v ragheads v gooks
We could livestream the slaughter on white people space cable.
Imagine the fucking wars if whites left.
India v pakistan would become ground zero.
Blacks v muslims would be never ending
Spic power struggle for white American land
China v japan and s korea
N korea going all out and killing anyone and anything on their hellbent child tamtrum
Itd be fucked. Japs would surely come out on top
fuck you Pakistan