Do we have any jewish conspiracy theories behind the destruction of Assad and Syria?


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da holoHOAX!!!



It's not really's a fact. Zionists hate hate hate Assad.
The only reason why war even started is because of them,


fuck off shill


It's actually a sad fact the holocaust was a fraud,most of us would have lived off better without kikes in our lives


Assad is openly anti-Zionist and speaks out on the danger Zionism poses. Deeper than that with companies like Genie Energy and how Israel wants to take Syria's natural gas and other issues like Hesbollah complicate it more. But simply he is opposed to Zionism and stands proudly against it

petrodollar and greater israel


Lol let's look at some actual sources... and, wow! look at that, your argument is fucking obliterated.
Congrats lol

Most of us would live better without Greeks in our lives

This is typical neocon bullshit

Honestly you would have to be 5 years old or younger to fall for this shit again

>Iraq 2003
>Libya 2011
>Syria 2013

They're pulling the exact same shit And the braindead normalfags lap it up

I know that you are on a good pay from Sharia blue to be a good cuck so I won't ruin your party

it's simple, they want to expand israel

Welp Trump is one of (((them))) now

His current neocon rhetoric could be straight out of Shillary's mouth

>I like to make claims without using sources!
>Look at me, an intellectual Im so smart look at me XDDDDDD I cant prove anything except 'THEY TOOK THE WARNING SMELLS OUT OF BUG SPRAY AND NOW ETS DANGURUS!"

such a disappointment. I've invested too much thought into this election, i will never trust or support any politician ever again




america starts war with russia. europe gets dragged in white men killing white men while kikes shove 3rd worlders in behind our backs
this is how they genocide us

>some bullshit sites without any rep
maybe you should post something from wordpress, eh?

all you achieve is bump this thread you fucking shill neck yourself

Yinon plan. Just Google it.



>In the 1978 official bulletin, entitled "False Propaganda", the ICRC denounced Holocaust denial and confirmed that the agency "Never published—or even compiled—statistics of this kind which are being falsely attributed to it" and stated that its mission was "to help war victims, not to count them", and questioned how they would have even been able to obtain such statistics had they wanted to, given that they were "only able to enter only a few concentration the final days of the war".

>The agency states that the figures used are rather "the number of deaths recorded by the International Tracing Service (ITS) on the basis of documents found when the camps were closed", and accordingly bear no relation to the total death tolls, since the Nazis destroyed much documentation, and that many deaths occurred in camps where prisoners were generally not registered. The ICRC considers this misrepresentation as propaganda, and because these claims regarding the ICRC were used for the defense of Ernst Zündel at his trial in 1985, critics state that despite the agency's attempts to demonstrate the truth, Holocaust deniers have continued to rely on disinformation pinned on the ICRC for the subsequent three decades.

>In 1979, the ICRC stated a second time that they have "never tried to compile statistics on the victims of the war", nor "certified the accuracy of the statistics produced by a third party", and state that the authors of such material have falsified both claims that the document originates from the ICRC.

Lol let's look at some actual sources... and, wow! look at that, your argument is fucking obliterated.

you provided literally nothing to debunk my source yet so far, so fantastic job in your spam. Also, nice job derailing the thread lol this had nothing to do with ww2 until you, the benovine sharejew came here to derail it

It'd be nice if you actually provided a link for your bullshit, but yet it's just more 'XDDDD RONG BECUZ I SAH SUGH"

Do you know what a refutation is? Aparently you don't lol because none of your pictures actually provide counter evidence

>'the board of deputies of british jews
lol there you go, looks like your sources are shit after all lmao

Their motivation is simple,primordial and to the point

>kill them before they kill us.


Kalergi plan

what do you mean one of them now, it was obvious he was in bed with them from the beginning. god you americans are fucking idiots

What in the literal fuck are you talking about? Are you this ignorant?

Assad is allied with Iran, Iran is an enemy of Israel. Case closed.

hitler did do something wrong.He didn't kill the jews

>actual sources
which are what? the hot air seeping out of your ass?
Sourcing jews as a response to jewish victim counts is like using yourself as a source to prove your enemy wrong. If you're a jew yourself, then that's pretty much what you're doing anyway

This is some good stuff

kikes know that the more time they give Assad the more chance he has to regroup , reorganize, create new alliances and bigger chances are he will strike IDF and give pissrael a regime change.

these are high stakes involved.

If the zionist regime falls now, everything since WW2 will be scrapped and they got to start over.

It's told in their bible that Damascus is going to be destroyed. So we laughed at them for that "prophecy" and we just shouldn't have to, because now they show us what those prophesies are about. they're promises not predictions, so you'll see that jews are people of their word.

their books also say a whole lot of other shit, too