Alright. First off, I'm not a shill. I loved Trump. But tell me what the fuck is he doing. He went completely fucking nuts. First off he kicked Bannon out and then he denounced Assad for gassing of rebels which he probably didn't even order.
What is going on now? Is Trump controlled by the deep state without or knowledge? Or what the fuck is he doing?
Trump done goofed
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it reminds me of Bush and his justification for invasion to Iraq.
I still have faith that it is strategy masking his actual plans for now. If he actually commits to removing Assad then I don't know, I'm lost.
He didn't kick Bannon out
Fake news. Bannon stepped down, he wasn't fired. He didn't need to be in those meetings anyways.
Gassing of civies is another matter. Seems odd timing, just days after Trump said he was okay with leaving Assad in power. Assad states they're nearly done taking towns away from rebels. Then a sarin gas attack with bodies being handled w/o any sort of protective gear by the locals. Hmmm.
In all honesty, we can't let this guy have the nuclear codes.
I also hope that's some 15-dimensional wood carving game to fuck with people and he'll get the job done soon.
He didn't step down. He was at the NSC meeting yesterday. This is a total fabrication.
The deep state has likely made it clear by this point that if Trump does not go along with its plans, which involves regime change in Syria, his family will be in jeopardy.
He has been compromised.
Either that, or he was a Jewish plant all along and had every intention of doing whatever Israel demanded of him.
wait, I thought Bannon was still going to the NSC meetings, and it was just him removing himself from the Principal’s Committee of the H.R. McMaster NSC. Media is completely playing this off.
Trump makes heavy use of strategic uncertainty. He makes is deliberately difficult to read his intentions as a political tactic. There is no knowing what he intends until he acts, so everyone has to either wait for him to act (thus surrendering the initiative) or they have to push him in the direction they want (thus revealing their own priorities and intentions). Those are your two options with Trump: be patient and let him lead, or push him to do what you want. Trying to read his intentions is not viable, he's too good a negotiater for you to deal with.
I'm adopting patience as my tactic. I've always said "Trump has a year". He has 2017 to accomplish enough to appease the American people or things will start getting very ugly over 2018. See, ultimately Trump is just the messenger. It's the American people who have real power and authority in this country, and they will take action if Trump can't get things back on track.
If Bannon goes, I hope the Russia conspiracy turns out be true and he gets humiliated and removed from office. I don't like Pence, but Kushner will be a joke. The poetic justice is he's an old man. The ones who suffer will be his children, who have to carry his sullied name while they become pariahs.
hey guys, do you remember what Rex Tillerson(sp?) used to do?
Did you listen to his campaign? He's always been pro-Israel. That's not the problem, he's reneging on the very things he promised to do.
Only way he's compromised is if they have serious leverage on him, and can just unearth some dirt at will to disgrace and impeach him. Without that, he's untouchable. What are they going to do? Kill him? Yea, as long as he has a base that supports him they'll have a third of the country demanding revolt. He seems hell bent on destroying that base though.
Yea, I gave it made sense so I gave it the benefit of the doubt, but five fucking sources are reporting that he was on the verge of quitting until Mercer told him he should stay. Those five sources are also saying that Princess Kushner and Bannon are at each others throats.
This is looking bad.
The Russian Agent narrative was designed to bring about just this end, and it worked.
Watch that story dry up if Trump continues down the neocon-approved road.
So, this whole situation is an attempt to gain market share for oil companies, financed by american taxpayers, yes?
>I'm not a shill. I loved Trump.
"Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here"
>But tell me what the fuck is he doing
he's being cucked by the gnomes of Zurich
this is what we paid to see
just enjoy the show
They spied on him and his whole family for 2 years. Do you honestly believe they don't have enough dirt to at least fabricate some bullshit? Flynn did even do anything wrong and he's already out.
You can bet deep state will be getting some things it wants.
I love seeing you all scramble. Enjoy the thread! ;3
>First off he kicked Bannon out
Didn't get kicked out just demoted. But yeah I have no fucking clue what Trump is doing. I know you're not a shill, I think most people are upset with all of this. They just don't want lefty/pol/ coming over spamming us with laughing memes.
Only a retard could have voted for trump in the first place
Only a colossal mentally ill delusional fuck-up could still not regret his choice
My thought aswell.
I really don't like what's going on. It's like neocons are seizing power everywhere.
I hope all this is nothing but yet another 4d chess move.
Yeah, because Hillary would have been better.
What do you expect from a small dicked manlet with midget hands?
Nunes just stepped aside. Repubs are fuckin pussies. It literally makes me sick.
I voted to keep Hillary out of the White House, Trump was the only choice to end this PC SJW shit. Im not happy about removing Assad but a small price to pay. I just wish we could stop talking about all the crooked shit Obama and Hillary have done and start sending people to jail
>it's ok to use chemical weapons in civilian areas if you also get your enemies
le ebin strong man dictator le protecting le ppl!!! :p
Well he certainly didn't make him stay.
>First off, I'm not a shill.
okay then
It's all about perception. Calling out the gassing as a black flag is the wrong move here.
Removing Bannon from the security council was inevitable. Placing him there in the first place was probably a distraction for another chess move.
No, Trump is not controlled by the main stream govt. In fact, the main stream is working very hard to sabotage his every move, in case you hadn't noticed.
Don't be a small minded moron and jump on every head line. Everything is a fucking narrative and you need to keep the big picture in mind at all times.
>going to war with russia is a small price to pay
certainly not, but at least, she wouldn't have solely spent her time destroying american standards of living
The Trump is anti-establishment meme needs to die. Trump is anti-middle class, he relies entirely on globalist cuck tricks to rule the country. He has zero concern for the average american
Trump is not securing the existence of his people and a future for white children, he's just making sure his (((corporate))) friends can do whatever the fuck they want
I'm sick of hearing about Syria and don't care if they nuke it or not.
I do care that Trump is starting to look like the swamp.
Obamacare replaced with obamacare
minor hiccup to deportations and travel ban and he gives up on that shit
no wall
when is he going to get rid of a bunch of government departments/agencies?
Hello muhamed
at least he's gutting the EPA, right?
we can stand to have a lot more pollution in our water and air. China is way ahead of us there.
Kill yourself shill
There is no such thing as the deep state, trump is just a buffoon who is to incompetent to govern.
Remember, we're less a country than we are an oil company with a massive army
>there is no such thing as the deep state
You either are bad at being a shill or just bad at being a human being.
They have leverage. Serious leverage. Don't you know? His own daughter is Jewish.
> First off, I'm not a shill.
Stopped reading right there.
He's just doing what he's told like a good boy.
You have to fucking realize she would have been just as bad. And would have arrested every white nationalist for hate speech.
This better be fake news because Bannon leaving would definitely be an indication that Trump is being a good goy like all presidents before him.
You guys think he's being given bad information?
What is ex-oil guy rex tillerson doing at this point?
>Im not happy about removing Assad but a small price to pay.
Dude, if you remove Assad, the whole of syria becomes ISIS... for fuck sakes.
Good luck with your oil pipeline integrity then.
>Remember, we're less a country than we are an oil company with a massive army
We should just nationalize the oil companies, it would be better for national security and taxes.
>at least, she wouldn't have solely spent her time destroying american standards of living
cuz it's a right to destroy and riot if you are black or LGBT. Clinton's have been destroying America for decades
really made me think desu
>Dude, if you remove Assad, the whole of syria becomes ISIS.
True, but Hillary would have been worse for America, I will not support trump and his buddies in mid terms if he buys into this McCain Syria shit. He can finance his own re-election too
(((they))) got him. The real Trump is dead, he's a clone now.
He joined the darkside,its over ,deep state has him by the balls .
I don't really care about the bannon thing however I am concerned about the Syrian thing. Hopefully he just said to make people happy and get the media off his ass.
his gross incompetence is showing. Thats whats going on here.
>OP replies immediately to his own thread
>pushes "Bush 3.0" meme
>states he's not a shill
>completely lies about Bannon story
gosh gee whiz
wonder why bush 3.0 said on 9/11 in an interview he thought there were bombs used and it wasn't "just planes" that brought those towers down
nah nevermind Trump is def a neocon shill now
With Hillary WW3 had started already. But Trump is starting to show some kike tendencies. Worrisome.
>True, but Hillary would have been worse for America
Totally agree.
>I will not support trump and his buddies in mid terms if he buys into this McCain Syria shit.
Mccain is a piece of shit.
OP was right tho
you are fucking retarded
the epa is a good thing.
trump being a little bitch and giving up on everything and not draining the swamp is a bad thing.
Your lack of replies assures a bait thread.
wow, dude
sorry here
Trump has filled his cabinet with warhawks and military men. Are you surprised that they would talk to the president?
Good post. I've noticed the uncertainty also
We literally can't afford a war to profit oil companies.
Especially since we literally don't need oil anymore.