Why do women ruin everything

Why do women ruin everything.

What's the story, friend?

Objectively lesser brain capacity, estrogen.

It's not women, per se, it's women without men that ruin everything. Female-headed households are breeding grounds for all sorts of criminals.

They run on feelings over logic. Subjectivism over objectivism will always lead to ruin.

her and her husband are causing mass rifts in the WH. Basically trying to persuade her dad and his administration to turn to globalist shills and become the Protectors of Zionism.

They're retarded subhuman animals. The world will be much better when we can eliminate women and the only humans will be men and little girls.

ousting based Bannon proves they are not for the interests of the nation state and its people

"We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO" Donald J Trump, 2013.

Seems like murder inc, have their clutches on Trump now with the exclusion of Banon from the NSC and through Kushner bringing in Gary Cohn who subsequently got Andrew Quinn "an infamous globalist" into the NEC as a special assistant to the president.

Ivanka is influencing her father with her fee fee's and Trump is falling for it like a good goy.




She's a grade A race traitor.

She will make him fuck up bigly.

Calling it now.

This. Get her and Jared '666' kushner OUT.

ok achmed

We will see, if Bannon gets forced out of the white house you will know that all is lost and it is definitely a possibility.

I hated it from the get go that he brought his son in law into the white house with him and it enraged me when Ivanka got given a legitimate position to.

I like Donald but I think he is like most rich dudes who treat their daughters like little angels who are incapable of being incorrect.

Well she married a jew.

Might not matter to you since you're already mixed and probably have some jew in you.

You're late. It happened about a month and a half ago. Bannon was going to quit the admin but Rebekah Mercer convinced him to stay.


Lol ok

Because they had no reason to evolve logical thought. Men did, because they have to compete with other men and get the resources needed to survive. Women are always sheltered by white knights, and all they have to do is shit out babies and do simple tasks like sewing.

sure thing.

hey , do you hear that? i think thats your mom/sister/friend being raped by a somalian/afghan/plaestinian/niggersubhuman. talk about being mixed huh oy vey

We Neocon now

Well you really started to see things go downhill. Still, it's not all is lost.

Yes, still I was never super thrilled about Trump, he's ok and certainly a lot better than most other politicians, but has many jewish connections.

>pic related

prove me wrong

Women kill men's friendship to make them depend on women for company in order to manipulate them into handing resources. Which is why when you introduce women in a men's group friendships crumble since they play divide and rule.