Bump help

bump help
were only 3-4 people

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bump just to piss off commies

Protect the swastika at all costs!

we can do it 88!


Who's doing that black circle?

I think the commies are going to try to "ban" us

im working on the outline, should i do a quick template?


>nazi shit
grow up

bump help needed

The fuck is this shit? Go to ColorThis.space where there are actual people and no captcha.

>letting the commies win

there's no black circle around the white (thank kek)

>being this autistic

You newfags never learn.

What's the point of this thing if you can overwrite it?

>drawball for newfags

>actually giving a shit

You keep your shit up so no one overwrites it.



when the black outline is done should we replace the blacks on it with white so it look like this?


It's a visual show of popular support for different groups/ideas.

If many people hate something they'll erase it, if many like it, they will collaborate to draw/maintain it. The most powerful entity in essence can take over unless others can unite to overpower it. It is, in a sense, virtual warfare.

Bump this is the most important thing for pol

shall we take over the parts around as well?


anyone down to start working on this?

i think we should do this but looking at the flag

im starting on right next to the flag, should be pretty unconspicuous for a while

always replace black with white xDD get it?

ok, make it big and destroy the hail satan

pls don't kill Sucy tho


How about you stop sending anons to the color site with no one on it

colorthis.space/ is where its at

yeah man this XD

for anyone who wants to help

I will help you


wtf did they just kill it?

This is still salvageable

found titties

mission complete

No its fine

i dont see it

ye I can't see it anymore

I refreshed and its gone!


lets write the word cum in there



no lets write "fuck mods" or draw the fat jani dog