>The probe will be taken over by Reps. Michael Conaway (R-Texas), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)
Why is he stepping down temporarily?
>The probe will be taken over by Reps. Michael Conaway (R-Texas), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)
Why is he stepping down temporarily?
Who cares? Gowdy's about to get roudy.
whats this button on the front page of drudge all about?
Shit is getting real
Nunes name was one of the ones unmasked.
Trey Gowdy is the man
Gowdy backed Rubio. This isn't good.
Gowdy backed a *safer* candidate... when it comes to pwn'ing Niggercrats, he's all in.
tapper or fapper?
>take down Nunes
>Gowdy takes his place
What's the next step in the Democrat plan?
why would the dems want Gowdy in control
Well, the other faggot Rubio backer is busy trying to start wars for Israel at the UN, so my skepticism is justified. The poo in the loo "Haley".
I don't know. Democrats are not known for thinking ahead.
I wonder how the house congressional committee is going to run interference for Trump now that Nunes is out.
If gowdy finds links, I would belive him because I see god emperor trump as a son of gowdy.
He is a hayseed in over his head.
Because Gowdy is about to come in and fuckin' wreck shit.
Oop. just saw fpbp.
Gowdy gonna get rowdy.
Can i get a quick rundown? Arent the libs going after Nunes?
Oh shit nigga
He says once the ethics charges leveled against him by left-wing organizations are dismissed he will resume.
Dismissed by whom?
Notice how quiet Schiff has been since he saw the intelligence? They've stopped with the "there's nothing there" angle. They're only remaining argument was Nunes should recuse himself. OK, done. Now what DemoRats????
Why the fuck would Nunes step aside?
Schiff said there was nothing there.
Shitlibs were screaming that he was "compromised", so he stepped aside to let ROWDY GOWDY to take over.
Fucking good, Nunes is a typical cuckservative who thinks the left can be appeased.
So ethics committee can clear him and he can close investigation.... and to indict Susan Rice.
So the investigation now has an investigation?
>le noocyoolurr opshun
Amerilard speak for using a simple majority to force the Supreme Court nom vote through, doing away with procedural niceties.
Bullshit. He'd be screaming it from the mountaintop every chance he got if there was really nothing there.
Dude, you are the very definition of a little bitch. This investigation is going to go on, and while you all are so into leaks leaks leaks, the fact that Trump possibly colluded with Russia is a very real outcome from this. That is like, 1000x worse than catching some leaker.
I wonder if AJ is gonna get a visit from the FBI for threatening Schiff
Anybody have this pic without the 9gag tier text?
Nunes, who was a member of Trumps transition team, never should have been in charge of investigating Trump.
Listen up...Bannon was removed from the NSC meetings and was quoted as saying "Rice operationalized" the meetings...They are going to get Rice for sure...Bannon had a very similar role in those meetings and we cant have that comparison while nailing that nigger bitch to the fucking floor for her lies...Bannon stepped away to clear the way for a clear prosecution of the case...Trump can say we dont weaponize our NSC meetings like Obama did, my political advisor isnt even in the meetings...same thing is taking place with Nunes...democrats objected to him so he steps aside while everyone in Congress wants Rice under oath very very soon...Shit is about to go down and susan Rice will either sing or she will go to prison. This is about severe, severe abuse of our civil liberties and it has shaken dems in Congress to their core. THIS is THE biggest fucking scandal in American political history and Congress and trump knows it. They are getting things ready to take down a political criminal operation and we have never seen what we are about to witness.
Monkeys will be rioting big league very soon.
Support our troops because they have our backs and they have Trumps back.
Susan Rice is going to prison.
Obama will never set foot on American soil again or he will be too.
t. hillarybilly
nice fanfiction
Fuck off kgb
>says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time
Fuck off Ahmed
They're is no way Rice gets out of this. They will bring her up an every charge in the book to make her squeal on Barry like a stuck pig.
Oh Im really confidant about this. Congress was blown away by the truth of what Rice and Obama did. You can see it in their faces in video clips. This shit has stunned democrats and it is the only reason Obama has fled the country. This shit is going to go nuclear over the next few days.
Why do these weakass republicans always bow to msm pressure?
because they're cuckservatives
Are you Trump shills tired of winning yet?
You retards need to stop shitting on Gowdy. He played the politics with Rubio because SC is a good ole boy state for the GOP establishment,but his district went overwhelming for Trump in the primary. Gowdy has arguably the most conservative district in SC and provided he doesn't piss off the base like his last predecessor did during TARP, he is gonna keep his seat.The district goes nuts when he goes into smackdown mode and loves every minute of it. My money is that Nunes is about to open a new investigation on the unmasking scandal that's about to hit the fan and is cutting losses on a field that's not fruitful to avoid complicating the more important investigation with trumped up ethics chargers. Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy,because Kansas is going bye-bye.
You mean
>t. Office of Congressional Ethics
Jail, jail for everybody!
It is so they will have no recourse to say "but Nunez and Bannon compromised the investigation. This is a preemptive defense against the democrats only remaining strategy
>Gowdy has called on Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the panel’s ranking Democrat, to recuse himself from the Russia investigation because he backed Hillary Clinton in the election.
Gowdy is right. Schiff MUST step down.
Because they are on the same side as democrats
I watched some of this shit the other day and this GOWDY fulla was the only cunt that looked like he was giving his own thoughts and ideas rather than something he had been told to say
Holy Shit, same with Jeff Sessions!
He is no nonsense
you LARPers are cringey as fuck sometimes
he was the most american of the lot to me
He's a neocon faggot.
Yep, you got it all figured out bro. If you're going to get paid for shilling, you should at least be good at it.
Nunes spoke to the very dude he was investigating, about the investigation!
>B-b-but Russia collusion!
There's an investigation on that, so there's nothing to worry about. If we are to believe our IC, we don't need to keep harping in the story. Plus the media won't shut up about it, so I think that is covered and we can focus on the Rice story here.
police do that all the time so what?
Gowdy will be more effective.
THIS. THIS. THIS. This is exactly what Trump is doing.
The number of shills attacking your post is even further proof. They're scared. They're fucking scared. They failed miserably in November and now it's time for the chickens to come home to roost.
>Trump's media strategy:
>Always gives the media shit to write about
>Media always thinks its bad for Trump
>Media Feeding frenzy puts spotlight on
>Media always misses the ACTUAL point
>Trump eventually proven correct, Always
>It is always "the lie" that tells the truth
>"art is the lie that tells the truth" (picasso)
>Media eternally BTFO by Picasso
>Media eternally BTFO by KEK
- Kek
>Dems: be careful what you wish for
Digits confirm
Trump and the administration is a disaster. It's so clear. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just spinning. 35% approval for a reason...
Face it folks, trump was a protest candidate and we got a protest president. Not rocket science.
Democrats are always right. There are no exceptions.
This needs a Thread to calm people the fuck down.
Word is that investigators are now discovering that this is bigger than just Trump, that the Obama administration through White House officials like Susan Rice engaged in back door survailance of domestic politicians through incidental collection, that a massive number of unmasking requests were made regarding various politicians and lobbies in opposition to the administrations foreign policies, and that the practice was essentially a massive weapon used back door to target political opponents with our own spy agencies utalized as patsys.
What? No "I'm so tired I just need to sleep"?
If Nunes is stepping down, it means he's going to testify against people.
I'm... Lol. I'm sorry, but did you just equate Trump with motherfucking Picasso?!!
Oh and by the way... when the Jews figure out that Rice utalized this methodology massively against them and their lobiests in this country when they opposed the Iran nuclear treaty... you will see the media narrative begin to change. We just have to wait. (((They))) will be working for us for once.
>Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.)
NO, no no. This is NOT GOOD. Gowdy is not the chairman; The chairman runs the show, and Mike Conway is a CIA/Bush guy.
@jlangdale: "It's not good enough to have @TGowdySC. The Chair controls everything."
Some people are saying Conway will protect the CIA and Brennan. "I think the problem might be that @DevinNunes said that Brennan was "postponed." But what they want is for him to never testify."
"It could be that @DevinNunes absolutely refused to "cancel" calling or subpoenaing Brennan testifying under oath."
"The fate of this "postponement" with Brennan, Yates, and Clapper will reveal why @DevinNunes is stepping down."
"Now we must depend on the Senate, just as they wanted."
He was unmasked in the surveillance. He was going to step down anyway. This is distracting people from the nuclear option going on today with gorsuch. Replacing Nunes with Gowdy is not a win for liberals
Not scared, they're too clueless to be scared. The shills in the MSM are though.
This makes me moist.
They're fucking retarded?
Your post makes me sick, delete it and lurk more.
Why do you always draw from the same shallow image pool, shill?
>all those curves
Yep it's happening.
Makes no sense. Are you saying the administration can't bring their case against Rice etc without support from oversight committees? What on earth could an anti-Trump chairman do?(if he is even) Be like CNN and instruct everyone to ignore evidence?
No. Nunes is a victim. So he can't investigate impartiality.
Yeah, and Syria has effectively erased it all. The idiots here have all forgotten about her and obongo spying on their political enemies.. just search rice, there's like 2 threads at the bottom of the catalog. People can't figure out why all the shills and sliding, why the false flag when the answer was literally on the tips of their tongues 3 days ago.
May take more than a few days, but it's going down.
Its motherfucking happening guys. Nunes is going to testify and Gowdy is going to fucking destroy Obama's administration. They are going to get Rice. She's done for. They all are.
No, a case against Rice will surely be brought, but there's clearly more people involved, and many are pointing the finger at Brennan. There's a general understanding in the town which is "protect the CIA at all costs."
If you've been following, there's a LOT of speculation that Rice was downstream from our ex-CIA chief, a Muslim convert, Brennan, who hates Trump.
There's been talk about getting Brennan under oath, before the intel committee. Notice he was missing when Comey and the NSA guy testified?
Very easy for a Chairman to sink an investigation. Chairman's determine where investigations do, or don't, "go." Like that sham of a 9/11 commission.
Some see this as a loss for potentially getting Brennan under oath. Conway is BIG TIME CIA/Bush guy.
Also, there's speculation that Nunes was surveilled as well and would have to step aside anyways. But doubt this is how he would have wanted it to happen.
"The @CIA just assassinated the Chairmen of the House Intelligence Committee, basically."
"This is a win for @BarackObama & the @CIA, there is no other way to argue it. Taking out @DevinNunes is huge."
"Is @SpeakerRyan fucking over @realDonaldTrump with the @DevinNunes stuff?"
".@CIA gets @DevinNunes charged w/ethics violation for mishandling classified info in order to protect themselves from doing same thing."
"This is precisely why there's functionality no oversight over the @CIA and why it should be splintered to the wind."
"I just want to say, if @DevinNunes has been lying this whole time and protecting the @CIA himself with this delay, it was MASTERFUL lying."
Really hope that's what's going on, but Conway is in charge and there's a lot to dislike about him (CIA shill & Bush guy).
this has to be photoshopped
I understand. You are mainly concerned with bringing down the CIA snakes. But how Obama benefits from replacing Nunes I am still confused. Obama is irreparably damaged if if Rice admits to these allegations in testimony and it does seem the evidence is rock solid.
For those of us following the deterioration of the MSM
Trump is winning. They will be forced to admit they've been covering for the Obama admin spying on their enemies.
If they treat a couple of big CIA guys as too big to fail I'll be ok with it. Big prize is CNN and NYT credibility is utterly destroyed, Ben Rhodes goes to jail, Obama pardoned, and then deported back to Kenya. Or never sets foot in USA again.
Also, check legal insurrection comments on William Jacobson article about why the Dems may have shot themselves in the foot or even the head on this ethics probe.
I don't buy this. Nunes is temporarily stepping down for the same reason Bannon is. They want any semblance of conflict of interest or impropriety removed. President Trump is getting ready for the coming weeks when he's going to drop the fucking hammer on the criminals in the Obama administration.