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get out with your hands on your head and your dick off this 6 years old girl's mouth!
The Cube is only used as a point of reference. Muslims don't idolise or worship the cube itself. It has been destroyed and rebuilt a number of times.
Saturn, come out with your rings up.
>The loo is only used as a point of reference. Indians don't utilize or worship the loo itself. It has been destroyed and rebuilt a number of times.
can't feel my sides
>rebuilt a number of times.
Only if filling potholes count as rebuilding.
Pity it didn't stay destroyed
Are they really worshipping them or blessing them somehow?
Christcucks mad they dont have any sweet monuments that arent abstract stone buildings
Not using Its allah over.
Realise the child Allah and come out with your pants up
There is a story of some poo-in-loo putting gold in his toilet or something?
Every Canadian i saw in pol is nice and harmless but i can never understand what they are saying or why they are saying it.
I apologize for my retarded Canadian friend. He should have stylized it as:
>Not using "It's Allah over!"
Isn't there something in the Geneva conventions about destroying historical or cultural sites?
I find it a real shame it'd break the rules of war for the West to just blow that box to Kingdom Come.
Well, America technically is not subscribed to that convention. Could get away with it, but muh oil.
>>Not using "It's Allah over!"
Only oldfags will get this
poo in the loo
Can't feel your anus either
Diarrhea can do that.
This is the large magnificent outhouse where Allah moves his most merciful bowels.
>be India
>can't develop sewage system
>develop space program instead to launch poo into space
Ever wondered what is inside the cube?
It's pretty shit.
>literally called SHART
The moon rock on the other hand has never been destroyed.
Next time we need to steal the moon rock , get Donald trump to piss on it, then grind it into dust and feed the dust to pigs
Poo rains from above
>Changing of the #kiswah cloth
Stupid OP
Better let 1000 guards secure our rich as fuck sheikhs so that they can peacefully worship allah without the annoying and poor ummah.
> Muslims don't idolise or worship the cube itself.
How do muslims think of the rock?
They think God sent down the rock so that Abraham knows where to build the Kaaba.
I want to sneak in there and steal the magic meteor like in a hiest movie, I presume then I'd become the commander of the muslims who need to follow my orders and I can make them all go back to their own countries
It's called pooja, we do it on new things like cars too
Wait, you can go inside the box?
And what the fuck is the Kaaba?
It has been damaged and even was stolen by Abu Tahir al-Jannabi...but Muslims still visited the Kaaba.
It's symbolic, most people in fact only kiss the stone because Mohammad has kissed it in the past....
It's really creepy that Muslims normally hate pagan rituals and shit but still stick to their ~2000 years old bullshit.
Is that supposed to be the allspark? Can you make transformers with it?
what if they´re storing nuclear weapons in that spa that´s 24/7 surrounded
It's the first place of worship according to Islam.
"Indeed, the first House [of worship] established for mankind was that at Makkah - blessed and a guidance for the worlds." 3:96
T. Katua
Leddit fag get out REEEEEEE
It was an idol that the Meccans worshipped when they were 'pagans' before Muhammad and his Muslim armies conquered them. Muhammad thought it would be smart to incorporate it into Islam as to not piss off the Meccans, who even though were conquered were still a powerful threat, so he chose not to destroy their idol. Which is funny because Islam is strictly anti-idolotry, and has severe punishments for idol worship. You should've be surprised at the level of hypocrisy though, where you expecting more from sandnigger shitskins?
an alien ship
and why is the rock mounted in a silver pussy?
Nuke us please
Legends say the stone represents the world
Once it was white but after many years it turned black like the people will
Haha whitey get scared
The stone got damaged and the silver pussy is the socket that holds it together.
wait what you shit on your new car??
(did you think it makes you atomic cool as it did to japanese? wait a minute... you guys have nuclears, why don't you do it to yourselves instead?)
There's a story that some chap once smeared feces over it, maybe its blackness is just accumulated poo that crystallized over time
all ah allah al lah sukabljad alalala
>Implying it wasn't a shivling
Pleb tier tbqh that really inside it?
You write it like a German-Russian, I'm proud of you (:
there must be a lot of sick child-raping going on in there
>sweating allah.jpg
Come out, you faggots.
This darkroom is closed.
Why didn't you guys performed lustration properly?
Now that komsomol cunt destroying my precious Europe with her shitty internazional, you should take care of those commie leftovers for all of us, so we could be finally proud of you too.
>meanwhile in Bizarro World
Maybe I will pooin your mouth
It's Allah's vagina with a meteor stuffed in it.
Yes we hindus shit on everything
There absolutely is! No joke.
If you think sexual abuse in Catholic and Jewish institutions are out of control, you know NOTHING about Islamic institutions, especially in the Arab world and ESPECIALLY in the Gulf states. The Christian world is relatively sexually open compared to the gulf states... the gulf states are the most sexually repressive countries on earth, probably in history. You have no idea how sexually frustrated the imams are.
Just recently in Saudi Arabia there was a spate of child boy suicides, mainly Syrian and Afghan, just these little kids randomly hanging themselves in Mosques. Always covered up by the police. In Kuwait, the same thing, but mainly Syrian migrant kids just hanging themselves... usually it's the Kuwait police involved.
There was a Saudi cleric called Fayhan al-Ghamdi... look him up and what he did to his daughter if you want to feel physically sick... in short he raped her to death and smashed her skull and broke her body because she was acting "flirty"... she was 5 years old.
There are mass pedophilia scandals in Mosques in the Middle East but they're always covered up because it's so taboo... the clerics always get away with it. It's just swept under the rug. If you wonder why Muslims act so out of control sexually in Europe, it's because they cannot tolerate seeing so much bare flesh... in their eyes it's their right to molest women because they're "seducing" them (i.e not wearing abayas / burqas).
I lived in Qatar for 3 years... I can give you some truly sickening stories about child rape in Mosques that were covered up. That's not all that was covered up lol, there was a case of cannibalism that was covered up in Qatar because of the massive bad press they've got with the World Cup 2022 slavery scandal.
Honestly the Arab countries are 100x worse than you think they are... so much is swept under the rug.. that's why when they go to Western countries they magically seem more criminal.
I thought it was Allah's bedpan and he shit a meteor.
but why a pussy?
perhaps the gender identity of their deity?
or something to do with why Mohammed had to squat to pee?
These are not coincidences.
Poo in the loo then we get to planning pajeet
is it round square or whathever
Why can't anyone just make a gliding drone and demolish the place?
Oh and make it a false flag so they think China did it.
> Cube was a pagan artifact, pagans bow down, worshipped and kissed it.
> Muslims, bow down to the cube. Rub or kiss the stone embedded into it
> Not worshipping
This. Leave a box of pork fried rice at the scene.
spurdo approved
Yep, looks like every time I've seen it on TV.