>Slave workers in a ((((((modern)))))) country
Russia confirmed cucked 3rd world shithole
>b-but this happens everywhe-
It doesn't make it any better so suck a dick.
>Slave workers in a ((((((modern)))))) country
Russia confirmed cucked 3rd world shithole
>b-but this happens everywhe-
It doesn't make it any better so suck a dick.
still better than sweden
No slaves and terror acts here so no.
Getr shit on
Pick one. Though its clearly Putin's fault that he allowed these goatfuckers to be. Fucking pathetic cuck.
Oh, my, what a great superpower and savior of white race russia is. Kek.
It is under Russian rule so yes, Russia.
You are Russian yourself. Ukraine isn't a real country.
>no terror acts here
What is the name of beat up cloth man meme?
Im not fond of being a dagestani slave, so your prabably mistaken me with someone else.
Last time there is was a terror act in Sweden the dudes bombs exploded too early only killing himself.
Who cares, it's a muslim shithole.
pfft under those rules say the french should answer for their nigger colonies like guiana
yeah dagestan and chechnya bring statistics down a little in terms of medieval bullshit, but so what. still the best militant Sunni places in the whole world, Russia manages those tribes better than any Western power in similar circumstances
it really doesnt happen everywhere other than in isolated crimes that are then cracked down on, only third world shitholes and russia and america with their illegal immigrants lmao
say that to you minister of interior to his face, not online and see what happens
Im not an antisemite, you know, so his nationality doesn't bother me. He is a corrupt asshole thats another story.
This moment when Rusha have more slaves than Saudi Arabia
>corrupt asshole
Name one Ukrainian politician who isn't.
>de Guardian
Lol. First he isnt dagestanian, second why in the hell should i tell him smthing like that? Are you a retard?
What is your point? What are you trying to tell me?
Muslims exploiting and enslaving Russians.
Give it a couple years before the Russians start pushing back.
Colonies =/= territory within your border
This isn't only happening in Dagestin but in Stavropol to. That place is Russian as you know.
not exist
This will probably be the dumbest post I'll read today
Muslims already rule Russians. Chechnya, anyone?
You don't read your own posts?
>no slaves
What are you, then?
>no terror acts
Spontaneous grenade explosions, rape, murders and one failed suicide bomber.