thoughts on this guy?
Thoughts on this guy?
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A man who got shot for having the right idea.
But all the money was to be made in manipulating black America into conforming to a subculture that makes them stand out in every way from society (dialect, attire, etc.) and then push for supremacy. Because there is no money to made in times of peace and unity.
Poor guy took a bullet so jerks like Sharpton could make a living brainwashing mass amounts of people into wallowing in false victim, and at a constant low-boil of anger.
Race hustler
Meh even if he was a fraud he had the right ideas for the black community, The words simply needed to be spoken from the mouth of someone that was black.
Piece of shit plagiarist wannabe Preacher. No better than a late night infomercial televangelist if you ask me.
Oh, and Martin Luther King Day in America is a fucking joke. No American in their right mind should or would support that shit. Turn the day into Civil Rights Day for all I care, but don't name it after this prick.
No National Holiday in America should be named after any individual as no individual is bigger than the country. This is the only one.
It's fucking horseshit. As was he and his message.
*ahem* that is actually a Black Man.
swimming pools is a catchy song
a useful nigger, for you know who.
One of the very few positive figures and role models in the black community. If he hadn't been killed by commie leftists maybe he could've prevented the creation of the modern day nignog.
he grew up in virginia beach, his grandma is bretty chill brah
A pinko commie nigger.
He seemed like a good person, we could use another person like him today
The Feds caught him on tape beating hookers that he payed for out of his church coffers. His handlers realized that he was a liability and decided he would serve them better as a martyr than as a disgraced preacher.
It's funny that he's famous for his dream speech where he says he wants people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin, but modern leftists cite him as they do exactly what he didn't want.
There's a poetic irony to that.
He said that, but he believed the opposite. He was explicitly in favor of gibs and a massive redistribution of wealth.
He was more of a man than you'll ever be.
lol. Shut the fuck up. You don't know shit.
I want facebook to leave.
Malcom X is where it's at, he might have been a WE WUZ mentalist but he was a Black Nationalist who wanted blacks to get their shit together and eventually move back to Africa and have nothing to do with whitey.
I want Commie faggots to leave.
He started slowly going the way of Malcolm X and Louis Farahkahn after his "Dream" speech. He started advocating for violence and upheaval of the "white system"
He'd probably be ashamed if he was around
Despite being a nigger and advocating for niggers, his tenacity was worthy of praise.
Same with Malcom X, maybe we can learn something from them.
He wasted his time trying to change nogs for the better but 50 years later they just use him as a scapegoat for burning and pillaging during riots, he literally dindu nuffin
MalcoLlm X had a sharp change in his ideology from militant black supremacy to actually tackling racism as a problem where plenty of blame was to be had by all people of all backgrounds, and most attribute this to his conversations with MLK Jr.
Then his house was firebombed and he was shot in public, too. You have the Nation of Islam to thank for that.
Damn it.
He wanted blacks to get a fair shake, too bad he'd be rolling in his grave to see niggers have taken over the black communities. niggers=/=blacks
He was a Communist KGB agent adulterer.
>oh no somebody posted my meme before I could!
I don't know anymore, I used to think he was a good man, but I'm not sure. I've heard he was a communist and a plagiarist, and I couldn't believe it, but when I looked into it I found that he was indeed apparently a plagiarist. It makes me angry really, I need to look into him more and maybe into Malcolm X whom I used to think was an evil man.
MLK is held up as a false beacon it would, unfortunately, seem.
He was not a perfect man. What's important was the message.