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In 1 day its gone from best time line to what the fuck is going on timeline.


For what fucking purpose?

Is there a single person in American government who is not a weakling?

Check Twitter BurgerKing

>Washington, D.C. — House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes today issued the following statement:

>"Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics. The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.

>Despite the baselessness of the charges, I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conaway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee's Russia investigation while the House Ethics Committee looks into this matter.

>I will continue to fulfill all my other responsibilities as Committee Chairman, and I am requesting to speak to the Ethics Committee at the earliest possible opportunity in order to expedite the dismissal of these false claims."

He said "temporarily." And 3 Republicans, including Gowdy.... are taking over.

Anyhow, this could have everything to do with Rice.

He can't lead Rice and Russia investigations at same time.

Who's tired of #winning here?

Besides Trump... it does not look it.

And even Trump has been showing some cracks lately.

This. "Temporarily" steps aside

Maybe he's going to be called as a witness?
Maybe his name was unmasked?


He's getting deported. God damn beavers never learn

This doesn't matter every republican crumbles after tiny bit of pressure is applied on them. Bunch of fags.
>Accusations are false yet I stand down
>How ethical I am that will show em liberals who has the real moral high ground

Hold the fucking phone guys, this may be good news. Based fucking Gowdy is taking over.

could be a prelude to them closing the Russia investigation and going balls deep into Rice's unmasking.

- gets cleared by ethics committee
- time to go "nothing to see here, case closed."

Drumpf is finally done! Resistance worked!


Oh boy guys Gowdy is taking over, surely Trump is done for this time

Will he also recuse himself after "several leftwing organizations" call him a racist tool of Pootin?

>could be a prelude to them closing the Russia investigation
So long as Democrats exist while Trump is in office, the Russia thing will never die. Trump thinks he can eventually get out from under this if he just plays along, but he's wrong. Demoshits are assblasted by Republican "obstructionism", refusal to consider Garland for the court, undermining the left's strategy of white genocide. When Trump got elected there was the possibility that not only would domestic policy change, but foreign policy, too, and where would Dems be without donations from Saudis and Eurotrash? They can't even rely on (((Google))) and Facebook to shill narratives on their behalf now that ISPs have access to the same methods.

Russia is literally all they have. It's all made up, they've been blathering about this for months with 0 evidence, there will never be any evidence, but why would that stop them? The left doesn't deal in facts.


Nunes perception of objectivity was compromised since he discovered the Rice treachery. Why give the Media a strawman? Bring on Trey.

By remaining part of the Russia "investigation," Nunes limited his pursuit of the REAL TREACHERY


This is the funny part, what a retard.

>His announcement was made on the same morning that the House Committee on Ethics said Mr. Nunes was under investigation because of public reports that he “may have made unauthorized disclosures of classified information.”

this was brilliant from the intelligence community, leak him some bullshit that he runs to the WH with forcing him to recuse from the probe just a few weeks after Sessions was forced to recuse himself

Trump is getting outplayed on every level


In the end, it doesn't matter who's leading it. The facts will tell the story. The Dems don't like the facts so they attacked the messenger. Going to suck for them when the next messenger presents the same facts.

The fact is no crime was committed.

It's basically to diffuse the blowback of any decisions made that may seem biased and linked to wtf the leftard are complaining about. It's solid strategy stop shitposting and think.

Exactly, you dirty kike.

No, if these faggots continue to recuse themselves at every given opportunity sooner or later dems will put somebody who will deliver the message they want.

>thailand proxy

im not even surprised

this, Trump has to get someone to take a stand on this shit right now

It's Trey Gowdy up next. Good fucking luck trying to spin that man as compromised or biased.

LOL, you all laughed at my posts and called me a shill when I told you Nunes is headed for an indictment for leaking classified intel. Look whos laughing now, faggots

Looking at everything all I can see is Dems clawing for dear life and a story supposedly meant to reduce faith in trump is actually if you look carefully, the exact opposite.

>omg people take responsibility and behave honorably
Because the US is not a third world shithole dictatorship like Russia.

CNN even said he temporarily stepped down from the investigation. What rag had this headline?

This is all part of the Pence takeover plan, we warned you


You only behave honorably if your opponent does the same. There is no honor to lose ground to your enemy who will use the opportunity to stab you in the dick.

dems are more united and doing better than they have ever, elections where their candidate usually gets a few thousands in donations are raking in millions

2018 is going to be a blood bath

>he was replaced by Trey Gowdy

why don't you get off america's cock "hungary"

Y'all ready to fry this rice?

Some of the Democrats? Republicans are all cucks at the moment.

its what I thought

>rowdy gowdy is in the house once again

you seem to be confused abou
Schiff is looking pretty stronk right about now

Nunez recused because his name was one that that got unmasked, so he's sending in rowdy Gowdy to close the deal.

> enemy who will use the opportunity to stab you in the dick
To the US that enemy is currently Russia.

So nunes is the next one to be named with russian entanglements, nice.

I'd say the same is to be said for both sides. Trump just has to continue deporting, keep the wall up and not go to war.


It's pretty shocking how much corruption we got used to under Obama when someone recusing themselves from something that they themselves were a victim in is considered losing.

That's the way it's supposed to work to maintain objectivity in the investigative process

Not really, there might be a Democratic President if they don't solve this problem by 2018. Patrick Leahy or Nancy Pelosi could be the ones viable for succession.

I'm with her now for sure so much reget you leftypol cock smoking faggot.

Why exactly is he investigating the wiretapping thing? Why not just finish the Russia investigation and move to Obama next or why not just make a different commission for that.

>2/10 concern shilling

>Deus do well in primaries
>Dem have majority

Who comes next in succession after the Prez and the VP? It could be Dems filling those positions.



Limbaugh is right, we need our politicians to start learning how to win and what to do when you win.
The left never recuses themselves of anything and they've lost 1,200 seats of elected offices around the country since 2010. They're a vocal minority lunatic fringe party who don't speak for even half of the country. Nunes just turned into a fucking moron, the only thing he violated was the democrat agenda, the man followed the law in every other way.

The left is still in full panic mode because they know Trump just tore the heart out of Obama's EPA agenda/climate change which kills most of their grasp on everything, but they're trying to chisel away at the man.

I'm inclined to agree with
2 years to solve "this problem"

It'll be over in a week, only for a slew of new accusations and another series of investigations because the fact remains nobody is fucking happy trump won except Sup Forums god bless you

You clearly don't understand how our government works


No he didn't. Trump got rid of things that were passed in 2016 and is halting economic progress for renewables and will probably let nuclear die. The country is in panic mode because we are having a investigation for treason on the executive branch and senators are refusing to clear Trump's name. Why? The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves.

The year is 2017. American has faith in the institutions.

he's turning the investigation over to 2 other republicans, so it's mostly a PR move instead of anything meaningful.
in general though, most people in the american government, both elected officials and appointed bureaucrats, are traitorous swine.
the deepstate gets their hooks in everyone at a much lower level and uses this to decide who gets to play in the big leagues. the more dirt they have on you the more likely you are to succeed.
i have no idea how to dislodge them from power without starting ww3. if there were to be a civil war then i'm pretty sure russia or canada would annex alaska, china would invade taiwan, the middle east would go up in flames, and idk how many nukes would be detonated all over the world.
it'd be like trying to pull a tablecloth from under a champagne glass pyramid.
do you have any suggestions?

If you don't know who comes after the veep then you are fucking retarded.

>handing the investigation off to Trey Gowdy
Best timeline.

It was a rhetorical question in an instance where democrats control the next two spots of succession or have the ability to elect someone via the house.

> halting economic progress for renewables

Like all of those bankrupt solar and wind companies that were start ups with government money that are now being bundled by hedge funds? That economic progress?

>Dems insta-regretting asking Nunez to step down
Pic also related

Rowdy Gowdy, who is replacing Nunez.

Rowdy Gowdy bitch.

I just posted that picture in another thread like 10 minutes ago. Don't ever steal my memes without asking again.



>more anonymous sources
It makes a lot of sense but until a trusted source confirms what's happening I'm not going to get overly excited.