Can someone please tell me what Assad could POSSIBLY have to gain by attacking his own people with chemical weapons?

Can someone please tell me what Assad could POSSIBLY have to gain by attacking his own people with chemical weapons?
>"Haha, I know what will be fun, justifying military intervention against myself"

I don't know what is more frustrating. The absolutely blatancy of these false flag attacks and propaganda, or the fact that most people believe it without question.

There really can't be any plausible reason for doing this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Im more interested in the Freeze bomb he used on first responders.

The what

What pisses me of that (((they))) are not behind this, this is the work of the white cuckolds that want to promote a full-scale war in the region, for money.

Why does Europe deserves to be saved from Islamization again?

freeze bomb

most people dont believe it. its just the media is controlled by one entity and using it as a megaphone of a million voices to create the illusion of narrative consensus

This is what I've been saying for years. A bunch of old fucks are bleeding tax payers dry to start wars so they and their CEO buddies can make a few sheckels.

Assad is losing damascus - the fighting are internal - suggesting Assad is winning shows how brain washed you are

Did you hear about this attack on the internet ?

The what?

What if it was done, without Assad's knowing, by Putin, cause he knows that West will inevitable win conventionally and economically and the only possibility to avoid defeat in this new Cold War is an all out nuclear war where US will be leading an aggressive offence, without the moral high ground and with a whole lot of internal conflicts?

can someone please post a link to that video where one of the dead kids opens her eyes?

Ok, think this through, if Trump calls this a false flag, on top of everything else, media just hits him with more crazy labels and probably the neocons go ahead with another false flag. Meaning they likely expected Trump to call it a false flag and had more shit planned, but Trump knew they expected him to call it a false flag and he flipped the script on him and even made the line about how it crossed all the red lines, to shield himself from the same sort of criticism that was thrown at Obama.

I mean who is Trump going to blame the false flag on? The shadowy anational globalist cabal that has its grips on the Dem and Rep establishment and is funded by infinite money and brainpower ultimately sourced from the US taxpayer? There's probably a trillion in hard cash still floating around out there from the Clinton NGOs and the Bush wars and the Obama bailouts.

Honestly we just need to cancel the dollar completely to clean this up. Too many bad guys just have too much currency.

>Can someone please tell me what Assad could POSSIBLY have to gain by attacking his own people with chemical weapons?

if you kill yourselves, we win - justin treaudough

Last time Assad was accused of using chemical weapons it was the rebels that did using weapons from Saudi Arabia.

The town that alleged attack took place is under control of al-Qaeda. Should we trust al-Qaeda? I say no, but Westren leaders and MSM trust them.

>During the Syrian Civil War, the town fell to the control of the Syrian opposition, and in 2014 fell to Jabhat al-Nusra. Deutsche Welle reported: "Idlib province, where Khan Sheikhun is located, is mostly controlled by the Tahrir al-Sham alliance, which is dominated by the Fateh al-Sham Front, formerly known as the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front."

>On 4 April 2017, the town came under a heavy air attack, suspected to have used chemical weapons. 73 people were killed.

I'm assuming he is talking about the footage of a guy playing dead for white helmet cameras then springing back to life.

Freeze bomb


who has the most to gain from this?

here's the one with opening eyes:

and here's the one with the white helmets acting:

it's 100% false flag

There isn't any plausible reason.

Okay Achmed. At this point in the war, even if ISIS was outside of Assad's house, he has no reason to use chemical weapons because it only further galvanizes international opinion of his regime. He would literally be shooting himself in the foot to get rid of a bug.

This is just like the Trump election. The more morally outrageous the accusation is, the more likely it is a false unsubstantiated fabrication meant to bend the will of the weak sheep.

>Can someone please tell me what Assad could POSSIBLY have to gain by attacking his own people with chemical weapons?

Scaring the people in the city away from helping the rebels?

Civilians might just leave the city all together since they don't want to get gassed leaving behind only the rebels who he can then freely bomb to shit, it could even be a humanitarian move in his eyes because then he'd only be sacrificing 11 civilians to get a clean shot at the rebels.

Calling everything a false flag is for teenagers who want to feel smart and it's really fucking obnoxious, or maybe you're literally a Russian shill.

Wow, sand niggers, not wearing uniforms, shooting wildly amidst a pile of rubble...

Really convinced me that what you're saying is true...

unit 8200 stop proxy now

The video you are showing is a mannequin challenge.
It just shows that they know how to fake shit.
It's one man.
Not a large scale psyop with tons of actors.
If you check their channel they have tons of videos and propaganda shit.

I wouldn't go too fast and call it a false flag.
But the situation sure looks shaddy.

the what?

sven the archive is blacked

could have been revenge for the metro attack on russia.

Perhaps russia supplied the chemical weapons and wanted to test them out? The timing of the attack is suspicious. and the lethality of this small attack makes me think the chemical weapons are russian.

Actually I call very few things false flags.

I'm not someone who yells FAKE every time theres a terrorist attack or a mass shooting, but holy shit, if you can't recognise this as a false flag, then please, PLEASE do not breed.
Your genetics should end with you really.

All I can see in the first link is an open asshole, not a kid's eye

Assad was interviewed by Croatian news yesterday and it doesn't seem like he is denying the gas attack.

Any Croatians got more info about this?

I'm sure Russia would love to get the world desensitized to the use of nerve gas/chemical weapons

Normalizing the use of chemical weapons would greatly benefit Russia. Nerve agents would make the pacification of people in Russia's vast land mass a lot easier.

>Civis mass leaving al-Qaeda controlled city without permission
Letting meatshield and potential propaganda material leave on their own, what a joke.

No that doesn't really make sense. If it was revenge for that more than likely mossad would have done the train, then hamas or hezbolla would have hit kikebase1. Kind of like when turkey shot down a russian mig then told russia to fuck its self a couple of days later turkeys airport gets alluhackbared.

>Haha, I know what will be fun, justifying military intervention against myself

Assad is the last person who would ever use chemical weapon in Syria. Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, ISIS are the main suspects.


Why make shit harder for himself when he's already struggling in a now 6 year war trying to hold his country together?

>There really can't be any plausible reason for doing this?

Kill the rebels with no fucks given for international law because fuck em, sovereign state. He'll do what he likes in his own back yard.

Honestly not enough information one way or the other. Just arm chair conspiracy theorist faggot OP, deriding others for their lack of insight and awareness.

Mc fucking kys

Read the interview earlier today, I dont remember him being asked about the gas attack at all

>The video you are showing is a mannequin challenge.

source on that? oh wait it's not a thing and even if it was a thing why would they stop their work if the guy is in such horrible pain?

shit doesn't add up

Read about it on local newspaper today, according to them the Croatian media didn't ask him either.

The freeze bomb.

>Can someone please tell me what Assad could POSSIBLY have to gain by attacking his own people with chemical weapons?
Alawites are running out of people and resources to fight the war. They probably hoped for much lower civilian casualties but bombed the wrong place or something, it happens.


>Scaring the people in the city away from helping the rebels?


wouldn't getting bombed by your government make you want to fight your government?

the freeze bomb

it's being portrayed as some shitty "challenge" by the MSM, they are on damage control

The what?

The freeza bomb

If advancing Assadist troops dropped chemical weapons on some rebels in a desert, how would anybody even find out? They probably use this tactic all the time, but now they hit a city.

>Mc fucking kys
said this out loud sounded gay, you're gay

>how would anybody even find out?
Implying clashes in wars are massacres where everyone of the losing side dies instead of retreating.

>it's being portrayed as some shitty "challenge" by the MSM
Is it wrong though?
That said, it doesn't change one bit. Aside from the fact that making a "challenge" out of this is mocking the fuck out of us; does it seriously not bother anyone ONE BIT how they're able to pull this off as a joke, while being totally authentic? I expect even the biggest normies to think "so have they ever faked anything else?"

>Brutal dictators have never terrorized their own people to squash dissent, rebellion

If you play too many video games yes, in the real world most civilians just want to protect their families and want to evacuate an area that might have chemical weapons dropped on it.

Why did you posted a link to blacked porn?
>Wait a second, that flag

I said it out loud and it sounded like a 1980's rad as fuck skater. Perhaps it's your voice, queerbait.



You mean al-Qaeda? Because the town Khan Sheikhun is controlled by the Tahrir al-Sham alliance, which is dominated by the Fateh al-Sham Front, formerly known as the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra Front.

Are you al-Qaeda shill? Apparently you are!

The fucking freeze bomb, how do ypu not understand?

Can someone please tell me what China could POSSIBLY have to gain by running over their own people with tanks?

A cold explosive device

Wow, dozens of civilians have been killed. Clearly what we need is an Iraq style military intervention that leaves millions of people dead.


>"This video and the related posts were recorded by RFS media with Syria Civil Defence volunteers, who hoped to create a connection between the horror of Syria and the outside world using the viral 'Mannequin challenge.'

they just exposed themselves as fake news

Chemical weapons are massacres.

Most Europeans are dumb and sentimental as fuck. Their concept of the political is based around emotion, in this case: which of the waring factions has the saddest pictures of dead children

We deserve what we get by letting women into politics. Europe is a full scale matriarchy at this point.

What the?

Can someone please tell me what the Khymer Rouge could POSSIBLY have to gain by murdering 1/3rd of their population?

Either it's a false flag, or Putin is testing Trump's reactions in the Middle East.

Imho, al-assad was probing if trump was serious about leaving him alone.

>winning the war, only a matter of time before I regain control of the country
>lol let me drop chemicals on those civilians

Because other ways to slaughter civilians are not. Brilliant.

nice strawman

why don't you buy a brain?

spirit bomb > freeza bomb

Why would you make anything more complicated.
The fat dumbasses will gobble it down anyway

>bunch of Saudis ram planes into Two Towers
>let's destroy Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia, Syria and then Iran


>let's arm bunch of terrorists
>they are 'moderates'
>gets Nobel Peace prize

But that person wasn't run over.

To stop people from peotesting them

Yeah, nah. I had a concrete pillar fall on me while digging out around a house. It wasn't huge; I could just barely lift it myself and at that time I was dead lifting 300lbs. It ripped the shirt right off my back as it slide across me... His clothing wouldn't just be dusty if a fucking concrete house fell on him.

Read the whole thread. I'm saying that chemical weapons can be used in secret on the battlefield unless you hit a city with lots of civilians.

He as used it before on rebels but nobody gives a f until he hits civilians.

Most certainly he bombed them with gas but maybe not intentional the civilians

>What pisses me of that (((they))) are not behind this

Not so fast, chief...gonna need to see your papers about that claim.

Can some please tell me what USA could POSSIBLY have to gain by supporting al-Qaeda?

Destabilised Middle East and safe Israel, perhaps? Am I correct? Of course I am.

seems to be controlled by the AP, you'll find that the narrative will come out first via the AP, then all the news repeats it.

> nobody gives a f until he hits civilians.

This. Who would trust reports unless they show dead civilians?

Recognizing AQ and US have a common enemy is not "supporting" AQ. nice try tho

Fucking swede FAG with his black piece of shit porn.

Fuck niggers

falseflag is false

what are interests and how could they shift

Are all Serbs this fucking retarded?

You should kill yourself. And I'm not joking. All anti-assad faggot shills please commit suicide before you end up causing a war that kills millions of people. Thanks.

>Most certainly he bombed them with gas
Where are the proofs?

Has Assad denied it yet?

I mean he hasn't denied it.

> (((they))) are not behind this

Whatcha doin rabbi?

but was weapons from the USA

I hate scum like you who thinks they have everything figured out about global geopolitics. Garbage like you will always trust media sources, because critical thinking is hard.

>Calling everything a false flag is for teenagers

And they say Brits are supposed to be sophisticated

Why is chemical weapons the issue here? Is it all good to gun down civilians according to the west but use gas and suddenly you're a monster? Where's the outrage for the use uranium shells the U.S. left in Iraq irradiating the area where they were used?

>can someone please post a link to that video where one of the dead kids opens her eyes?

Haven't you heard? He's a crazy evil dictator. That's what crazy evil dictators do.