How can people see what's happening in countries such as Sweden and Germany and still advocate for intake of refugees?

How can people see what's happening in countries such as Sweden and Germany and still advocate for intake of refugees?

"Nothing is going on in Sweden you racist"

Because the majority of people are incapable of using logic

Because passively accepting the rape and murder of your culture and society is preferable to being called racist.

Stupidity, ignorance and political education

They see it. They just prefer a leftwinged, multicultural society with a lot of crimes, before they would bring one refugee back to his homeland.

Western Europeans for some reason have a predilection for denial and appeasement going back some 90 years now

because it would be evil to not take them in, especially since we are creating the conflicts they are fleeing from. (to this point i agree even), so let us just ignore that taking in refugees accomplishes absolutely nothing due to the sheer number of them, only accomplishes the downfall of our countries, while we bomb even more people over there creating more refugees. i mean, you dont want to be a racist right? better take them all in and not complain and keep treating the symptoms only. the pharma industry was a good teacher when it comes to this

As long as people can go to work, keep paying their mortgage, buy iphones and cars to impress their neighbours and spend 3 weeks every year among other fat Europeans in Greece/Turkey/Thailand nothing will change. When the sandniggers/niggers get to close, they tie their hands in their pocket's and do nothing but surrender to the gov.

Why? I would say christianity. Now bare with me here.
When christianity began to set it's dirty feet in Scandinavia, those not willing to convert got either chased out or even killed. This has spawned a "cuckness" in us all, it's deep bedded in our DNA some fucking how. But we are also very atheist-nations, something I personally think is cuz we know deep inside that that sandnigger-religion is not ours in the first place. Ffs, we still call our weekdays by our gods (Tyr's dag, Frei's dag, Thor's dag and so forth), and as you know, Jul is an pagan tradition, just like the easter-burnings, midsummer and so forth.

>if we're nice enough to them maybe they won't want to rape and murder us.
This is where Christianity in the western world gets you when you are told to turn the other cheek and love your enemy. Such bullshit.

people are stupid and need to be lead by their betters.

the "turn the other cheek" thing just got misinterpreted on purpose to turn us into cucks. it was meant to say that we shouldnt start a fight over some meaningless issues. if someone bitchslaps you once thats no threat to you or anyone, maybe it was needed to let of some steam to then start a reasonable discussion. you turn the other cheek, does he slap you again? then you ran out of cheecks and what do you? probably make him stop slapping you one way or the other instead of going back to the first.
turn the other cheek doesnt mean you should let yourself get treated like shit, but to give people a chance to redeem themselves.
for example when the moneychangers came he didnt even turn the first cheek but instantly took out the whip, and i feel we should spent more focus on this one.
he also said "i didnt come to bring peace, but a sword". with jesus revealing his secrets we now had a reason to do good, to resist satans temptations and not become one of his puppet. he told us of the dangers and the ways of evil, and this is our sword to fight the evil.

Clearly i'm not a good christian in that case.

I despise Islam and everything it stands for.

wanted to post this pic to it

Most people don't it's just the media trying to create the image that people actually support it and when they create that image all the sheeple just look at it and go ''oh well if that's what everyone else is doing I better do it to''.

They simply choose to ignore it and when asked about it claim that the stats are exaggerated

I like this picture.

me too, which is why i wanted to post it. we all should take an example on this

Germany killed 6 000 000 jews, so it's their duty to take refugees.

Fuck that shit, they need to get the fuck out, NO SANDNIGGERS ALLOWED

>when the holocaust didn't happen, but you wish it had.



>Right choice
>Right reason
>Poor execution.

And the US kills 115 million pigs annually, but you don't see anyone whining about that.

But people here don't see it. You have to understand that most people don't even watch the nightly news or read the newspaper.

We know everything that goes on because of Sup Forums

Genocide of the sandniggers

The endless, leftward drift of the culture is dependent on people's cowardice and unwillingness to engage in conflict.The formula is simple, no?

> Take control of the media.and academic institutions.
> Use these to create an atmosphere of ((("moral"))) peer-pressure.
> Stand back and gloat that people would rather destroy their future than face baseless accusations from strangers.

Because Germans are ashamed of themselves and their culture thanks to post WW2 propaganda.

Aren't all countries that are bound by FN, required to take refugees?

Should be amended to mean white refugees only.