Watch out Sup Forums
sage this newfag
Oy vey
>its another inside job episode
Please please please let this catch on
W-w-watch out
Im not even mad, it could be fun to trigger some fat bitches with talks of genocide
should we launch a counter offensive against tumblr? actually nah then we'd have to sign up for that crap
my old tumblr is well immersed in the community, i could start shelling out redpills
How to trick them?
based muslims steering clear of degeneracy
i did dis ant my computor broke how i fix pls halp im 12 and i don't know what is this
it will take time. start out very SJW and then suddenly break out the furry guro futa scat inflation hentai
checks out
fuck clicked wrong post
replying to this one
It has to be a mass infiltration. We need support. What is are the options.
if i didnt think tumblr was full of faggots before, i sure do now
Are we gonna false flag Sup Forums again cause i think we should false flag Sup Forums again
i thought it was a fairly well known sjw hangout
what ever you say leaf
I did not and my spoon exploded
hes new here
You too
did some tumblrinas really fall for that?
you calling me a leaf, leaf?
round 2?
Worked great OP!
Thank you so much!
Together, WE can stop the Sup Forums evil!
>not tinder
Please destroy this website. I need to learn to love life again.
Lol all this bullshit I say we do a mass raid on em and finish them off once and for all
I need more of this meme
My god, why always a canadian do these shit?
you forgot to add before the del C:\windows
>echo www.Sup Forums.org\(enter board here)
>echo deleting board
this way they delete the specific board
>Not realizing that the folder is write protected.