This bitch
not gonna lie, this photo looks like good meme material
its her fapping collection
My thoughts exactly
New US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley waltzes in and breaks out the printed coloured pics in order to make the Security Council cry
We must kill Assad and Putin for our greatest ally Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Of course.
She endorsed Rubio.
She gave a #nevertrump speech attacking Trump in a speech that was supposed to be a response to Obamas state of the union before Trump won the nomination.
So Trump makes her go sit in a room where nothing ever happens and the decisions never matter.
looks like a piece of cheese.
Is gay boi like their apprentice or something?
I don't understand why some leftfags are so childish
Not our problem. If Trump does anything it will make him look bad. I say work the UN. Use this as an opportunity to bash non-paying NATO allies.
So Trump was a very stupid guy all along?
Why did he even give her any sort of power ?
So what's her point?
Reminds me of the Iraqi "refugee" girl who testified about Saddam Hussein's soldiers ripping babies from incubators and smashing them against walls (the prelude to US involvement in Gulf War I). This is done all the time- paint the "enemy" as an evil child-killing monster to justify military intervention. And the public at large is far too stupid to realize that they're being emotionally manipulated
wtf I hate President Cheeto now
>Ambassador Poo
>2 heartbreaking photos that will make you say fuck havin limbs & peace n shit :(
Graham, McCain, and Rubio have the same foreign policy. Which Nikki Haley endorsed.
She is now UN Ambassador, spreading their narrative.
>US will take action on Syrian chemical attacks if UN doesn't
>phosphorus ammo
>Sikh telling you to go bomb muslims.
fuck off jew boy
go fight your own wars for once
>time, and time again, ... Russia attempts to place blame on others ...
Sounds like that kike Schumer wrote her "speech".
Just imagine the size of that cheeseburger.
"Here are some photos of dead children. It was Russia. Support American everything" How can anyone in this day & age fall for this shit?
This guy gets it
Why do we always send these strident war mongering women to the UN? I don't see a dime's worth of difference between this bish and Samantha Power and before her it was guess who? Susan Rice.
needs tears
Murderous lying and deceitful kikes. They're gonna get what's coming to them for their lies and crimes against humanity. This time the ovens will be real you fucking rats.
first thing that popped into my head to shop.
Babies in the nursery were killed. They killed newborns in a hospital.
So Sup Forums unironically supports chemical attacks on civilians now? I think some of you have lost the plot somewhere.
Because she was an R-Indian woman governor that CNN/ABC/NBC/CBS would pay 10,000$-30,000$ per appearance to call Trump a piece of shit.
accepting requests
I never liked Niki
Dumb neocon Removed the Georgian flag and shilled against Trump
Children die every day in Syria and now (((they))) pretend to give a fuck. This is literally conditioning the goy to accept a US-led invasion to fight the enemy's of Israel. Why are Americans so easily manipulated???
How about Waco burning and Vince Fosters death pic.
Do you like my meme Sup Forums?
>"refugee" child actor repeats Performance in Brussels airport
No, we do not support Chem attacks, but we want proper blame assigned.
fuck muds and yids
Can not do what is not possible user.
Remember when Saddam was doing that?
It really is pathetic how immediately Sup Forums has been spouting out shifting excuses. Ive seen 500% more BS out of these pro russians than anywhere else on this topic, the goalpost shifting, the finger pointing, and of course, absolutely 0 evidence.
either ignore them or challenge them, people who think the solution to israel cocksucking is russia cocksucking need to be purged. no regimes have our best interest at heart.
learning that and becoming self sufficient with minimal goverment intervention is the true final redpill.
Stfu we don't want war with Russia at all and fuck Israel
>So Sup Forums unironically supports chemical attacks on civilians now?
i don't care what happens in mud land. they can nuke themselves to death for all i care.
the best i could do
There's a difference between being raped by Israel and being allies with Russia. You sound like a panic stricken kike desu.
Bibi wept all night for those Syrian children
Two photos that will make you say 'fuck rationality and anti-globalization and shit'
What a fucking piece of shit curry nigger bitch
Fuck yuo
And neither do i, but you don't see me sucking off putin and sub 100 iq asasd, you are just giving the puppet strings to another pupeteer when you put faith in these stooges.
I don't care about syria and their people and neither should you. let them gas and bomb eachother for all i care. We shouldn't get involved, but that doesnt mean i need to pretend assad is a innocent angel. Also nice salt faggot, good thing to know you are just afraid of Russia, lmfao.
Attacks on citizens of my own country? Sure
Attacks on citizens of any other country (especially niggers and muzzie scum)? I don't give a flying fuck
people have been using pictures of dead children to justify the migration of millions of gibsemedat rapist shitskins, mostly even from countries with no war in them, into europe for years now. it's become a fucking joke, i would gas all the arab children in the world if it meant saving my own nation from the inevitable ethnic replacement.
Isn't Assad an opthalmologist?
Fucking neocohens at it again.
The U.S. is nothing if it doesn't stand up for human rights around the world.
>goyim seriously believes he must either support russia or israel.
Reality check, neither of these countries give a shit about you, and no amount of shilling on their behalf will ever change that. They both could be overrun in zombie outbreak for all i care, I dont give a fuck what happens over there, and neither should you.
Eventually Russia will learn this lesson as well. That entire region of earth is irrevocably fucked and the instability in it should be regarded as little more than a entertaining sporting event for countries like ours to watch and enjoy.
Nope. Trump's playing chess in several dimensions. He's going to turn this around and nuke Israel instead.
o i am laffin... this type of mentality is what got us into this situation in the first place.
He was supposed to while his not autistic brother was actually supposed to take over the country. then his brother died and he was rushed into being his fathers heir. He is not even a good or interesting dictator. the current state of his country is testimony to this fact. he is little more than a russian puppet at this point.
thank you mr poseidon pls more
Just like they were nothing in the 19th century eh
Why don't you shove something large up your ass hole, instead.
Getting flashbacks of Powell. Are neocon Jews gonna repeat history again?
Great job
I am not sucking off Putin either. I am saying you're dumb for believing for 1 second Assad would do this. How the hell would it benefit him? He could use Russian conventional weapons to more effect.
I don't care either, I don't want to send Americans to die because of this BS though.
He ran a relatively stable multi-religious, multi-ethnic state in the most volatile region of the world while catching the ire of the jew-supremacist state of Israel... He's neither stupid nor a monster
Yes, that poster is dumb.
That is good though
Kikes getting lazy.
Seriously right when I saw this gas attack first thing I thought was kikes, fuck kike wars and if trump follows they with this he can fuck off
Damn you're dumb. The West instigated that dumb Arab Spring. Assad has generally always been seen as a decent leader.
You go first, if you feel so compelled.
See, Republicans are great.... until a foreign conflict happens and then their military industrial complex donors come calling wanting fresh blood for a draft
We need to support Rand Paul during this because he, trump and Flynn are gonna be the only ones trying to prevent a war
>how could assad do such a thing! omg he is too innocent and pure to do such a thing!
Odds are he did not order it. All it takes is one person in the command structure to say "fuck these jihadi rats" and you have a chemichal weapons attack. Do you think Assad personally orders what type of ammunition the planes should load before every mission? a single lone armorer or officer is all that is needed for an event likle this to happen. This is the importance of military command organization
Assad is the bad guy and he must be killed.
Putin must be brought to heel.
Pacifist alt-right faggots can suck my big fat patriotic American dick.