It was meant to be a wall, then maybe a fence but it was a metaphor all along. This is beyond hilarious. Can you actually defend this?
A metaphor
Other urls found in this thread:
We'll have a metaphorical wall made of metaphorical bricks and metaphorical cement and protected by metaphorical guards armed with metaphorical firearms and metaphorical drones.
Metaphorically speaking, of course.
We were telling democrats that it was a metaphors like a year ago. This is just more liberals not reading Trump's actual plans. It always was multipart and focused on a range of security and policy changes like detain and deport.
And metaphorically paid for by a metaphorical Mexico?
>not appreciating a good metaphor
Fucking gypsys
too costly for that price you can employ thousands of border patrol agents
Jokes on you, notices of construction are being handed here in Texas already.
Could you please elaborate on this? Are there sources of Trump using the word "metaphoric", or suggesting a range of measures, but not a physical wall?
Fucking hell Johnson is chairman on the Homeland Security Committee.
Why is this spineless faggot counter signaling Trump?
Ebin post
First off, obvious shill thread. But also, why has everyone so quickly forgotten that the GOP have been out to get Trump from the beginning? People are taking shit said by people like John McCain as if it came straight from Trump's mouth. If it wasn't said by Trump or his immediate team, it is fake news.
Jokes on me, obviously. There is no wall, there is no consensus about the wall, there are no specifications, no guidelines, no supplier of raw materials, no funding, no budget meeting, no engineering solutions, no clues within the GOP about what is going on, no clue on the voters about when, how and if it's going to be built. And yet, somehow, the jokes are on me.
>RINO senator
I don't defend wall
Wall defends me
metaphorical plans?
Really not a shill. I'm in my car, waiting to pick up someone. I've read the news, saw that, and posted it here. All on my mobile.
The Wall needs congressional approval though.
The Wall is the purview of the Homeland Security Committees.
Johnson is the Chair of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
Just yesterday he held a hearing about "more fencing".
He needs to fucking lose his assignment right after the Gorsuch confirmation or get on board.
>Romanian phoneposters
You are the problem.
This is exactly my point. The "plans" are three lines, half hidden, photographed hastily, never shared with anyone. You have to crop a picture to see them. Mighty plans.
When are you going to impale turkroaches again?
The wall is fine. Everything is fine. Trump doing all fine. So does Bannon. I'm the problem. Mental gimnastics at its finest. Ad hominem.
you dont seem to understand. Anyone who disagree with anything that anyone says regardless of how factual is automatically a shill. This is to prevent the average Sup Forumsack from realizing the bottom 49% of Sup Forums are incapable of complex thought, rational thinking, or formulating reasonable arguments.
The white collars in Turkey are regular people, just like any other people. You couldn't differentiate them. The problem is that they are held captive by Erdogan's zerglings. The coup failed unfortunately.
Was the coup even real? It seemed questionable to me at the time but I don't really remember following it up.
I don't know. Looking back, I think it was. Since Atatürk, the army was the enlightened part of the society. Pro education, universities, civil rights and liberties etc. Erdogan was trying to plant his men into key positions since many years ago. In similar circumstances, I would have done what the army tried to do: push Erdogan aside and re-establish the normal order of society.
Sure. Like getting the money back from them after we metaphorically build it and not expecting them to hand over a check upfront like some naive 12yo?
I've never heard him exactly use the word metaphor, but your have to really be stretching for a victory to believe that the point of the wall isn't to have the wall.
>lel you didn't get a wall you just got fences and agents that lowered your rate of illegal immigration
>Drumpfkins btfo
Or did you actually think people just wanted Trump to build a wall and walk away from it?
>there are no specifications, no guidelines, no supplier of raw materials, no funding, no budget meeting, no engineering solutions
This is where you are 100% completely wrong, they've already drawn up the requirements and contractors are already making bids and figuring out infrastructure requirements.
Holy shit and not only that, he's the head of the Homeland Security and government affairs commission.
you have to be stretching to think the point of the wall IS simply to have a physical wall, not border security
are you for real?
The idea is the tax and seize remittances, seize revenues from foreign-run criminal operations, cut off foreign aid, increase visa fees for SORG (South of Rio Grande) dignitaries, and work through the claims we have against SORG countries.
>Long term
The Wall is something we can control.
Also let me help you there:
Also the idea of Trump having the Swamp in the White House is to have an Untouchable crew like Eliot Ness had.
There's literally all of those happening, gypsy.
It had BETTER FUCKING NOT be a metaphor.
We didn't vote for Trump to have him be cucked by the democrats.
here you go faggot... border crossing down heavily since trump took office
Your argument is irrelevant to the conversation (off topic). It is indeed true that immigration slowed after Trump was installed. However, this discussion was about the illusive Trump wall.
The idea is to create blocking units to force Trump and Congress to enact our policies such that they may not want to advance, but they will not want to retreat.
>i don't know what i'm talking about: the post
>The idea is to create blocking units to force Trump and Congress to enact our policies such that they may not want to advance, but they will not want to retreat.
So, trump is our puppet, huh?
Companies are bidding on all of those right now. Stop talking if you don't know shit.
I can hear the thunderous sound of backpedalling.
this is how i always thought it was ment, a metaphor for better border control and deportations.
No one gives a fuck if a wall actually exists or not, people just want border security.
That was just finland releasing another existential fart in the wind m8
>Stop talking if you don't know shit.
Yet the head of the Homeland Security and government affairs commission just call it a metaphor.
It is called populism and you bought it. You were promised a wall, you thought it is actually possible to build one and you have your vote to the one you trusted. Shortly after, it became obvious that the promise can't be kept. You were betrayed.
Be both know (((who))) is pulling is strings.
We need to amass enough resources to cut some of those strings and attach some of our own. This was done several times throughout history and can be replicated.
>the head of the Homeland Security and government affairs commission
oh why didnt you say so?
its DEFINITELY fake news
The wall just got ten metaphorical feet taller
I think the Wall will eventually be built, but not with Johnson in power.
Haha, fucking backpedalling cucks, you are pathetic.
They can bid with the DHS but Johnson and co have control over 51% of the DHS' budget.
Trump can use an EO to go over Congress' head but that can be cucked by congress and the courts.
So far trump has been busy demolishing things. This is the easiest part. Any kid can tear down a laptop. However, so far trump didn't actually built anything is his presidency. Tried with trump care and failed. Let's watch him together as he tries to build anything and judge on his results.