/GOG/ Golden One General

Have you taken the Glorious Pill yet?

Let this epic Viking be your guide in life.

Other urls found in this thread:



>was a hired dancer for the Stockholm Pride Parade
>roid user

Skyrim belong to the glabrate

He's not using roids you fucking cuck

Sure lol

>glamour muscles

Hahahahahhaha, right.

Let's ask /fit/!

If every western man took the glorious pill we wouldn't be in the situation we are in currently

>epic viking
>isn't even a combat vet

Don't get me wrong, he makes a few good points, but the larp shit is cringy as fuck.

anything below 1 gram of test per week is natty

>t. Marine Sniper with over 9000 kills

greetings trve friends


>Ask /fit/

Nice try Sven.

>Gerbil face
>Synthol pecs

He's not incredibly huge
He's not incredibly lean
He's not incredibly strong
He's been training for many many years

can you hear Sup Forums Sup Forums ?
That is the march of raising Sup Forums faggots


This. I would pummel that swede any day of the week.

Asking /fit/ to betray Latsbrah. What a silly little beeta levteest you are.

>ask fit
>make the mistake of linking to the thread in advance
>get crossposts

if you think he is not on test, then you don't know anything about roids.


No, army, and no not a sniper either. There's only three kills that I can say with 100% certainty where mine.

>moving goalposts because you didn't get the responses you wanted.


Why ask in the first place? Are you dumb as a box of fucking rocks?

Ah! The steroid retard and his insecure baby-dick fans
long time no see

He tries to be a pagan and a dirty fucking christian at the same time, and people like Varg still jerk's off to this inbred fuck? Really activate's the old almond.

kys yourself lad

Even pumped like that he looks like a faggot. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate some of his videos but this degenerate fantasy shit doesn't fly with me.

If you think he's not on roids, then there's not much more I can do.

explain why he absolutely has to be on roids and can not possibly achieve his physique through years of proper training and diet?

Hahahaha the golden sperg, aka horsepigdogface.

This. All you are doing is guessing and saying he is likely on roids. How the fuck do you know?

Posing like this must be a sign of gayness

gay ass larping swecuck


there are two kinds of people of that size: those who do roids, and those who lie about it.

he just wants to push his natty narrative, because he is "aryan" and "the golden one" and genetically blessed

>genetically blessed
not with that face hahahahaha


>his narrative


Only three kills?

just lol @ you if your k:d ratio isn't at least 15:1

i dont mind his videos
you can get that big not roiding

Again, he's neither huge nor shredded, and you're posting photoshoot pictures for which he probably leaned down from his everyday shape and got a pump and some makeup and half-natty lighting.

Him being natty is absolutely believable.

>you can get that big not roiding

You're an idiot.


I mean, of course you have to take at least 8 SC00PS daily, but whatever it takes, right babe?

woah his thighs are the size of my head

how do I become this alpha Sup Forums

Cool guy. Makes good points and actually tries to make a difference while you punks spew invective from your basements.

>>read the sticky

>Him being natty is absolutely believable.

Here's what natty was before steroids.

This also looks close to all ancient statues of athletes, which were probably idealized some and featured the best of the best bodies that nature could make.

You're not going to get much more than this without pharma. Steroids are commonly available, relatively cheap and if you go near bodybuilding you will be around them and dealers very fast. They're not even that harmful to use if you get medical grade stuff and not sketchy eastern european krokodil runoff.

There's really no reason to believe natty claims today with people anywhere above this level of development. And frankly I don't care if they do use drugs. I wish we decriminalized it so they could be open about it to save all those young men who are tearing themselves up and feeling bad about literally unachievable results.

Him and his brother are great examples of natty limit.
Marcus is huge and fairly strong, but looks builtfat when he's not cutting.
His brother alex looks fucking awesome when cutting, but is (relatively) weak as shit, as he self-admits.

No you can't. Most people won't even make it that for even with roids.


where can i get more pics of him like this?
(for inspiration)


Heil Marcus!

what did Kek mean by this?


yes you can, i have friends that are comparable size and strength. You just have to train for years and be consistant

Greetings legionnaires

>And frankly I don't care if they do use drugs. I wish we decriminalized it

Actually since he's swedish I should clear this point up. He can't ever say he's not natty. Because that's admitting to a crime.

Our laws are so retarded that if they even suspect steroid use they can haul you in for testing.

Nobody in Sweden who wants to stay out of legal trouble would ever say anything but natty.

You mean for masturbation? Faggot leaf




How tall is he?

>being this retarded

greedingz troo frendz

He's about 4'5''


>dirty fucking pagans

kek. Actually just finished a g/week here.

Going to the gym in 123. Should I do a PPL? I have been doing SL 5x5 for now.

The thing is that I want to focus on strenght, size is not really important to me since I'm also swimming and running for those glorious cardio gains

Any amount of evidence would convince me immediately, but if you don't have any then you seem like some kind of faggot Swede that is jealous. Try to be happy for others instead of being so bitter. Or provide some evidence for your claim and totally make me eat my words.

Buy a weight gainer


Don't do what said

this is the most insecure guy I've ever seen in my life.

Is Teddy a natty?


With that you can gain muscle fast

Critizing this guy for being in shape and having a godly physique, you are an insecure cuck.

>he fell for the supplement meme

Just put some oats, bananas and peanutbutter into a blender, mix that shit up with some milk, baboom. a proper weight gain shake filled with healthy nutrients.

Weight gain shakes are primarily just overloaded with maltodextrine to up the caloric density, maltodextrine is absolute garbage. Look it up.

here is why the Golden One is natty:
>not THAT big, he is just really good with angles and clothes
>trained for 6 years consistently
>delts are not blown up, which is a sign of roids
>not super low fat %, he looks "thicc" if you will, not cut to pieces
>young man in his prime, no need for roids

You want evidence for that a person used illicit substances to change his body? Unless we raid his house and test his blood, we are not going to get that.

You can't change my judgement on his body, based of the training I done and the research on PEDs I've done, and I can't change your judgement either.

It simply makes complete sense to me that he is a) not natty b) not not-natty simply because not-natty doesn't mean you're extremely defined/vascular c) lying about his roid use just like every other roider d) interested in maintaining the natty narrative as part of his online image e) not really into getting caught by the police.

If you want further reference, just check out NattyOrNot forums that exist on various websites. And take a look at his brother, to see excess vascularity, for guilt-by-association.


>not that big
>delts not blown up

and he has no signs of shoulder acne either, right?