What's it like to be a white femanon in 2017?
What's it like to be a white femanon in 2017?
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>painful sometimes
Have you seen the size of the BBC we are taking these days?
Amazing from 16-29
After that rapid decline
>white male cuckposter
>Newfag, cuckposting, r/the_dildo plebbitor can't greentext.
Imagine my shock.
Go back to Cukkit cuck poster.
You have to work to get paid more. Every femanon I meet saying shit like this takes 4 month long vacations every year, spend all day talking to others in the office or non work related calls on the phone. The moment they have to lift or do anything physical it's time to call a man.
None of these reports of what women make take into account their tons of time off so when they straight up compare what the male worker made vs female there's a difference in pay per hour. There's not a single company in the US that discriminates against women and hasn't been since the 80's. Honestly they should be paid less, they do less work, but we men feel for you women and want you to think it's 'fair' so we give you more than you even deserve.
Truly a cuck but you have to go back to plebbit fag
I sometimes wonder...
Imagine this, you step out to commute to work and see that 9/10 guy wearing nice clothes, you decide to follow him on and sit near him, but he doesn't look in your direction let alone approach with a witty pickup line. Confused for only a moment, you come to the only conclusion, he's totally brainwashed by the patriarchy and can't see your big beautiful fullness. Clearly he wasn't good enough for you.
Stepping off completely assured you're perfect in every way, you stroll into work, "handball" your daily chores to the intern just like oppressive men used to do to women and check Facebook. Your boss timidly tip toes in to check up, but you assure them it's all fine, still shaken from the last time you complained about sexual harassment and sexism (is there a difference?) he slowly leaves.
Eventually you come home to your vibrant family of 4 cats and order a pizza using the local fast food app, check tinder to find yet 3 more matches all asking to meet, you smile as you drift out after finishing that glass of wine, just knowing you're destined to eventually end up with that 9/10 you commute with. Any day now he'll approach...
I am unironically oppressed because I can't own a gun to defend from fikki fikki.
Where do I find HRT drugs
Is pretty great. My husband knows how to handle a woman, he keeps me barefoot and pregnant. Feels good to be owned.
A dose of feminism, that blue pill and cyanide should do the trick.
post feet than
Because we are inferior beings. We exist only to be owned by men.
stop falling for bait! D:
Constantly feeling like a degenerate slut
just fine - LARPing as a man is something I never thought I'd be doing
I'm not gonna post pics for you internet perverts to jerk off to.
I'm not considered white by Sup Forums standards due to where I was born so I don't know user.
Feels like my cunt itches
And I stink
It's being in a constant state of feeling one thing and doing another, that' why so many of them are on anti depressants or drink profusely.
>Constantly feeling like a degenerate slut
this for sure...even when you aren't one in the slightest
I'm already jerking off
>tfw most of the men in this board are so weak, they would rather roleplay as females all their lives to feel safe in escapism rather than face reality head on like a man and grow stronger by it.
show your dirty monkey tits
What's it like being a HUE female then
Black men are gross (i don't find their faces attractive), so who cares. It's like fucking a gorilla because it has a big dick
When will forcing this shit stop?
Lonely. My female friends are all becoming degenerates. They try to get me to become degenerate and get an " undershave". because it would " look hot".
My best friend wants this guy who doesn't want her, and he has been in an open relationship for 10 years. She wants to lose her virginity to him even though I know she loves him bad and borderline stalks him... and won't be able to handle him fucking other women.
I keep trying to warn her that it's bad and she'll be severely hurt but she gets angry with me and it's ruining our friendship, so I just have to shut up and let her do what she wants.
She posts all these horrible SJW stuff on Facebook, and even had Marina Ambromovic's more tame art on her Facebook!!!! ( the letting people do whatever they wanted to her body for 6 hours live event).
I'm the only female Trump supporter I know :(.
My male friends are awesome but always have to be kept at arms length for obvious reasons. I also feel badly for them since they're all red-pilled and awesome, but have no girlfriends and have a hard time meeting girls.
My catholic friends are also pretty cucked and hate Trump.
So I'm here often, for some sort of solace I guess, and to keep me on my path of what used to be normalacy and sanity in a world braking around me.
alldaychemist, inhousepharmacy
hope you enjoy paying in bitcoins
or just see a doctor, from what I can tell they hand em out like candy in the US
Asian femanon here.
Me and everyone I know knows that I am not a nuerotypical girl because I'm always introverted and don't really talk about my personal life like others. Once told one guy freshman year I went to this site and he annoyed me IRL and over text/steam until I blocked him and ignored him IRL. Still took him awhile to get the message.
Hoping one day to meet someone that I can use my good experiences from this site and the internet to have a happy life but I'm not hopeful. It's easier to work on my career since it's pretty easy.
Still, amidst all my complaints I'm still spoiled as all hell, being a thin, moderately attractive women in a land of booming land whales. It's just not he privileges I want. And I avoid free drinks from males at all costs.
I just want to be a house wife with kids and teach other kids piano and have a good husband, to be honest.
That's abhorred in society nowadays, and most guys can't seem to afford to take care of a wife and kids while she keeps the home stable and everyone well fed. It's getting depressing.
It's annoying reading pretend white people say we're race traitors and not worthy of white men. But I keep coming back here because I like the free speech and I find the majority of opinions to be decent and intelligent, certainly more masculine than most of the stuff you see on shitholes like Twitter.
100% not from toronto
>(i hope for your mental sanity)
source on that 2d waifu
A real conservative woman wouldn't have male friends and shouldn't be single, especially if she knows red pilled men.
Like always - do fuck all, suck away all resources and cry how hard you have it.
How do you knwo so much?
>big dicks
ITT : trannies larping
Where do you live. I have a similar , although some of them will tell mohammedans to go back home behind their back
Ottawa, friend.
how attractive are you, and what are your height weight and age
>wrong use of greentext
plebbit untermensch detected
you have to go back
I'd take care of you and be there for you but Trudeau is a fucking cuck, and to be quite honest, the Atlantic is a motherfucker.
Could be better I guess, most of my problems aren't really related to being a female though it's just that the country is fucked and is ruled by incompetent short sighted dumb-asses.
The thing I hate most is this party culture some groups have around here, whenever there's some stupid thing like carnival or some football match everyone forgets all they were doing and everything that was done wrong and just party, basically everyone in the government exploits that to pass bills, steal or just get re-elected while the pleb is partying and being degenerates.
If you can find me a good social group of women I'd happy hang out with them a lot more.
I can't not talk to people and be 100% alone all the time, I'd go mental.
It's so hard to find any woman even half-way redpilled on campus. I keep trying and trying.
I dated a cuckservative and left him. I had serious concerns on how my children would be raised by him. This is my top priority.
I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. No disrespect meant.
I'm a really harsh critic but I think 7/10 is fair.
Moderately low make-up.
Height and weight can be too revealing, but I'm thin and medium height. Curvy as well, but in the appropriate spots.
it's not exactly difficult to find out
also don't actually self-med unless you're prepared to do a lot of research because you can seriously fuck yourself up with incorrect dosages or if you have risk factors for various things
Britian is currently more dangerous than Canada.
Anyways, I should keep my posts shorter and less frequent, I don't want to monopolize the board.
It's okay. I go to university for chemistry so I'm surrounded by non whites most of the time. The East Asians are decent to be around but the pajeets and achmeds can be creepy. The only guys who show interest in me in real life are achmeds unfortunately. It doesn't bother me much though because i'm not looking for a bf
unfortunately for you anybody red pilled as you is probably ugly as fuck for a male
female rejection is the gateway to self reflection and higher thinking
> I had serious concerns on how my children would be raised by him. This is my top priority.
Ditto, but reversed. There's a lot of stupid out there. I've stopped dating women because all of the good women are taken, or working themselves to death in high stress careers.
Only the dregs of humanity remain to breed with, and I wouldn't let their dumb ideologies near my children. It would be like being born brain damaged.
like ohhh my god did u see what Tracy set to Jenny last night? that shit was totes gnar, i coud not believe she did that, i am so not going shopping with her on friday
tbfh i i broke a nail last nigh so im pretty much bedridden i doubt yyoull see me at school on mondayy, dont tell anybody what happened to me or ur ded
you sound cool. good luck finding a mate. I recommend campus Christian groups
I hate how accurate that is - so depressing these days
lori from Mazinkaiser. Take a look at 3:50
>when the greatest adversity in your life is that your friends want you to cut your hair in a way they approve of
Women are such a meme
Just like it's always been for everyone since forever. Just awful.
>Britian is currently more dangerous than Canada.
It is, but it's also closer to the uncucking. Canada is where we were at in the mid 90s to the early 2000s with Blair. Blair was the UK Trudeau.
I'm looking forward to the political phase transition here in the UK to be honest. It's coming soon I hope. Much later and I'll be too old to participate.
Well I am well aware of the lack of conservative women. My advice would be to go to a non Catholic church to make friends. Also try making friends with married women.
As for being single you should create a conservative dating profile and you'll probably get 20 great matches in under a week.
Gorillas have notoriously small penises.
Wrong example. Should have used horses
Thanks, desu. I'm already a part of one and go to church every Sunday. I took bible study for a bit and now I'm studying it in my own time and making a prayer schedule.
I do have a good catholic guide I'm becoming closer to, but she is by no means redpilled.
I wish you luck in all your endeavours.
at the bottom of a bottle of bleach
>newfags in 2017 doesn't know what sage is.
No, I have males interested in me all the time and get asked out often. Perhaps you would not find me attractive, but a lot of mals do.
The issue is a lot of them are very blue-pilled or degenerates.
Where was that stated as my greatest adversity?
Right now it's my neurology exams, but okay friend.
Ah, I keep talking to much. I'm going to have to stop unless it's really mandatory because I'm being rude now.
I really hope you guys get uncucked soon. Make Europe Great Again.
thats my exact point.
a male who is red pilled enough for your standards is probably ugly as well or not up to your physical standards.
like i said, being rejected by girls is the best way to get woke the fuck up and figure shit out.
an attractive, red pilled male is extremely rare
or simply pic unrelated
pic unrelated
>these retards unironically falling for this bait
reddit was a mistake
>implying im not talking to a tranny
there are no girls on the internet only a child doesnt know this
1. Go to church.
2. If you go to college, study either natural sciences or engineering. Worst case, study business.
3. Self-educate, paying special attention to western philosophy.
4. Join a conservative union while in college.
5. Delete your facebook, tumblr, and instagram. You'll notice a immediate increase in the quality of your daily social interactions.
6. If your "friends" are dragging you down, drop them. They can't do anything for you.
Follow these steps, and you should steadily begin to accrue like-minded individuals who are morally upright and have their priorities straight. Good luck, user.
>I really hope you guys get uncucked soon.
We will. Socialism is currently in route and Islam is going to collapse on the other side of 2030. Everything is going to be fine.
Don't be too hard on yourself. You're right where you need to be.
>an attractive, red pilled male is extremely rare
I might be blinded by my own circle of friends but we're all 7/10+ and we all go to Sup Forums. Even outside the circle most conservative guys I know are at least 5/10 (no homo).
Kek, dis bitch is literally a walking meme. Guys are literally throwing themselves at her, but her standards are way to high so shes "forever alone." Im going to let you in on a secret, hun. Mr Right doesn't exist anymore. Men have been brainwashed just as much as women. Your better of finding a guy that's okay, and convincing him to become an actual man.
>t. angry neckbeard
Oh, I misunderstood. I'm sorry.
I did meet one redpilled guy who is essentially perfect, but there is a massive age gap between us.
I'm more concerned with meeting female friends.
>Implying I'm not a literal autist who takes everything at face value and spends hours studying mathematical concepts.
This guy actually thinks autism on Sup Forums is a meme. Wew lad.
Which province are you from?
>My male friends are awesome but always have to be kept at arms length for obvious reasons.
>I also feel badly for them since they're all red-pilled and awesome, but have no girlfriends and have a hard time meeting girls.
so you actively don't date them but then feel bad for them?
what the fuck kind of logic is that?
Yeah. I-Im white too.
We have less neurons let us be
>Be female
>Be logical
Choose one.
>Islam is going to collapse on the other side of 2030
I want to believe. Can you sauce this? I need a lift. I had an unsatisfactory workout.
You are a man, stop larping.
They are girls(male) anyway, nothing to see.
thats pretty rare from my estimates but what the fuck do i know.
interested in age category? post university?
I think you make a good point, men only fully develop brain functions at 25 so it takes a while to get your shit together i guess
i'm trying to activate her almonds user
That's perfect advice and I'm half way there.
Tje only caveat seems to be facebook, when I dropped it, few people wanted to text and wanted Facebook messanger only. I'm using the " kill it" app so I see the news feed less.
I'll look into joining campus's conservative group. Thanks.
Now I really need to STFU or GTFO because my post count is ridiculous.
Thanks for your time.