Scientist found out why Russians are so SPECIAL

>Medinsky holds three academic degrees, two in political science and a more recent one in history.

>Medinsky is so keen to demonstrate Russia’s superiority to other nations that he has even said that Russia’s perseverance in the face of all twentieth-century catastrophes, indicates that “our people have an extra chromosome.”

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>Extra chromosome

So you all have downs syndrome? That explains a lot.

This is why evolution, as it's currently preached anyhow is a fucking con-job. What if the intermediate stages are fuck ups? What if you can add one more chromosome to a downy and go from dysfunctional to super-human?

>literally saying your entire country has Down Syndrome

Many of the intermediate changes are fuck ups, which is why they die off. Only the good changes eventually are passed on because they're the ones that survive.

Why do you think cancer exists?

Russian we wuzists are pretty hilarious.

Some gems I've heard

>We were kings...

>We used to rule over peasants like you (from jew who's grandparents were deported to Siberia)


>50+ y/o family friend to 9 y/o me visiting summer palace gardens in St. Petersburg making smart comments about Estonians next to golden statues
>his own mom telling him to stop
>Get past the walls
>riotously drunk man shitting his jeans having a seizure or something next to the exit
>laugh for 30 minutes because it was so stupid
>family friend super butthurt at preteen kid for the next week

>Granpa (Karelian russian) goes to store
>gets jumped by russian thugs
>both parties, apparently, called him a fascist and a german

Usually an extra chromosome is not a good thing..

>>We were kings...

>both parties, apparently, called him a fascist and a german
top kek

>“our people have an extra chromosome.”
At firtst i started laughing and then i rememberred that these people are in charge of my life.
Holy shit.

Alcoholic sitting every day at same bench asked me for cigarettes. Was drunk and had expensive cigars so gave him one.
Dude makes WE BUILT DA PYRAMEEDZ sorta comments about russians all the time.

>Russians have an extra chromosome.

Finally we agree on something, Russia!

>At firtst i started laughing and then i rememberred that these people are in charge of my life.
>Holy shit.
top kek, but he might be right

LOL, yes, cool stories about THE GREAT ANCESTORS are part of any totalitarian shit

Actually it's sad how entirety of national pride of modern Russia's national pride comes from the time anyone was born
>we wuw won the great war
>We built do rockets
>We gagarin
>We make AK
Russian federation as it is righ now is a pitiful country that doesnt have it's own pride, only USSR legacy.
Even Su-50 is unfinished, Armata broke down and wasnt ordered because no money, Angara is still in development, no money so developments are probably still.

That's why.

>Russian scientist
Into the trash it goes

This is irrelevant. What is important is that us poltards adopt russia as "special friend" and allies who interests perfectly coincides with us interests. Just like israel is special ally of (((america))) and britain is special ally. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a antislav and slavophobic.

Ps - not roosky shill but born us of hahol banderite ancestry. This would be good for usa-noncucks and distract moskovites in more productive direction

It's all because federasts are so shitscared of muh AMERICA that they spend money they don't have on machinery they can't maintain.
And it's been like this for nearly a CENTURY now.

>extra chromosome
so they won't even hide it anymore, huh?

>being a proud saturday goy

your tatar shitmongol roots show, y'know...

They are scared for a reason.
Murrika keeps talking about missile defence from Iran and North Korea(as if their shit could even fly) but judging from the placement it's like they want to defending us although we never asked.

And then so peaceful and defencive they slip shit like "now we can use nukes because MAD is no longer a thing".

It's astonishing how nobody can see where this is going.

At least your nuclear capabilities are still second to none, nobody is going to fuck with the bear unless they are declawed.

Except the bear apparently has down syndrome and these nukes are in their hands

>every Ruskie has down syndrome

it explains everything

I didn't know people in russia felt pride about USSR at all

>"special friend"
It turned out what "special friend" is more special than expected, yay!

you seriously think that ancient shit will fly? lellll

>bitching about nuke shields in neighbouring countries you're hostile to
What the fuck is it with your pussy defensive "they're out to get us" mentality?
If we're to act like a superpower, you can't cry bitter bitch tears about others bullying you if
you act like chrome coated shit.

I think it's long term strategy. Nukes won't fly. Our population would never support a first strike. Especially not with Russians. Wait until the neocon boomer faggots like McCain die and we will see how policy changes.

>"they're out to get us" mentality?
Because they are actively working to turn the table the way they actually could get us?

Considering they are assembling missile defenses on all sides around us including in Antarctic on the ships it looks like they want to break the nuclear parity so they could simply nuke us and take our shit.
>Muh stop being so adversarial,lets be friends and trade
When only one side has a gun and the other doesnt the trade turns into robbery.

BTW even you aint gonna like living in the monopolar world with only one significant power. Not even sure if burgers gonna love it, the Jews will for sure though.

I wouldnt be surprised if there was a nuclear false flag or anything, we're talking real big shit here.

Too bad. McCain could do a great favor to voters and beat Russians. Russians loves being beaten and they respect whoever beats them.

Not only good changes are passed. Smart evolution is a lie. It all depends on the circumstances and chance.


non-slavs btfo




Only used right once, and it was magical.
My ass was so empty.

Another term for downies is 'Mongoloid'.

Really zaps the old neurons.

LOL, good one!

You are already too late Russia

Chyna has already begun harnessing the true power of autism. They're not finding a "cure", they're trying to find out how to enable autism, and how to defeat their enemies weaponized autism.

Properly cultivated autism can later be enriched into weaponized autism.

If you don't cultivate autism it'll mutate into cuckism, look at Sweden, we're a failed experiment.


how can the west even compete

IIRC it relates to empathy and have definite location in the front lobe.