Whats your excuse for not being a steroid using bodybuilder? The jews want to feminize you so why arent you making yourself hyper-masculine?
Whats your excuse for not being a steroid using bodybuilder...
Cause steroids are bad for you.
Literally very bad for you.
Be a man and build the muscle like a man. Naturally.
1) Steroids are really Dangerous(Every one thinks theyll be different but they arent)
2) Being masculine is as much in the Mind as in the body
because you will suppress your production of natural testosterone once you are off-cycle
unless you plan on cruising with the steroid-jew your entire life, which if this is true then you are just funding the jew
>using steroids
No thanks, I'm not a cuck, my body actually produces a fuckload of test already.
big muscles make you look like an insecure faggot
most girls don't find it attractive unless you have a great personality
Steroids cause microbenis.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror to see one of these.
you know just live like a man of the 90´s coz thats when jew shit wasnt a thing yet
hit the gym, skip the drugs, never smoke, fuck girls, get a job, you´ll be fine
only thing you´re getting with steroids is a possible heart attack and machoing doesnt really matter when you´re dead. do it naturally
I dont want tiny balls
Steroids cause, among health problems, also hyper aggression.
Do you want to be the fag that starts fights where its not necessary? I don't.
ITT: fat&dyel virgins trying to rationalize their shitty lifestyle by comparing it to another
No idea where to get them.
t. insecure faggot who thinks serious bodybuilders lift for girls because if he were to actual lift weights, it would be for girls
I don't want to die of a heart attack?
>he actually opened the roid can of worms
Just let the plebs stay plebs
how do i get steroids?
I know they don't lift for girls lmao, they lift because they're closeted faggots
I don't see a point in lifting because it does the opposite of keeping you healthy and is ALWAYS a way to compensate for something
If you gotta ask you arent ready
This is a myth
Bodybuilding is literally nothing more than a glorified male beauty pagent.
It leads to personal vanity which is degenerate.
Real men engage in strongman or powerlifting
I've observed it to be true. Steroid users are more aggressive and easier to agitate over trivial shit.
Oh yeah if you compete youre a faggot for sure. But being big and aesthetic and strong is the best way to stick it to the jew
>I don't see a point in lifting because it does the opposite of keeping you healthy and is ALWAYS a way to compensate for something.
>what is a hobby
Haha you fucking idiot. That's what they want you to believe. Girls love muscles.
>hobby consisting of slowly destroying your back and bones in order to feel satisfied as you witness your atrocious deformed reflection in the mirror
lol, coal burning low IQ type girls, yeah sure
Jewish anti-swole psychobabble: easy
Aryan honest work towards excellence and beauty: hard
The iron isn't for everyone.
because im not a narcissistic homosexual, next question
if i knew where to get roids
Natural is best.
it differs, for example the chads in manga are usually skinny dudes with "hip" bowl haircuts. in reality, muscles are a sign of testosterone and most girls find that attractive, at least sexually. doesnt apply if you have a high fat percentage though.
>making excuses for being a lazy fuck
2/10 b8 if troll
If you dont know you arent ready. You need to work out in a gritty gym and befriend the roiders and they will give you the info when they feel you are ready.
good advice, but whats stopping me from getting heart attack/stroke
Advice from the roiders who arent dead. You have to learn from them before they give you the juice
Leaf is right.
estrogens in the water are worse for you than a test e cycle
>hobby consisting of slowly destroying your back
If you have retarded posture and ego-lifting, sure. There's a reason why people at the gym put emphasis on fucking posture and sometimes even come up to you and show you how to do an exercise so you wouldn't become a gorilla.
Also you know people who die on steroids are on ridiculous dosages of lots of different drugs. Low dose responsible use is not that dangerous.
>abuse steroids
>get infertile
that's exactly what jews want
Hey goy testosterone is bad for you!
Here eat some of my kosher (and estrogen filled) """"food""""! Hehheh yes goy good goy.
so you don't know either.
Through the Internet, what do you think? There's literally always a roid general on fit and yet you're still here asking. If you aren't smart enough to find them you're not smart enough to administer them
Sorry to pop your bubble gringo, being obsessed with your boddy is not manly at all. That's what faggots do. And moreover you want us to take drugs that make your balls shrink and call that masculine? Come on dude.
Because I've signed an anti doping agreement and get tested somewhat regularly.
>all these idiots claiming steroids are dangerous
They may be dangerous if you massively abuse them. However being on something like TRT levels of test has practically no downsides while offering massive benefits to most people.
Want to know?
FPBP for once you made a good post, leaf
Don't give in to the fake strength bodybuilding Jew. Train as a power lifter.
t. /fit/
I'm already shredded (not to mention 6'4" with a 9 inch cock), and I got that way naturally
steroids? absolutely not
HRT on the other hand....
They are not worse than dude weed lmao, alcohol or cigs if you don't take jay cutler doses you retard.
that guy is on TRT and HGH, fountain of youth
Because I have shit to do, I don't have time to spend 2 hours a day in a gym. I stay in shape other ways.
I like having hair and functioning testicles, thanks
>lifting does the opposite of keeping you healthy
>weed is bad for you
>being this retarded
Wew gonna be one of these days.
Steroids are for pussys
he's almost 80 years old and his dick still works
he's right
there's literally nothing wrong with 250mg of Testosterone Enanthate
how do you get HRT in a western country? even if its way down they will never give it to you unless youre buddy with a private doctor.
Arnie is posing same way as that photo with pink-gay-faggot-brony-horse guy.
isn't it a sad situation that mentally ill tranny faggots can get prescribed hormones that have no business being in their bodies, but men have to jump through hoops simply to replace hormones their bodies aren't producing as much of anymore?
Shill thread but I'm going to redpill anyway.
You can never get xyz from doing something. If you want to be masculine and are already a man it is already innate. Jews love telling you to chase something that you already have. They love telling you're incomplete unless you acquire xyz.
The reality Is they control you through your subconscious using a culture your parents raised you on. Every time you are shamed as a child you avoid doing certain things. In the education field those same reinforcements get worse until you are a stifled adult, barely able to cope. Barely able to make decisions because you have to screen your thoughts before acting. That "check yourself" meme plays into this for example. It is and was a marxist ploy to inhibit the mind and thus control the population of equally broken people.
Screencap this post and share it whenever this subject is brought up. It does not have to be this way but we need to spread the awareness of being controlled.
Do not let the antithesis of authenticity win.
bretty nice except chestlet
I'm a poorfag and don't have much money. Aren't steroids expensive? I already have to spend $ on creatine monohydrate and Whey protein.
If you're middle aged then private anti aging clinics are the way to go. If you're younger then you're pretty much out of luck unless you happen to be super lucky and find a sensible doctor.
Bodybuilding: gay
Bodybuildong+roids: supergay
TRT: redpilled
The steroids shrink your balls and make you grow boobs.
I'm not memeing. This is how steroids work works
What is TRT? Testosterone replacement therapy?
If so then what's the difference from regular steroids?
Digits confirm.
because im not a thumbnail-saving retard
arnold has 6 children
>he fell for the "steroids will make your liver and heart explode" meme.
Fucking burger always bringing the stupid into every thread.
>yes goyim smoke the growable jew
TRT is basicly steroids for deficient guys that want normal levels
Mostly old dudes get on it
Bingo. You hit the nail on the head. Imagine the complete lack of virility subsequent generations will have as normal elementary behavior such as rough-housing, imaginary gun-fighting, and physical competition are completely banned and punished by suspension/expulsion.
Feminization of the Western world will be our downfall. We will eventually be unable to resist tyranny due to lifelong psychological training towards docile compliance and obedience to the Orwellian Marxist Feminazi nanny-state.
Whl says you need to get off it?
>verified evidence of life long athletes looking good, feeling good, having multiple children and full heads of hair
>trust me goy, they're bad for you!
Okay micro balls shit eater. We all know Germans are home of the scat fetish
It's getting T from a doctor and you do regular checkups and tests so you don't grow tits and become infertile and shit. It's safe.
Whats a good canadian source?
I have a feeling your "feminist government" will never allow a man to be prescribed testosterone
Trenbolone makes you aggressive
"Deficient", lel you can walk into male vitality clinics in the US and they'll test you for low T but if it shows you're in the normal range you can still lie and complain about having low T symptoms regardless and they'll still give you T you just have to pay for it yourself (insurance doesn't cover if you have normal T).
I disagree
Example, look at our monkey cousins; orangutan, chimps, bonobos and gorillas
Chimps have the biggest balls out of these 4 and they are the most agressive and murdering out of them. Bonobos have the smallest balls and are the least violent of them
What about testosterone boosters?
Ah I understand, my levels are probably high. How do you find out? Just book an appointment with the doctor?
Well it was meant for guys that are deficient, that was my point
I don't want to fall for the steroid-selling muscle jew.
>not wanting your dick to hang below your balls
you can do more or less harm to your body by warming up, not having bad gesture/habits...
But as someone with some knowledge in osteopathy/chiropractic I can assure you anyone who lifts regularly is almost assured to look 10 years older after they hit 60 years old
>falling for the supplement jew
Where I live you basicly dont. You probally gotta lie to your local doc so he thinks you might have low test to get you even tested
Umm I workout quite often for couple of years, so I'm already buffed without roids. But I have to add that most rookies have no idea about a roid cycle and that indeed if you are not a stupid piece of shit, it wont hurt you.
But the media like the story of "steroids bad" without real research.
Look it up fags or talk with someone from /fit/. Ballpill yourself.
>We will eventually be unable to resist tyranny due to lifelong psychological training towards docile compliance and obedience to the Orwellian Marxist Feminazi nanny-state.
That time is already here.