Explain this.
Explain this
OP is a faggot who keeps pic like this on his computer
Only country-side and suburban idiots voted for Trump. City people all voted for Hillary.
I have the strangest boner right now
one is a faggot
the other is #withher
>one man who is true to himself
>one man is true to the art of getting hella pussy
Ugly frustrated chump who's online social circle associate with a right-leaning movement.
This environment provides some outlet for him to complain that his peers will sympathies with.
Handsome sporty "Chad" who's social circle associate with left progressive ideas.
This environment provides some outlet for him to present his assets.
Neither shows self-reflected commitment to the cause they formally support.
What is a based NEETlord and a homo.
One is an affront to God and one is blessed in our lord Kek.
>explain this
Your sample sizes are 1
its called cherrypicking
Some fucking neet and a faggot that has a withher shirt pointing in the wrong direction, which I'm assuming that means he's against her.
I'd fuck the guy on right
Left=Sup Forums
Sup Forums BTFO
>ugly guy wants humanity to survive and for whites to thrive - even if he genetically wouldn't make the cut. Probably sees it as his duty to prevent more suffering, probably has the mind of a white man in the shell of a mut.
>handsome guy who is probably gay and got diddled as a kid
Explain this.
City people = vegan, focus on health, only shop at whole foods
Rural and Surburban retards = eat lots of meat, never work out, shop at costco and eat gmo's and pesticide laced garbage
>cherypicking exists
You are comparing a 60 year old kind homely grandma to a 16 year old whore.
I look alot like the dude on the right, only more Scandinavian, and in all 14/88 baby
Why did his mustache get thicker?
Someone care to explain?
The funniest part is that the neckbeard still won.
How can someone lose to a neckbeard to begin with? They have to be on a league of their own.
>focus on health
pick one
>neckbeard and numale cuck
yeah just about sums it up
Only rural and suburban retards like this neckbeard voted for Drumpf. Enlightened city people like Chad voted for Hillary.
Why the fuck is his toes fucking black, that ain't normal aye
Chad got btfo by fat nerds
Leftists aren't normal
>Explain this.
They both need haircuts.
Sure you do lmao
these transmen are looking more realistic day by day.
So a neck beard is smarter than Jesus, what's your point?
that's the average american
so fat and pumped with chemicals their limbs are not properly irrigated
since when did broly support hildog?