Let me get this straight.
You guys shut out white immigrants in favor of immigrants from the Commonwealth, including India and several African countries, yet you're all white separatists.
Is the average Britbong literally retarded?
Let me get this straight.
You guys shut out white immigrants in favor of immigrants from the Commonwealth, including India and several African countries, yet you're all white separatists.
Is the average Britbong literally retarded?
t. burger education
Let me get this straight.
You guys have 56% white population and you think you can talk shit to other nations?
Is the average Amerishart literally retarded?
Commonwealth fags got triggered.
If you only knew how bad of a job a Pol'e does... With that said, shitskins doesnt ever try do work. They should both be kicked the fuck out.
>obvious divide and conquer
Too late mate, we are in.
By 2020, America will no longer have a white majority.
At least while you're in, do the decent thing and get down to some paki-bashing.
> white immigrants
Those are even worse cancer than the browns senpai.
Let me get this straight.
You let your colony break away run amock and become a hotbed of retards, hence it is as it is for all of us including them.
Polish women create even more shitskins. They are notorious coal burners
Brits like Paki cum all over their faces
it's still far less than your own coal/curry burners
stay mad
Are you talking about the post or the people who voted leave, because they literally divided the white people
anglo hate thread?
poles are white. If they produce a large amount of blonde people they are white in my opinion
I actually heard leftist English arguing for this saying Indians had more right to be in England than the English because of occupation or whatever. Couldn't believe what I was hearing
How about the fact that we just want no immigration at all?
Is that an acceptable option?
Your women should be having their half nigger babies in your country, not here. Get ready for an influx of "tanned Poles"
who's on the right?
nice try
I agree , there is a great danger of taking more Africans.
But if instead we offer visas and immigration that we can control to places like Western European, anglosphere nations, east Asia and India then we will actually be in a better position than if the EU MANDATES that we take in a million "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa over the next few years.
Not sure if intentionally wrong or just wrong
>EU MANDATES that we take in a million "refugees" from the Middle East and Africa over the next few years.
It was 20k in 5 years for you kikes
Just wrong, friend. My knowledge of polish is zero.
All you faggots left in the EU have fun never having another pure white generation in the next century ))