It must of been one of /our guys/.
>Shia jogging away from camera
>this video got more views than his film
Oddly it was a black guy asking why weirdo confronted his friend.
erry one is racisss!!!
Haha! I hope he went home and slit his wrists after this
Alright guys, which one of you was it?
>he will not catch up to us
quick rundown on the video?
Watching Shia feud with a sudanese tapestry stitching board has been one of the most amusing things to watch this year
We need to stop bullying Shia, this has gone too far.
As someone who has been the victim of bullying I can tell you that he is probably getting emotionally scarred, let's just leave him alone.
he yelled at people in a bowling alley and then ran away.
He got kicked out of a bowling ally after getting very drunk and he called a random guy racist.
Okay its time to stop bullying Shia now. This is punching down too much, the guy needs help. He may be a jew but we should be nice to him now.
You fucking scumbag-leaf's have never EVER made one proper fucking post on Sup Forums, what the fuck is wrong with you "people"? Fuck i hate canada, i hope Crosby dies in aids tomorrow.
Hahaha he's such a washed up loser
>runs out in a rage
>forgets he's leaving with bowling shoes on
Top kek.
He needs to stop and realize this game of capture the flag he's set up should be treated as exactly that: a game. Every time we pull down a flag he should put up 2 more, hidden in obscure places, with riddler like hints. If he doesn't give up over 8 years then he wins. But he needs to put himself in power of the situation. He needs to adapt to the rules of the game as they are implicitly agreed on.
His new movie actually looks good imo. Shame about it's opening weekend.
>Brendan Fraser grows stronger
>Shia is tumbling down a fuck spiral
Is there a connection?
Bullying builds character. I give it my full support as someone who has been bullied and scarred physically and emotionally.
this is why you don't give betas any sense of power
they'll just feel like they can sperg out in public
Why you run up on my man?
Why did he mention Tennessee? Is it because hickok45 is from there?
where is the vid?
Anyone got a mirror?
Checked and kek'd
>"f-fucking racist!!!"
>runs away crying
i think at one point or another he will say that
>this was just to show how SJWs are ruining our society
>and how obnoxious are they
cap this
L e a f
inb4 season 5 in in his rustled butthole
but why he run up on /ourman/ like that?
You can't run from your problems forever shiah!
>Bullying builds character
Ye, no
Someone needs to tackle him and hump him into submission
Don't actually rape him, but overpower him and dry hump him in public so he's humiliated.
Are you going to just keep running away?
Best thing I've seen today yet
>was one of Hollywood's mega-stars set to make billions on a franchise that would never end
>pissed it all away to make artsy flops and to become a drug addict, last time he was relevant was as a meme 2 years ago
lmao. He can't catch a break
That's still sexual assault
He tried transforming into Optimus Prime
>Shia left but came back when he realized he was still wearing his bowling shoes.
You weren't bullied enough
fuck off shia
>Shia was at Pinz in Studio City and according to one eyewitness, he was there for 3 hours pounding back beers.
Top kek, I was telling anons in a HWNDU thread that someone needs to just go up to him and say "hitler did nothing wrong" to cause him to explode and make a big scene since he's obviously very unstable and easily triggered, hope that was someone who took my advice.
>alimony ends next year
>lose weight for bollywood role
>got hair inplants
Everything's coming up Brendan
Running away?
Unjust, coming to theaters in 2018
Not if it's in self defense
>tfw Sup Forums gave a Hollywood star the last push to a total brain-error
shut up leaf you fag
All is going according to plan.
the words of a man who continues to be bullied into his adult life
Do you guys think Shia was diddled as a kid in (((Hollywood)))?
Are you retarded? Just look in the thread, someone already made a webm of it.
why are Brazilians incapable of using the internet?
He was sucked off by bernie sanders
he runs like he has a dildo up his ass.
>three strikes and your out
Who fucking wrote this headline?
You gonna cwy?
>he runs like he has a dildo up his ass
He's looking rather "divided"
Talk shit, get meme'd
You get it. Back in my time in middle school I spent months seething with anger, ready to kill, because a group of Spics and niggers decided to bully me. I finally solidified my resolve and didn't care about the consequences and fought back. I learned that you don't take the bait. Never talk back to bullies. Don't shit talk. Don't acknowledge their threats. But be on a hair trigger to fight and if you do fight, be ready. They were pissed that I whipped that ass and never bragged about being able to fight. Instead of telling on them or talking shit, I had been shadow boxing and visualizing and hardening my knuckles like an autist karate kid.
People still bother me sometimes but I've never been bullied because I won't allow it.
its funny when the ape people get mad
>sudanese tapestry stitching board
huh? I thought the 4chans was an Angolan chicken husbandry scrap-booking forum.
Oy vey.
>he needs to put himself in power of the situation
He's in a position to do almost any sort of dumb project he desires, but most of them turn out to be pretty vanilla. I think he really wishes he was more creative & imaginative, and it's tearing him up inside.
I've been thinking of ways he could make HWNDU more troll-resistant and meaningful, ways that I assumed would be thought of months ago by him & his art friends. But they haven't really changed anything. It's still as exploitable and prone to the same failures as it was on day 1. And that's why we were able to get involved so easily.
Shut the fuck up you faggot ass kike lovers. Seriously you're stupider than niggers, he brought this on himself. If he would just shut the fuck up all of this would end but he chooses to continue it. We all know this will only end with him becoming an hero.
Do you think Shia even remotely understands us?
I don't think he is dumb or uncreative but I feel like he is stuck in himself so to speak.
maybe we stole his sanity when we took his flag
like his soul is tied to the flag which is why he defends it so much
>One flag to rule them all
Same. It's so please to bring g people together over a game. Whereas what he did instead seemed to want to push half the country away, though I don't think that was the intention. If he stepped outside himself a bit, like says, he could see from our perspective and appeal to everyone. And HWNDU could literally be true to an extent.
But that won't happen. He sees racists in the shadows now. Sad!
Should read: so easy. Typing on a tablet...My morning paper.
He snapped.
Kid actors get passed around like a bowl of chips at a house party
fucking underrated
kek'd hard x'D
Well hisfather is a child pedophile, and he was signed to (((Disney))... so yes, definitely
I definitely bullied my fair share of twerps in school.
They all we better for it.
We toughened those little fairies up.
If Shia Redpilled it would be a blessing from Kek.