Say goodbye to nationalism. Trump has succumbed. The US is going into Syria.
Kushner pushed out Bannon - The Jews have won again
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About time the US pulled it's weight in international affairs.
>huffpoo is source of this news
Ya ok.
Go ahead, deny it. Keep worshipping your God Emperor when you die to protect Israel.
Easy, boy, easy. You have to pull back on the rod gently to set the hook - that yank you just made will pull it's head off and kill the entire thing.
Fuck you go to war please faggot
Fucking jews
Yeah i'm not reading your fake news shill.
You'd let little children die in a chemical attack rather than send the world's largest military in to restore peace and order? What kind of a shitstain on humanity are you?
Why are they so destructive, Sup Forums?
i dont speak nigger. speak in english.
can someone give me a quick rundown about this?
You're italian. You're as close to a nigger as white people are, you greasestain.
Trump turned out to be a fucking neocon piece of shit. Expect new wars in the ME, and backtracking on all of his promises.
>Seriously, we cannot let her get her hands on the presidency.
Remember remember
Your country is
Need evidence first sweety
It's even more than that. He's given complete control over foreign policy to (((Kushner))), a fagget whose only claim to power is that he is fucking the President's daughter.
Easy boy - I get that you're a moroccan refugee posting from an italian internet cafe. Understand that both american and the jews own your ass.
Now go rape some italian slut like a good little mongrel.
Thats a liberal talking point. Try again;^)
Bannon served his purpose and there was nothing nefarious about it. Trump is not going to attack Assad. He came out with some tough talk, but nothing is going to change.
You didn't actually believe the shit trump said during the election did you? That was pillow talk - just like the rich entrepreneur who banged your sister was really just a lowlife drug user.
Say whatever you need to get what you need - Trump knows this.
>restore peace and order
Are you trying to be funny?
Crap - I'll throw in some good old racism next time. It sucks that emotional heartstring talking points have been done to death.
Yeah, lets kill children in retaliation for children being killed. We are the "good guys" so we will always win.
It's a reference to fishing.
It worked in Iraq, it can work in Syria.
And since when does America give a shit about brown collateral damage?
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I suspect Bannon has to quit so that he can legally move on to his next business. But I'm happy that the majority of people online, whether they have an opinion on Trump or not, see through this bullshit effort to attempt to drag the US into more middle east conflicts for Israel. Keep the pressure on Trump. Don't let jews establish a false consensus.
Like Obama Trump is turning into a good dhabbat goy on foreign policy so he can do what he wants inside the country
I agree. We need strong leadership in this country- the kind Nicolae Ceausescu was known for.
Tis tragic how such a great man was vilified in the western press.
Breitbart is reporting on Kushner's attacks on Bannon as well.
Keep sucking Jew cock, Amerinigger. Never change.
You are right. Iraq is a great place to live. Nothing bad happens there anymore and no Americans died to make it this way. It was so worth it. Let's bomb the whole world into freedom.
>It worked in Iraq
Until it didn't anymore. I suppose we could just occupy the entirety of the mid-east in perpetuity.
Stop seneing Israel money, dissolve the federal reserve, confiscate all the jews money, gold, land...make them work like a normal us citizen , problem solved
>It worked in Iraq
I believe Trump said otherwise
Daily reminder that Bannon went to the NSC meeting once this year. You are fake news
The fucking kike schemed to get rid of the nationalist. Imagine my shock
>occupy the entirety of the mid-east in perpetuit
That's the only way to wage war, honestly. Keep the land you gain. America doesn't have the apetite for that - hasn't since WW2.
I don't blame anyone - who the fuck wants the mideast? But to go in, kick over the apple cart, and leave only creates a shitstorm. As is witnessed by what's left of Iraq.
Well luckily this time Assad has Iran and Russia as allies. What's the US gonna do?
There's a shitton of nuclear missiles sitting in storage. And we never did get the Red Dawn future we were promised in the 1980s....
>fucking jews everywhere
just search deoperationalize, and you'll find plenty of articles
>trump knew susan rice made the NSC an attack wing of the white house
>the NSC original purpose was to advise the president on national security concerns
>the NSC turned into an attack arm of the white house for politcal purposes due to the massive expanse of espionage after the patriot act
Enjoy getting nuked to hell and back by the rest of the world. Nato is fucking shit compared to what the rest of the world can pull.
Pretty tiresome watching the same antics ad infinitum
If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out.
Only other real power is Russia - you swiss are too busy dreaming about being fucked by the darkies in sweden to join the fight.
you thought one guy, a new york celebrity of all pple, could change things? decisions regarding American foreign policy are made years sometimes DECADES in advance and not by anyone who gives a shit about an R or D after their names. Did anybody really think any president had that kind of power? Let alone a reality tv star? lol SO naive.
And now that he's gone they can get right back to business.
Nice proxy Muhammad
They'll have to another major false flag on American soil if they want to keep US public in lockstep with the plan for Greater Israel.
this is good news actually
I cant wait to see more videos of this kind.
I think it is about time to end the war in the area.
Send us some soldiers while you are at it.
how's that submarine coming along?
Breitbart is reporting that politico reported it, can you fucking read?
oy vey
of course not lol youre to insecure in your "beliefs" to have them challenged by opposing views. your either 13 or a chicken hawk ltrolling for 13 year olds. fuck off nazi chicken hawk.
t. ahmed
Lol, I said for weeks leading up to the election that trump was a kike shill. They do it all the time. Democrats sabre rattle, then republicans send in the army. Everytime.
Why don't American agencies stop them?
There must be some good officers in the CIA/FBI.
Id rather it lead me to hell. Oh wait it already has
Huffington isn't "opposing views" it's "throw every conceivable accusation at Trump and then trust that your goldfish-brained readership forgets that you were wrong about every previous thing you wrote about"
Kushner has shilled for (((Gary Cohn))) and Dina Habib Powell to have more power in the administration at the expence of Bannon and Mercer.
(((Cohn))) is a liberal and Goldman globalist. Habib is a Bush neocon and yet another Goldman globalist. don't be a cult right idiot and blindly follow. we have to meme (((Kushner))) out. let Trump knows he loses all fucking support if he goes globalist
Trump's past donations to Hillary, and his Soros/Epstein connections should have told Sup Forums everything they needed to know. As usual, the rubes were fooled again.
italian: nigger with straight hair.
I remember when I got drowned out in a chorus of "shill" when pointing that out. The day I realized 4chinz was just more of the same.
After making post after post saying US is a zionist occupied government and it doesnt matter who you vote for the kikes will do what they want I just gave up long before the orange puppet stooge was """""""""elected.""""""
this shithole site is full of too many mongoloids and shills.
cant help it
Jews gonna Jew
Breitbart is bannon's blog. Why choose that story to reprint?
Oh user....
Do you not know where you are?
Only radicals are willing to sacrifice everything. But I bet some participants/observers with guilty consciences try to leave bread crumbs.
Trump's cabinet are made up of a lot of jews and jew shills. Same as every other. Question is to what degree it will be felt.
Yeah okay dago, maybe if you eurofags would have their shit together we wouldnt have to do everything.
At the moment it seems like they've found a way to make their play through Trumps biggest weakness.
Daddy's little girl Ivanka.
They will be easily replaced by their mothers who shit 6 of them on average.
>implying Assad did it for no fucking reason
>implying it is not about some shabbo american goys dying for Israƫl
>implying """rebels""" are not violent islamists as bad a ISIS
Maybe he hopes your son will be among them?
My state is whiter than your country. And bigger.
seriously he must go
>he bombs his people
>the survivors are zombies
>zombies flee to europe
>rape agress .......
>Europe get reckt
Assad Kek
Putin: see i told you Russia is better than Europe