Slavery will Greatly Boost the Economy. Machines are expensive, so Why not kidnap illegals and force them to manufacture goods or do some services? No need to pay slaves, it`s one good way to get rich.
Should We Bring Back SLAVERY??!!
America had done it for more than 200 years. Hershey is still doing it. Apple is doing as close to slavery
Britain has been doing for 500 years, China a millienia and look how far they progressed using slavery, Great wall, British Ships, canons, forts, etc
I don`t know why slavery is condemned. Who cares about violating human rights. we`re talking about economic progress here. Do you know Trump can build a wall within 3 months, just by using slaves?
And the source of slavery would be illegal immigrants, Muslims, Mexicans, Chinese, Indian, and some third world south east asian country illegals. Because no one gives a fuck about them
Also imagine, sex slavery. Another great source of money. Saudi Arabian has been doing that for years
>S momi
it's shit
Slavery time in proportion to the crime committed would work fine. Also works as a bigger deterrent from crime, as less people will want to be in forced labor than a few years with free food in a cell
slavery is a jew institution that was taught to the africans that made the world worse. Pre-jew society, all men were free. never bring it back
Oy oy vey.
>Brown qt slave
>Asian slave
>Blond little slav qt
>I have the shekels
The English teachers in japan got too much free time to think about thing like this.
I am still on board with this.
No. The only form of Slavery that's ok is when virgins like you are sacrificed.
Slavery is bad for the economy because it suppresses the advancement of technology. Why invent a machine to perform a task more efficiently when you can just buy slaves to do it after all?
You can not own a person. That's why only cunts can be owned because they aren't people.
So, in a sense slavery should be brought back but only in that females should be considered property. Because that is their natural place.
Rome wasn't originally jewed and their from of slavery worked fine.
> he wants to say goodbye to technological progress and improvements in quality of goods for the sake of cheap labor
It will boost your economy temporarity, and greatly harm it in the long run.
Hello, r/MGTOW
[spoiler] why don't we use people in the prison system for free hard labor [/spoiler]
>why don't we use people in the prison system for free hard labor
Wait, you mean you don't?
Slavery created the entire problem of generational outrage we've been stuck dealing with up to now. Are you retarded?
Also this.
You still need to give them food, water, basic utilities and housing. Slavery is almost the same as communism.
>Making sense post the industrial revolution
Hurrrr durrrr.
Oh wow a jap proposing crimes against humanity color me surprised
That's animal cruelty, and it will not be tolerated!
WHEN WILL ANIME GIRLS BE REAL? how can real women even compete desu
You're not an American so you don't know, but slavery never ended here.
We don't call them "slaves" anymore of course, we call them "prisoners".
Should We Bring Back SLAVERY??!!
That sound you here is the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and assorted billionaire globalists laughing their asses of at you, you naive dumbfuck.
Slavery is a waste of human resources. It's economically inefficient, and the economies/organizations that still use it in the modern day are dying the deaths of dinosaurs. They need to throw the albatross off of their necks, but they won't. Slavery as an institution survives to feed the egos, not the wallets, of the masters.