The negro question

Reminder that Africans never invented the wheel. They hadn’t even come up the concept of marriage and just fucked each other like animals. (It’s hard to tell if they even knew pregnancies were a result of sex.)
The average African (with an IQ of 75) is mentally retarded by western standards.
It used to be that anyone in the US with an IQ of < 85 was considered retarded, but they had to change it because otherwise too many blacks would be considered retarded.
The average American black has an IQ of 85 due to having around 30 % European blood.
Africans are simply not made for western civilization. I hate how people here lie to themselves and say shit like “we just need to educate them properly” or “we need to bring back the family unit in the black community”.
They are simply incapable of forming decent societies.
>But I have a black guy in my college class.
The top 5% does not represent the average negro.
>But look at this dank black g-

Example of African intelligence:

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a mistake taking Africans out of Africa. Shouldve left them there, just observing them like a zoo or something.

Now the only option left is to exterminate them. Not a big loss to humanity imo.

The nigger is sub-human.
It is the result of thousands of years of isolated distant evolution on the uncivilized continent of central/lower Africa.

If believe in Evolution but believe that niggers are human, you are a hypocrite.
The two contradict eachother.

A civilization without proper medicine, shelter,... and without a lot of threads to it's people (e.g. wild animals, diseases, tribal warfare,...) will have a high mortality rate.
The only way for that civilization to survive is by procreating at larger numbers that there death rates.
This has led to them developing more active libido's (and bigger dicks).
They are naturally programmed to reproduce at very fast rates and will eventually out breed any other race.

here's a video on race and IQ:

I like the big Dick part

Didn't know larger dicks were able to create Civilization, Technology and Medicines.

Bigger Brain > Longer Benis faggot

Well it's the truth.
A lot of people here would deny it and say that it's just a meme or something, but that's not true.
It's simply a result of evolution.

The Ancient Greeks already knew that having a big dick was a sign of being a savage.

We all know this, user. The hard part is spreading it to the public.

I heard a theory that said that a harsher climate and winters were an essential factor that increased the average IQ of the whites, basically because only the smartest and fittest survived these conditions especially in stone age times.

>We all know this, user.

70 % of the people on this board are civic nationalists who unironically believe blacks can be fixed some way or another.

Maybe in the stone age, but not later on.
I woiuldn't explain why the Romans were more advanced than the Nordic people.

A rough climate selects mostly for strength and not for intelligence.

>A rough climate selects mostly for strength and not for intelligence.
Maybe nowadays but imagine all the things the first Homo Sapiens in Europe had to invent, build or create like clothes, shelter, new hunting techniques because of scarcer food

Yeah, I know, that's why I said "Maybe in the stone age".
*It wouldn't


Another example of African intelligence:

Here is yet another irrefutable example of their superior intellect. definitely kangz.

Also, reminder that thanks to the negro's low IQ, he will always be attracted to communism.
He will see rich white people living in mansions and driving fancy cars and then wonder why he has to live in a small (social housing) appartement.


Example of black communist.

These are present throughout the whole hip hop community. From Tupac to Kendrick Lamar.

You're preaching to the choir my friend.

He's Peruvian


genius sperm banks can fix them.

along with free abortion, free contraception, free IUDs, and pay them tens of thousands to get sterilized.

Again, a large portion of Sup Forumsacks are civic nationalists that think blacks can be fixed.

Peruvians are part black. A large portion of his audience is also black.

>pay them tens of thousands to get sterilized
I could actually see that working.

Why is this board so obsessed with blacks? 10 - 20 threads a day having something do with blacks. Might as well just make a general called 'African science' where users can discuss everything regarding blacks.

Because this board is politically incorrect. Criticizing blacks is as politically incorrect as it gets.

Blacks are less intelligent than whites, which results in them being less successful. Instead of accepting the fact that they have lower IQ's, the west blames the failure of blacks on whites and says it's because of systemic racism.

The west is currently just blatantly denying evolution theory.

dumping nigger redpills





anybody still in here?
