Death to Arabs, oil war now.
fucking ridiculous - I know Trump didnt fall for the nerve gas meme. Something's going on
Pleas Trump, tell me this is just one of your mindgames.
Not gonna happen. Russia and Iran want those gaspipes.
They cant pull an Iraq this time.
or does the USA want to battle with Russia in Syria?
Trump needs to do something about Assad and his sarin attacks on Syrian children!
Obama would never let this kind of war crime human right violation go unanswered. Trump is not weaker than Obama is he?
We need American boots on the ground in Syria right now!
>implying this isn't just song a dance so the msm can't austistically screech how Trump is a Putin puppet for not condemning assad.
Said the jew
A bunch of aircraft have been flying over the station since the chemical attacks...
Trips don't lie.
>do anything Putin doesn't like makes you a Jew
Fuck off Ivan.
this has jack shit to do with russia, but rather to do with the fact that you're promoting YET ANOTHER war in the middle east. I do not want to fund another war in the middle east.
>Syria has nothing do with Russia
newfag detected
Going to war with syria would mean that we'd go to war with Russia. It holds no benefit for russia to want to go to war with us unless they're planning for a nuclear war with us.
Dont be fucking stupid
Russia can't dictate our policy. They are more crippled now than ever. If it comes to their eradication I won't shed a single tear.
>this has jack shit to do with russia
This has a lot to do with Russia.
They both have been meddling in the region for hundreds of years. The US more so in the last decades. They're spreading their influence. Russia didn't want it to spread this fucking much. So there's conflict. They can either slow down and accept that Syria might have been too much too fast. Or spend a few trillions more on war. Which would be unfortunate since Trump tries very hard to invest domesticaly instead and reduce dependency on the petro-dollar scheme. Large scale war would pretty hinder MAGA quite a bit.
It's probably a probe to test public consensus. r_fags need to be informing their voting Nana's on facebook about this and encourage negative hype. I'm sure the Bernie crowd agrees.
Read the article, you fucking coons. It's just an aggregate of what's been said already, not a new statement by Trump today.
Increased military involvement in Syria all but confirms the Jews/globalists have won this battle. Trump is Clinton is Obama is Bush. The war continues.
I thought that was France
That's it, this confirms the JEWS still control the USA.
Trump can't call it out as a false flag or the establishment will go even more insane than they are now. They'll try to impeach him through the cabinet by claiming his is mentally unfit if he believes in a "conspiracy theory".
Seens that he is just a globalist cuck after all.
The whole "America will not surrender to the false song of globalist" was just a lie
He should slap Assad a little. Just so the world knows their place and that you can't cuck USA without getting the stick.
US credibility suffered enough already under Obama.
>leaving for Marine boot camp next month
>already signed for an Infantry MOS
H-he's just bluffing r-right?
Wow glad I'm not a military cuck.
Must suck knowing you're probably going to die for ZOG.
Trump loves peace! He's an isolationist and $hillary is going to start world war 3!
>Trump wants to attack Syria
>Trump wants to attack North Korea
>Trump wants to attack Iran
>Trump wants to bomb ISIS all across the Middle East along with civilians
>Hillary floated the possibility of a no-fly zone i Syria
This has to be bait no one IRL is this much of a faggot, right?
maibe he hinting war to stop the russian meme
>Im not enought anti russian shills!! ok lets go to war
>libs: nonoooooooooo no war plisss
>ok no war then
all CIA has to do is drive by the whitehouse and flash the heart attack gun out the window and Trump will keep shilling for Israel
have fun dying for Israel, you will earn a spot in (((history)))
fuck you OP for misleading me
But Syria never tried to "cuck" USA.
They opposed Israel though
> Trump tries very hard to invest domesticaly
-cuts all non-defense spending to the bone, cuts department that does diplomacy so we don't have to go to war-
He's already making the economy a lot better domestically and it looks like it's on the way to get a lot better still.
The operations in the middle east won't stop overnight. It's still a vital interest. The US can't allow other nations to take over. They also cannot allow the Arab world to stabilize and unite too much. This isn't going to change. But there might be less harebrained plans to try to takeover using the CIA and terrorists and expensive occupations and attempts to transform those nations into something else.
What about all the dead babies through abortion in the US Dahnald?
Stop being israel's attack dog, remember the USS Liberty?
"In a very dramatic gesture, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley at the Security Council stands and displays picture of baby killed by nerve gas and excoriates Russia’s ambassador for supporting al-Assad, saying, ‘How many more children have to die before Russia cares?’"
Dumb birthmachine.
Please God don't let Trump fuck this up.
[spoiler]most of it is just tough talk[/spoiler] the states you mentioned all have handlers (n.korea : china) that will keep them in check when push comes to shove.
How can you be just 3 months into your presidency and flip on literally all your promises? How does Blimpht manage to do it?
ffs just let Russia and USA duke it out already with each other
its gonna happen eventually anyway
atleast we'll get to play Fallout/S.T.A.L.K.E.R irl
>implying it wasn't obvious from the moment he picked his cabinet
really thinking here.
Aree you a russian in a military base
seriously this will be massively unpopular
Investing domestically doesn't necessarily mean taxing and spending. It also means producing more wealth (and more productive capital) and keeping it. Other nations are being allowed to exploit the American markets on purpose. It's pretty much what turned China into a somewhat capitalist nation of sorts (which was very important to the US).
A lot of government departments operate in a way specifically designed to support and encourage globalization. Which does require wars and sacrificing local prosperity for the sake of global interdependency.
If trump does this there goes his base.
That's what you get for being a T R U M P F A G
That was with China.
more like it's a great example of how influential establishment and neocons are
keep in mind this is no new info just an assumption on reader's part that brietbart has inside info
It's probably designed to get a reaction from his base because brietbart doesn't want mil action
It's a vastly unpopular position to want mil action against Assad. So if Trump actually does something you might as well call his 2020 term done.
We must engage in meme anti-war
We take to normiebook to alert people about the FALSE FLAG
Also, post memes that can be used in this operation
IMPORTANT: tell about fb pages that a lot of normies go so we go there and redpill as many as we can
Or how weak and dumb Trump is
It's a ruse. Read what Trump's saying. "Oh yeah, no, I'm changing my mind. I've already changed my mind!"
The key here is the attack itself. Right now this looks bad for Assad... But it wouldn't take much to change that. The uproar here is all due to the supposed chemical attacks by the Syrian Army, but if it turns out (as is likely) that the FSA was responsible as a false-flag to try and garner international support... Well. Suddenly the shoe is on the other foot.
Do not underestimate Trump.
Literally not our problem.
Rubio, bush, and clinton would have already launched the cruise missile and established no fly zones.
I sure hope youre right.
This would make him look tough but also show that the fsa is cia to the international community
I think the real goal is to establish perm no-fly zone over kurdistan.
But they aren't president, I though trump as different than them?
Im a fucking idiot but what will that achieve?
Article is CNN as fuck. Just because McCain scribbled some schizophrenic shit in crayon dreaming of war, does not mean its happening.
If you look at north syria. I think the goal would be to establish no fly over turkish/kurd airspace to prevent Russia or SAA from taking back those areas and making kurdistan independent.
Not sure how Turkey would view it though as they have always leaned towards anything but indie kurds is good.
I think the ultimate goal of this new PR capital could be no fly over north syria but we will see.
>he thinks the middle east isnt a proving ground for weapon R&D
Stupid fucking indian cunt
I really don't know what Americans expected. You were going to use your public funds to make private entities rich through war whether Clinton or Trump won.
Your economy is built on war and has been forever, it's where you spend most of your tax dollars and where many of your wealthy elite get paid from.
So yeah, enjoy the refugees that spill into the USA and Europe and Australia and the UK and Canada from this.
A few people will get very rich and the rest of us will have a worse quality of life.
he hasn't attacked yet
>USA win in syria
>They will estabilish Kurdistan as they royal puppet state here
>Turkey kick from NATO
I would do that.
It's inevitable. These things don't happen overnight, not even after 9/11 was it the next day.
I'm going with the trips
Kek calls bullshit
and of course (((breitbart))) supports this
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This
is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and
burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD
>nothing actually confirmed