whats wrong with chinese people?
Whats wrong with chinese people?
Chinese "People"
Anyone who eats dogs is subhuman.
Literal subhuman trash.
Pick one
mao really fucked up their country and their culture. When you combine a culture that ridgely enforces hiearchy and then throw in socialist equality memes which leads to the creation of a political party that completely dominates everything while giving people no way to ever rise up economically or socially it creates millions of unfeeling sociopaths.
> forcing China to change
This level of delusion is on a completely new level for liberals. Truly were breaking new ground here
it's literally no different than any other kind of meat. dogs were just bred for generations as a companion animal for man so people see them as off limits.
had we bred cows or pigs to be companion animals instead, we would think that eating them is off limits as well.
"lets petition to change a dictatorship´s ruling on meat eaten by the citizens and impose our own beliefs on them"
aliens in 2217 might try this with humans and vegetables
because you know, carrottop looking motherfuckers from space deem it as a vegenocide of
>companion tier animals are the same as livestock
>t. CIDF
i could really go for a dog burger
p.s. i'm a furry
>had we bred cows or pigs to be companion animals instead, we would think that eating them is off limits as well.
If dogs or pigs had the qualities of dogs, then yes, eating them would be off limits.
Also you can make your first argument about niggers.
We should have a nigger cannibalism festival because we bred them for generations solely for their utility value.
Kek is food.
Dogs have a significantly higher order of ntelligence compared to many animals. Nature states we don't eat higher ordrr animals.
Why do westerners like dogs so much in SA and the east dog is just another animal
china should really stop being so ancap and start regulating... just about everything
Oh boohoo, Chinese people be eating dog, well, buddy, you`re eating chicken fingers, bacons, fried fish and beef steak.
Speaking of food, humans tastes delicious. We should make Cannabilism legal. Because theyre delicious
Those way too friendly Chinese, when are they going to deprive animals of sun lights and movement? When are they going to feed them their own bones? So humane, not capitalistic enough.
actually i'm pescetarian
What is their superior intelligence? They can make a connection with some words and associate it to an action? Wow so intelligent!
I caught a fish in my local lake and put it in my aquarium. I then taught it to eat food from my fingers. does this make them intelligent for recognizing my hand = food?
Pigs can be trained to find truffles or so I've heard. is that not intelligence? you can train pigs to follow commands the same as dogs...
this is right, moral relativism is satanism and judaism. also chekt. you are a mentally ill coward with psychological abandonment issues if you can't pull a jon venus and stop eating blood and still be a god.
forgot pic
china loves trying weird politics
actually pigs on average have higher intelligence than dogs even
but that doesn't change the fact that dogs are a companion animals since whenever the fuck
which was my point to begin with. had we raised pigs to be companion animals since whenever the fuck, they would be taboo (to non gooks) to eat as well
yea i agree with you
the difference is we don't boil cows and pigs alive or otherwise torture them because we think it makes them taste better you fucking retard.
Pigs made me more money than any dog could on truffel hunts.
The vast majority of my pigs are on an even level of intelligence compared to my dog.
People eat meat; get over it.
I don't eat dog meat myself but it's hyprocite as fuck to despise of someone eating dogs, while eating cows and pigs yourself. We only don't eat dogs because we have more than enough to eat already, and we like dogs to be captive in our homes more than eating them. But stay american friendo.
>but that doesn't change the fact that dogs are a companion animals since whenever the fuck
Oldest domesticated dogs date back some 30,000+ years ago. They absolutely would have been eaten. The only difference is now we are incredibly wasteful and don't use the animal for fuck all except making ourselves feel superior.
nothing is wrong you eat intelligent live beings too like pigs, cows, etc you are bitching about chinks eating dogs while you eat beef and poo in loos think exactly same of you too...
Maby the chinks need to be tied up in a net like that fucking gooks.
>If dogs or pigs had the qualities of dogs, then yes, eating them would be off limits.
>If dogs or pigs had the qualities of dogs
Mao Zhedong and his idiocy fucked over the country and only now are they springing back lightly
But now the peasantry has a fucked up view of their own culture
There is no problem in them eating dogs
The problem is that they boil them alive and torture them before eating them
Some even cooked and eat them while alive
Kys faggot
Dogs are meat. Why not eat them? We eat other animals that are more intelligent.
Only difference is that dogs have a easy-to-understand body language and behaviour which many interpret as dogs being able to experience more or deeper emotions than other animals (which is - of course - unprovable).
The eating-dog-taboo is cultural. Get over it.
ITT: Westerners falling for the bleeding-heart animal Jew.
Think for a second: All the animal rights commercials you see on TV, all the late night TV spots featuring cuddly animals met with fawning audiences, all the top grossing films featuring personified animals with deep emotional character development; All these animal-loving themes are JEWISH produced, backed, and funded.
That boiling anger you feel when you see kitties getting whacked with a machete, has been methodically and intentionally conditioned into your psyche over your lifetime of exposure to Jewish-instilled cultural propaganda. These kinds of distractions are blatantly outlined in The Protocols as a means to distract the population. It is the same age-old technique of creating a victimized group, (whether by race or in this case, species) and demonizing an oppressor to create a strong emotional response; You are being psychologically manipulated at your base instincts.
But yes, keep ignoring the abhorrent human atrocities happening daily and focus on those cute cuddly animals instead, goy. That's what really matters.
Oy vey! Sup Forums's answer to every question.
>Dogs actually serve a purpose and have been side by side with humans* for the last 10,000 years at least
>Cows are literally retards that are good for nothing but eating and pigs the same
Are you retarded? There's literally nothing hypocritical about it. Being hypocritical would be condemning Chinese "people" for eating dogs while you ate dogs yourself. Alternatively if that user was condemning Chinese "people" for eating ANY meat, while he himself ate meat then that would be hypocritical. But he didn't do either and because he doesn't eat dog he's completely free to condemn it.
At least understand the words you use or you're going to look like a fucking idiot.
People are meat so why not eat them as well. You are meat so why not eat yourself.
Other animals do not interact with people in the same way dogs do. If you have ever owned one you would know this.
t. Meat Lover
They don't really think it makes them taste better, they just enjoy it because they are sick fucks.
How dare you differentiate killing human from killing animal?
in case you wanna go
We are talking animals, not humans. Not comparable. Although there are numerous accounts of cannibalism it is usually taboo.
Yes, dogs interact with humans. I have owned one and I'd never eat one.
However, since it is a cultural convention what is taboo and what not, dogs can be a viable meat source.
>Speaking of food, humans tastes delicious. We should make Cannabilism legal. Because theyre delicious
Isn't it extremely unhealthy ? I know eating human brain at least gives you the Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.
There is no reason to eat Doggo.
Yeah I know its not comparable - but still it would not stop me borrowing Assad's sarin gas and gassing the sick fucks as this is my culture and not gassing people who eat dogs is a taboo.
Dogs and cats are our companions. Pigs and Cows are our food.
>chinese people
>abhorrent human atrocities
Wut? Where?
It's their dogs, and their country. Just fuck off and let them,do,what they want. Seriously. Do you want some nigger telling you that u caint eat rabbit anymore because "OMG ITS TOO CUTE ;_; "
>Oh look it's another "why do chinese people eat our dog friends" thread
sorry i offended you ming lee
Fuck off Mohammad!
what are you talking about man? Lets see -
cultural appropriation, affirmative action, safe space for POC and reparations.
They are already telling you what can and can't do and then demanding free shit.
Dogs have character/personality and are capable of virtue, unlike dumbfuck stupid cows and chickens
Stop worrying about what other people do in their spare time. You don't give a fuck about dogs and heir well being, you only care about how this festival makes you feel. Mind you own business.
The North American SPCA, PETA, and the Humane Society are murdering thousands of dogs every year. At least in China they are using the animals to give life to others. You don't care about animals, only about your feels
why is chinese people eating chinese dogs in their chinese country triggering your so much?
You're human garbage, probably some libertarian trash that should be thrown off a building.
>Eating humans
>Enjoy your kuru, retard
Holy fuck, you blame the JEWS for everything. But without the JEWS you wouldn't have anyone to blame. You've been conditioned to blame them by them, because everytime an idiot like you acknowledges JEWS you are giving them power over your psyche and anyone who reads the stupidity you spew. Don't you see they've already won.
t. Li Qiang
It was sarcasm you sausage jockey.
Not the doggos...
why not - nothing else on the board to trigger me at the moment.
Fuck off CIDF. Stop shirring for sourress Chinks
CIDF reporting in, what am I gonna defend this time?
Oh the animal cruelty in China, yeah, it's pretty bad, we made bad haircuts for them before eating them, I guess Sup Forums is a liberal vegetarian board after all
They're hungry, user. And it's not human. I think that's where they draw the line but I'm not at all sure.
I dog bit my left index finger off when I was 6. Fuck em all.
I wish a plague came, and killed all the Chinese. All of them. I pray this happens.
I can't eat these feels.
these threads make it so easy to spot chink posters
they are Christ-less gooks, what do you expect
Dont you have some lower caste females to rape to keep up your record quota PITLIDF?
fast user, post some doggos.
Shoo shoo Chink
Use dogge to provide food.
chinks are weird, this much is obvious
what is wrong with that pajeet?
I find it funny that the world's largest (or 2nd largest, depending on math) economy still has no animal/ environment/ minority protections whatsoever