How can Other Euros compete?

Just accept it

You will never be a strong masculine Blonde northern european man.

If you rid our land of ((hem))) we will dominate.

What you gonna do BLAK boi

Other urls found in this thread:éli

hol up

white women overwhelming prefer this type of man (south euro)

Implying that you're not a bunch of pussies.

the fuck is wrong with his eyes bruv


>south europe
>women Ideal
>160 cm average

yeah no faggot

wtf, are black "people" really this pathetic?

>nordcucks think they can compete with the superior scottish stud
lmao, that dude looks gay as fuck.

>Thinks the white race is superior
>doesn't know who owns the white race
You've got another thing comin to ya Goyim!

ask your mom
not even joking
show them both pics

prove that we are

>hurr durr sweden is cucked

old meme nibba

By this logic Balkan people are the hottest?
pic related

Do you actually think that blonde hair on men is attractive?


yeah try again

divide and conquer

You don't look like that. Also your country is getting ISLAMED

It is, but white women usually prefer white men with dark hair.

there up there


Would bang

you know nothing about sweden

even though you are right that we have problems with sandniggers you have no idea on how it is


You realize you're the most effeminate men in the world right? All you masculinity died with the Vikings. Only reason you make posts like these is to try to make yourself feel better for being objectively the most inferior men on Earth

Blondes and pale people are usually thought to be more feminine.
I prefer blonde haired women but honestly i think blonde guys just look like faggots.

white skin is less dominant, almost every man looks "hot" when they have a high amount of muscles

but whites tend to look less masculine than darker types most of the time


again you have no idea wat you are talking about. I would say that east asian men are the most inferior

>What you gonna do BLAK boi

Shove my Nigerian black mamba up your shitter :^3c


skin just doesn't work like that

learn what alleles are

Well, yeah, but if you have manly features then it's hot af. Like pic related. Hyper masculine looks gross.

just came back from a business trip to malmö, sweden is lost, just niggers and feminized white males. what disgrace this shithole is for europe.


proof that USA is cucked

About manliness or genetic domination?


Literally every hair type looks hot if you have manly features

Looks quite effeminate.
Those guys aren't Southern Europeans, they are Gallic, an intermediary between Mediterraneans, Old Gauls, and Old Germanics.
>people tend to forget the Northern Celts lived in a harsher climate for a longer time than their Nordic counterparts
It is because Northern Celts are so rare that they have not graced the world with their superior aesthetics. The Nordic race is nice looking, but they are blown out of the water by Northern Celts, the Northern Celts also have more achievements per capita.
I know who David Hume is, but I can't think of a single Swedish philosopher, or really any Scandinavian philosopher
>inb4 Kirkegaard the Jyll is shoehorned in as a Scandi

They come in with a close second to you. They are at least smarter than you and in some East Asian countries the men have mandatory military service too. They're weak and small as fuck but they still surpass you, at least they aren't all male feminist and weak little cucks who allow women to take over their governments

Literally the women in Scandinavian countries are stronger than the men

Sorry, I was talking about pale skin.

What makes something dominant is alleles

show me sceintifc proof that darker skin is more dominant

He's so pretty ...

>nordic men


both are the same guy and he's a portuguese actor dude, also known as our lord and saviour jesus christ

Irish men are the master race. We drink better, work better and fight better than the rest of you. we have basically the entirety of New England trying to be us.
Blue eyed men are cucks, the genes that give them blue eyes are the same genes that make them cuckolds.

>Literally the women in Scandinavian countries are stronger than the men

not true

you are basing everything you know about us by memes.

How about you learn for yourself

It's been time and time again that most women find white skin with black or darker hair to be the most attractive features, paired with blue or green eyes and that is god tier

But if you're white (like pale almost) and you have dark hair that is the most attractive features

>This delusional
Mediterraneans will cuck you IMMEDIATELY desu
No competition, they have style, charme, aesthetics
They can even cuck the nigger

hey man, I'm an Anglo Finn (my great grandfather was even called Harold)

Let me know when it's time to activate as I need to die in battle to gain access to Valhalla.


>shitskin haired "European" attacking blonde people

Stay insecure, faggot.

didn't you know?

Fuck off swedish cuck.
First on the list of Swedish philosophers!

We know enough

I was blonde as a kid you retarded shit
I am just pointing out that blonde hair is usually connected with youth or feminine traits

The memes exist for a reason though, I guarantee if I went to Sweden today I would not be wrong. Also I see Scandinavian people all the time and all the men are weak little fragile cuck boys

You are probably just one of the last men who try's to LARP as a viking but you fail

implying they look like that

I have worked in those countries

they are short, greasy and loose their hair at 20

They will never have been viking berserkers

That's why they can't even arrest a single rapefugee without getting hurt.

Homosexuals aren't allowed on this board

>We drink better, work better and fight better than the rest of you. we have basically the entirety of New England trying to be us

That because New England is basically Nu-ireland I live in New England and most people around Mass have at least some Irish heritage

>hurr durr sweden is cucked

try better itacuck

Women prefer pure white Finns

Mediterraneans colonized northern Europe and killed and enslaved millions of you snow niggers. If anything Jews helped bring civilization to Scandinavians along with Christians, Roman Pagans, and Muslims.

I know some guys from iceland. you probably wouldn't wanna fight them. they are in hardcore band and I watched the drummer break his finger and still finish the fucking set.

big up "I adapt" and "fighting shit"

eww go back to karelia

Nah, fuck off you beta cunt, everyone knows that Sweden is the cuck country. You even have pussy laws and are basically controlled by feminists.

you are though
its not even a fucking meme you salty negroid

they can

wtf are you on about

Meds just out of this world


Beat me to it, I was going to link it.


You're still from Africa.

Iceland isn't nearly as bad as the rest of those countries.

Also, admit it, when you see a blonde guy you immediately assume he is weaker than other people. Blonde and Scandinavian features give off a weak and passive type of look, I can never take blonde guys serious just like blonde women are often inferior too

all hot meds are half germanic or other


He looks like an angel. Huge white wings, tiny pair of white underwear, heavenly body, intact penis hnngghh


This right here is the average Mediterranean 5/10 couple lad
If you visited Southern Europe you should know

top kek

fuck nordic cucks

Most of us are from France or England actually, and some of us are actually native, but you probably think that because we wuz slaves n shit

no your level of debt is too high

>Ivan Aguéli (born John Gustaf Agelii) (May 24, 1869 - October 1, 1917) also named Sheikh 'Abd al-Hādī 'Aqīlī (Arabic: شيخ عبد الهادی عقیلی) upon his conversion to Islam, was a Swedish wandering Sufi, painter and author. As a devotee of Ibn Arabi, his metaphysics applied to the study of Islamic esoterism and its similarities with other esoteric traditions of the world. He was the initiator of René Guénon into Sufism[2] and founder of the Parisian Al Akbariyya society. His art was a unique form of miniature Post-Impressionism where he used the blend of colours to create a sense of depth and distance. His unique style of art made him one of the founders of the Swedish contemporary art movement.
Just to clarify.

has there ever been a nigger with blue eyes?

And they even have the nerve to call us cucks.

he looks arab

you fucked up


Italic people were indo-germanic since the beginning.

No, because you're actually from Africa.

>our land of ((hem)))

When you fap to yourself so hard you can barely type.

>he looks arab
wow really
didn't know people of different regions can have similar features

>demographic X is hotter than demographic Y, just look at these handpicked models

Could you hurry up and collapse already?

Of all the things an americunt talks about african roots.

what about ivan drago? that dude was a beast. I know he's fictional, but that movie scared me as a kid (I was only like 5, I think it was maybe too violent)

also dude, maybe things have changed a lot in the past decade, but Norse countries used to be hardcore man. I was actually going to move to sweden at one point for the graffiti scene out there, they are maniacs. (there is a swedish resistance as well, not all of them are cucked)

>get outdone by Meds in own thread about Nordics
>"m-Meds are really just darker nord, r-right guys?"

He's still more masculine and if I had to fight him over literally anyone from Sweden I would be more worried about fighting him

Nice try Bjorn.

I would give a pass if you had a norwegian flag or something, but not a fucking swede

Why are you arguing which men are hotter
are you literal faggots?

>all these close-set eyes
Get me outta here!

It's like a family reunion!