>Life is a gift

Does anyone unironically believe this?

How the fuck do you do it?

Kys nihilist scum

Dude I'm so fucking bored

No I'm serious, how do you do it? Do you think I WANT to be like this?

More like


If you don't agree life is a gift why don't you kill yourself?

By not being a child of divorce.

Life is rape, because the being you are creating cannot consent to it's own creation.

I ran out of weed and now life sucks again

Is this album art for empire of the sun?

Doubt about my conclusion and empathy towards family and friends.

My seasonal allergies are awful. God sure knows how to send mysterious gifts.

A gift from your mom since she didn't abort your useless existence when she should have.

No idea, found it years ago. Kind of cool pic

I agree, but that does not answer the question.

Fuck yeah it is.
The qualia stemming from sensory input is amazing. Every single day it is.

The misery is there but there is too much arbitrary weight put on that.

>Does anyone unironically believe this?
no, why?

What do you mean by "life is a gift?"
You are born human and you must die as Übermensch, thats all you need to know.

Or what do oyu exactly mean OP? I would love to help you.

life is more like a opportunity

I imidietly identified the rasitsh.
The colors stand for the eye colors of the white race.

>only get around 80 year to experience life to the fullest
>decides to be a cynical assmuncher most of the time

Flag checks out at least.

It must be amazing to find meaning and satisfaction in sensory input like that.

I would like to be able to. It would solve many personal problems and questions and make existence more bearable.

Well, I've been shifting through various arguments regarding various existentialist concepts like nihilism and antinatalism, and a claim I often encounter when someone tries to argue against these is that life is a gift. Which I guess means that existence is better than never having been born.

I would like to find a way to rationalize my way into a belief like that, since I'm very cynical and pessimistic in my nature and find nihilistic despair much easier place to end up than more optimistic perspectives.

>Not appreciating life
Why don't you kill yourself finn?


who is the assmuncher you stupid faggot, he asks a sincere question and all you "happy life appreciating" cucks can do is insult him and adive to kill himself. You are what is wrong with the world. Acting all self rightous but behaving like a cunt to other persons

Perhaps I will, but not until I'm 100% sure I can't learn to see the benefit in living.


life seems like a punishment and gift at the same time. People who tell you its only a gift are blind to the world and the condition humans and animals alike have to live in

>You are alive and able to experience consciousness
>You are able to experience shit like music, art, able to go out into nature and observe and appreciate the beauty of everything
>You are able to gaze up into the stars and dream
>Etc, etc.

I could name 1000 different things that makes life beautiful and worth living.. What's more, of the lottery win of being born to experience life, you were also born white and in the first world, life for you is better than it has been for 99% of humans who have lived and died so far.

How the fuck can you not cherish this shit buddy? We have a limited time on this rock before we revert to unconsciousness, enjoy it while it lasts because the end comes sooner than you think you massive fucking faggot.

Fucking brat

I'm not necessarily extracting meaning out of the sensory experience, I try to take it for the amazing thing it is.
Trying to impart meaning on a (as far as I can see) mostly meaningless universe might be the first mistake, I don't know.

you stupid cunt, you yourself claim that 99 percent live in worse conditions then us, how can there life be seen as a gift? What about the people that get raped, thrown at with accid, are crippled in pain the most time? Its all a big beautifull gift?

what are you expecting to feel by rationalizing yourself into it?

also, are you drunk or are you always this whiny?

try to give up all your addictions , including Sup Forums, porn, vidya

spend your days doing things that will improve your life, instead of seeking pleasure and escapism

meditate. spend some time every day thinking about what you're grateful for (this is huge).

and yea, sort yourself out. become that guy that has his shit together that everyone else close to you can rely on. taking on more responsibility introduces meaning to your life.

>have autism
>people tell me life is a gift

Normies seriously need to get gassed.

This. Procrastination will only promote self hatred.

Even forcing yourself to learn a useless skill for 3/4 hours a day is better than sitting in front of a computer wasting the hours away.

Gotta get out of that comfort zone.


>You are able to experience shit like music, art, able to go out into nature and observe and appreciate the beauty of everything
>You are able to gaze up into the stars and dream

I see where you're coming from, but being able to potentially enjoy some things in life does not necessarily translate to life being a gift though.

>what are you expecting to feel by rationalizing yourself into it?

Nothing immediate, but if I manage perceive life as a gift, then perhaps getting children can be perceived as a more reaasonable thing to do instead of morally questionable.

In addition, perceiving life as a gift may make it easier to come in terms with living everyday life.

>also, are you drunk or are you always this whiny?
I'm merely trying to express my thoughts and worries myself. If you perceive my personaltiy as whiny, so be it, it doesn't have significant importance to me.

I don't have any addictions apart from a slight internet addiction. I exercise daily, eat healthy and have many hobbies. Currently learning jazz piano and studying my country's history.

Then you have a meaning in your life, the simple fact that you can conceive of your existence is a gift of nature trough millions of years of evolution

Good advice for avoiding falling into depression, but not that helpful in perceiving life as a gift, which is rooted in your worldview and perspective instead of concrete actions you can take.

Good point, but managing to achieve and maintain subjective meaning does not necessarily make life a gift.

I already listed some reasons as to how life can be a gift, dumb bitch.

Have you ever been to the third world? I backpacked through Southeast Asia, poverty conditions and yet the people there were arguably happier than the people I see in the first world.

Find happiness in the little things, stuff like the love of your family, a cold beer after a hard days work, time spent with your friends. I could go on and on and on. Hell sometimes I wake up in the mornings and I'm having a coffee and cigarette watching the sunrise and it just blows my mind thinking about consciousness and the nature of things.

You can choose to see the beauty in life and live it to the fullest, or you can be a whiny nihilistic fucking loser, just remember that you will die one day, sooner than you think. And you WILL regret your choices.

i can hardly believe you have friends, are they as whiny as you are?

why not just, i don't know, start out by *doing* something you like?

alternatively seek out a doctor or psychologist of your confidence, who should tell you exactly that.

Yes, third worlders in general are happier than people in the western countries, because individualism is more damaging to happiness than oppression or any other kind of hardship.

However, my question is fully about subjective happiness, but subjectively perceived realities of life.

I'm already doing many things I can enjoy and I'm confident and social. Yet, this are almost irrelevant to the subject of the topic.

Is not fully about subjective happiness*

Ok, if life isnt a gift, what IS it exactly to you?

I'm not sure what to tell you man, I used to be heavily depressed and suicidal. I used to think consciousness was a curse.

Nowadays I cherish and try to squeeze as much out of every minute that I possibly can. To me, the gift of which you speak is the fact that I'm able to experience conciousness and life, Both the good and the bad. there is beauty in everything, from a flower growing to the feelings you get when you're in love to the vast cosmos and the concept of infinity. You just need to look at things through a different lense I think finnbro.


How do you not believe it you ungrateful fuck? Congratulations, you're the poster child for entitlement.

Maybe the greatest gift of all is to never have existed.

But who among us can claim that gift?

Well its not hard for me to rationalize as I was fucking visited by an acctual spirit.

But I can help you anyway.
Why are you alive?
because all your ancestors decided to improve and procreate.

Look at what they achieved, look at the essence of life. Look at all the struggle that is going on! The animals and plants! Everyone is fighting and every living being is striving for greatness!

Isnt this beautifull?
If you dont see the beauty in it, I cant help you.

You sound like you need some Peterson and Nietzsche

Then just say life is a risk, and death offers rewards.

Well, maybe this is purely a matter of mental health then. In the end that would be a huge relief, because it would mean that just by getting mentally healthy my whole overlook would change.

Difficult to define. It just is. It's neither a negative or a positive thing, which in some ways is admittedly feels a bit depressing.

Experimented a bit with srhooms and LSD when I was younger. They're entertaining and I see how some can use them as tools, but I hardly got anything out of those experiences.

Let's agree that I am. Can you point me towards the right direction from here?

I hear you, there is a struggle, and in some ways it is beautiful. But to what end do we struggle? The struggle itself does does not validate life enough to make it seem like a gift worth giving to the next generation.

What ultimately lifted you from your depression?

life is a literal meme and anyone saying otherwise is trying to make money off you

if you're telling him to kill himself then no fucking wonder he's a nihilist. YOU kill yourself you elitist faggot

You are what happens when stupid people don't have God.

Smart people can easily figure out why life is a gift. Stupid people like you need God to teach them all the greatness and virtue of life.

Yes goy, be depressed. Life truly is meaningless.

wow TIL

you're completely blink you fucking retard. you admit that life is a gift only by comparing one person's first-world life to the 99% of the rest of the world, in CONSTANT agony. explain how THEIR lives are also a gift, you worthless WORTHLESS CANADIAN LEAF FAGGOT

just to get this straight, so you have a life that works out well but you aren't subjectively happy, and that subjective happiness you wish (partly) to accomplish by forcing yourself to believe an arbitrary sentence that some people utter because you need it as reason to give having children a try?

if not i don't get what your problem is and what you want your desired state to be.

I thought they were two very good examples of how top deal with, and fight against, nihilism
Looks like you inferred the opposite of my intention

>implying frogs will fight in a race war rather than just surrendering their country to sandniggers and commies

this is just a meme but I'd love to explore earth or space and am a bit sad that those two are not possible atm

Then why is it mostly suffering?

>The struggle itself does does not validate life enough to make it seem like a gift worth giving to the next generation.

Oh ofcourse it does, you mainly give the next generation the fruits of your creation to build upon.

You seem to be the perfect person to read "Thus spoke Zarathustra" tbqh.

You can explore the ocean. Good look getting funded though, but the same applies to earth and space exploration.