Prohibition of deporting illegals in Moscow

Russian MVD prohibited deporting tajik illegals in Moscow.
And this is after the bomb in Petersburg metro.
>But muh Putin!!
He is not ourguy, and you ignoring the truth contributes to the problem.новости/994720/v_moskvie_mvd_zaprietilo_vydvoriat_nielieghalov_iz_tadzhikistana

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I'm genuinely curious what Russia will be like in a couple of decades, Muslim and slanty-eyed. At least you'll probably be past your bitchfight with America that will be brown and spic by this point.

It already is, even sharia patrols start to appear.
If you tell anything bad about islam to these fuckers be prepared to be beat up.

It's funny seeing trump-boys ignoring this thread,
but also depressing, as they were one of my hopes for a better future

Trump was a brief distraction for uppity goyim. He could never reverse demographics without going full fascist, so it was always hopeless. I will say this, I really really dislike the idea of Muslim Mongoloids and Aztec rape babies inheriting huge nuclear arsenals

i thought Putin was more of a foreign affairs figure head. I know he signals to the mudslimes and kikes, but there are alot of mudslimes and kikes in Russia.

and most of Russia's allies are non-whites.

Be more clear on what you are implying.
He has all these allies at the expense of russian people. Life is getting worse by the month.
That said, the revolutionary movements are alse on the rise. But that is scary too because foreign forces would 100% interfere in a civil war.

Any civil war will just doom you even faster. Muslims don't fight, they sit it out while white men do the fighting. You'll be getting your legs blown off for some military contractor named Shekelberg while Genghis here fucks your waifu.

but what do, tobias?
i don't think i can bear this shit my whole life

oh fyeda, we all know you're a lying piece of shit

yes keep ignoring, goyim, haha putin will surely save the white man!

i want to say have as many white kids as you can, but in all honesty they would probably have a shit life among all the shitskins and mongoloids. It's actually shitty being a minority unless you're in a white country

good goy

> , one of the biggest russian news websites
try harder

People on people have no idea what Russia actually is. This specific situation, although questionable, is different from refugee thing in EU, it is more akin to mexican situation in the US. These immigrants come to work literally the least payed jobs like street cleaning and construction. Russia, being a large country, needs these immigrants, as no fucking Russian would ever do such work for the money they do it for. Mind that unemployment in Russia is really low and these jobs are shitty, thus there is no "DEY TOOK OUR JABS" mentality.

Also, in general you guys are fucking retarded to think that Russia is nationalistic in terms of race or religion. Yes, to outsiders Russian might seem racist but in reality Russia is and was for a long time a multicultural country. There are shitload of different races and ethnicity in Russia and people treat them normally. The whole idea behind Russian modern ideology is - no matter what race or religion you are of, you are one of us if you share our goals, worldviews, and traditional values.

Again, Russians are not Nazis and would support antifa over nazis 24/7. Russians hate nazism, it is a synonym of enemy.

*People on Sup Forums, of course

Russian workforce drowns themselves in alcohol and degeneracy.
Do you think the shitty russian roads are a meme? They are made by the said immigrants, with zero technique, and break apart the next season.
There is no "they took our jobs" mentality because everyone worships Putin and his statements. They are delusional to their state.

It's amusing how Russia thinks they are going to build on illegals when it clearly isn't working. Sure it's working for rich people, but when you promote so much family life and have no control over dangerous people and have shitty family life and AIDS, then it's time to realize the fact that Russia will still be here after you are dead. Future Russian president might just be more liberal than Putin, which isn't fairy tales predictions, it's pretty much a fact, so what will happen then with all those legacy of races in Russia?

Fucking average russian drinks less than average Finn. The problem is with corruption and lack of transparency, not the liberal bullshit you spitting here. The ways your are speaking makes it obvious that you are not russian and either cockhole or some other baltic trash.
Nobody wants to do have the jobs of those migrants. For sure, you wouldn't do it. You just sit here whining.
Don't waste your time on replying, you are filtered, liberal trash.

Germans drink more and they also work less. Nobody works less than Germoney, also look at their bierbauch. They are getting fat like Anglo, maybe even race to catch USA. Russian vodka, AIDS and poverty helps to keep you look good kind of. Amazing how fat people look worse than AIDS drug addicts. This is the world we live in.

I live in moscow, friend. I fully agree with you on the corruption. Before around 2002 I supported Putin, but now is it as he was replaced by an actor.
All the previous nationalistic statements he no longer supports (at least by deeds).
It's not him who is the most powerful man in the world, but the oligarchy who controls him, which by the way recently surpassed russian treasury in money.

truth is nobody cares about your domestic issues, Ivan
Putin is doing good geopolitically and that's all that matters


he is totally not ourguy. That cripples my mind why some euros see him as white race saviour.

That can change if putin is going to continue fucking the country with shitty laws and all-around corruption.
It can't continue forever, at some point the people will realise their state and overthrow the gov.

last depressed bump

No putin shills? Working day is over?