>Truths that normies will never believe no matter how hard you redpill them
Truths that normies will never believe no matter how hard you redpill them
Other urls found in this thread:
>niggers have lower IQ than any other races
That weight is mostly genetic. My mum and dad are obese and so am I. The normies on /fit/ all seem to think its diet.
Normies will eventually swallow every redpill. It's the SHILLS that won't, under any circumstance.
That DEWs are in wide use or that DEWs played a role in the fall of the Twin Towers may be hard to swallow for normies, but SHILLS, these assholes will never swallow it.
That taxation is immoral.
Women are fundamentally less qualified to hold office
They hate Hitler because they were taught to do.
Brainwashed weaponized morons aren't exactly normies anyway.
this place is for insecure retards who are too brainwashed to enjoy life for what it is
Only true redpill : shut your computer down and educate yourself faggot
You keep telling yourself that you fat, weak little piece of shit.
The VR pill.
Yea because you inherited their lifestyle over indulgence and laziness, not their "fat genes"
Normie detected.
There is no life after death.
Existence is chaos, not some great plan.
>posts on Sup Forums.
Okay Mehmet.
Deer are better pets than dogs.
Africans are inferior to Europeans and no amount of education nor aid can change that. Interbreeding will only reduce the Europeans to a lowest common denominator, while it will marginally benefit the Africans. Most of all the mixing of all races into a faceless consumerist collective will benefit the Jews, who wish to rebuild the ghetto of Prague and make it the world, and to do so they employ their golem - the USA - the mindless slave army which fights for Greater Israel.
That the races are different.
That the sexes are different.
Nice bait.
I'm Italian and everyone in my family is fat. We don't eat a lot of carbs
No we all do lots of exercise, in fact most mornings we walk to the cafe for breakfast yet almost everyone in the family is fat. Genetics.
Pedophilia is the superior sexuality
Bestiality isn't animal abuse
This is a bluepill, life is an endless struggle against the chaos, and sometimes becoming the chaos.
you're not contradicting what I wrote tho, just expanded upon it
You are genetically a lazy cunt?
this pretty much
Tippity top kekkles
Fatty BTFO
This board was better without redditfags because nobody bumped shill threads and now these niggers do.
All the shit I see here is just conjecture, I want proof, try red pilling me I won't take either red or blue pills cuz I think for myself being part of either side is for sheep. I'm not sheep I'm a good compared to all of you.
It's better for all people if we stick to our own kind and only work together when we need to, but not integrated. Desegregation of ideas, not bodies
You are a newfag. Lurk for two years before posting you stupid faggot.
So many blue pilled normies.
Ooh not part of your heard?Lol i'll never join your heard of mindless white trash.
nah they retarded compared to dog masterrace
>walk to the cafe
>probably burn MAYBE 100 calories during this "walk"
>proceed to eat donuts, bagels, coffee, "cafe" food
i feel like im being shitposted at
Studies show that overweight people drastically over report exercise and drastically under report food consumption.
That they, me and you are the universe become sentient looking back at itself, and playing games all the while.
we don't wan't you, pedro
top kek
That diversity is a meme and only racially and culturally homogenous societies can flourish.
you are. it's been obvious since his first post and you should kill yourself you stupid redditards responding to the most obvious bait
Little girls are vastly superior to grown women. That's why pedophilia is the natural state of man and child brides is the best type of marriage.
What are you the anti-borg? You're acting fairly normal for a tribesmen.
have you ever spent time on /fit/, or around "unapologetic" fat people? some actually believe that it's completely genetic and that theres nothing they can do to change it
no shit you retard, but this is bait
what are you even talking about. you sound like English is your second language, like you don't really follow what's going on. you must go back. go back to your true home beyond the southern border. you don't belong here.
Then we should prevent fat asses from breading to prevent the disease continuing to plague our species.
I think lgbtp will push for that. Normalising and legalising it.
the wrong side lost WWII
I think a lot of it is due to trauma not necessarily brainwash
Talking is for sheep, I didn't build an autonomous off the grid farm by talking.
Life is all about random chance rarely anyone changes his life through ''hard work'' otherwise entire Africa would be full of successful and happy people.
No one legit sees foreigners as their equals Japanese are very open about it but no one calls them out on it because they are Asians.
Dick size matters.
Personality doesn't matter the same things that are seen as creepy and outlandish when done by anons would be seen as cute and lelsorandumb if they were done by Chad.
Assad is the best choice for Syria.
picture w/timestamp or it didn't happen
>Stormfronters on Sup Forums have no skills, talent, or brain capacity to affect any real change.
>Muh great civilization my ancestors built and to which i have contributed nothing but shitposting and low quality memes
This is only partially true and not in the extend to which it would justify landwhales.
Due to laws of physics, you cannot store more energy (fat) than you consume. The energy providing material (carbs/protein/fat) isn't important for this, as your digestive system will convert all excess energy as fat (easier for the body to store and transport than sugar). If you eat more than you need, you WILL fatten up.
However, everyone is genetically pre-disposed towards a certain minimum fat level, which your body will try to achieve by stimulating your hunger. Regrettably, the way fat is stored (outside/inside) or the amount does not correspond to the current beauty ideal (fat was beautiful in different times) for most people. On the positive side: People with "fat genes" are meant to survive in colder/harsher climates and tend to survive better when sick or injured, as the fat is a valuable ressource when the body is in danger.
Occasionally people get major organ malfunctions that cause them to have massive permanent hunger, which leads to landwhaling.
Also excercise will cause a more favorable fat/muscle distribution, so if you have alot of fat, at least put it to work.
>dick size matters
The pill is impossible to swallow.
What didn't happen? The complete formation of your brain when you were in the womb?
*slurps 3000 calories of past*
No carbs here
News flash all modern farms today are atonomaus retard. Driverless tractors been a thing since the 80s.
It's okay that a few kids die so we don't destabilize the middle east again.
Fuck off Macron
The West is the least racist culture in the world.
bro, i need a timestamp to confirm. all i know from this conversation, is nothing. it was all a complete waste of time. you're a loser, please go back to mexico.
Your dad was a ram, your mom was a lamb. You are a sheep , so from you I don't want a peep.
I'm Chippewa go back to Europe asshole.
The woman I am about to marry wouldn't have given me a second look if I wasn't well endowed when we first got together. Another red pill for you; we are breeding larger penis sizes.
I just come here to talk to the French. Not the Muslims, the French.
Ok and before you get to me with your pussy knife, I'll shoot you lol.
The state is an agency of coercion and immoral.
What the fuck is your obsession with deer, Hanz? I see you in a lot of threads.
You must have different deer in Deutschland. Ours are terrible.
OK bud
His internet history is full of images of guys fucking does.
Lol little sheep like you are pushing for gun control, hypocrite.
>No we all do lots of exercise, in fact most mornings we walk to the cafe for breakfast yet almost everyone in the family is fat. Genetics.
The only reason you are together is because of your dick? Fuck that man
You have to go back
The holocaust didn't happen
Anything race related
You can have a genetic tendency to absorb more of what you eat, but don't distort it to lazy-fat levels, it's calories in & calories out for everyone.
The maximum fatter you'll get by eating 3000 calories is 3000 calories, don't make it like you are gaining 20000 calories from eating a pack of pringles.
It is the only reason I had a chance. We both have other qualities, I hope that would be obvious. The dick kept her around long enough for us to find out what they are.
Not part of their heard either. You fag fondling mouth breath redneck retard fucking boy touching....
>virginity before marriage is good for both sexes
>virginity before marriage ensures successful marriage and offspring
It's hard enough to redpill the normalfaggots that come here about this. Degenerates are piling in from Reddit thanks to the election.
Remember that Sup Forums is a Christian board, lads.
All the atrocities of the 20th centuries was to destroy russian village to prohibit the most medicinal plant all over the globe. that is one
The other one is that CANNABIS CURES CANCER - and that's probably more difficult for them to believe, though there're literally hundreds of articles on pubmed claiming exactly that.
Hahahahahahahahhaha yeah bud. Why don't you just cut out the bullshit you eat while shit posting.
You are posting in a shill thread unironically because you don't understand board culture necessary enough to differentiate real from fake. Meanwhile I am shitposting at an underage newfag who thinks this is normal.
It's not, and you are a troglodyte faggot. I'm greatly happy niggers like you don't browse our other chans.
Wild game is heavily controlled in Germany. So by only shooting the ugly fuckers, we breed cuter deer. It's the only form of eugenics (((they))) still allow us to perform.
Some German philosophers believe that we will eventually breed the Über-Deer, who will distract our (((enemies))) with its immense cuteness, so they won't notice when we launch the fourth reich until it is too late to stop us.
There is nothing more redpilled than having a doe gf.
How the fuck are you gonna educate yourself while your computer is shut down? By some unbrowsable books? By some brainwashing lecturer (and not the best one as you could access over the internet, but some random faggot you was supplies with for your money but without your consent)
It's easier to live in blissful ignorance.
This is more of a blackpill than a redpill
>believes human life has some intrinsic value
>calls others sheep
Ok spic
funny thing is we have the same meme in our education system, which down here also makes its best to breed obedient workers free from unwanted thoughts
It's almost like people who are OK with having multiple sex partners are correlated with people who hold marriage as less of an ideal. People that have sex with more people are more likely to have STDs? That's nutty! No one could have predicted that!
Nice attempt to justify your virginity. I almost didn't notice.
Remember that Sup Forums is politically incorrect - that's not a Christian thing. Being Christian is the politically correct thing to do, you trend-follower. You just want an uninitiated woman who wants to be led by her man, doesn't know what good sex is, and can pump out some babies. Fulfill your biological destiny using your delusions of God! And remain unquestioning the whole way. Sad.
The Holocaust is woefully lacking support by forensic evidence and is almost entirely reliant upon contradictory survivor narratives and character assassination campaigns.