These jews make it too obvious lads
These jews make it too obvious lads
Other urls found in this thread:
The two that stuck out like sore thumbs were
>Dear Fellow White People
>and Anti-Worker
"Anti-Jewish" being first is just kekworthy. Obviously kike communists.
canadian-tier falseflagging.
Yeah, don't be fooled at the concept of "men's rights" goys
How do you do my fellow white people?
Hello go- I mean fellow white man!
Oy Vey, Goys, oh wait, I mean
Oh Hey, Guys!
Why are White people infantilized so much?
Any time you hear "Dear fellow White People" you know it's coming from an Anti-White kike.
i saw one of these posters in ottawa
It's a Plant
>Troy Fairbanks
>Foster child
So what is he supposed to be, the black guy whose black parents abandoned him so he was adopted by white people and grows up to realize that his adopted parents were actually some kind of monsters that only adopted him to prove that they weren't racist but in fact were racist for engaging in what is tantamount to slave trade??
Everyone should carry a sharpie on them to deal with this.
I'd like to know if people can brainstorm some thing to write on these posters to essentially redpill people usually lulled by cultural marxist propaganda
It's better than tearing them down like they would do to any of the pdf posters pol has come up with
for example
Holy shit that footnote at the end made my cringe organ develop cancer.
>anti-Jewish is the very first example above all others
I wonder who could be behind this post
The eternal Jew strikes again.
Hello fellow white people
Fucking hell, you are illiterate.
>Anti-Jewish, Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Indigenous, Anti-Black, Anti-Woman, Anti-Choice, Anti-Muslim, Anti-LGBTQ and Anti-Worker
>Not friends
Pick one.
Where is the Anti-White People on that list? how come they aren't mentioned?
And all he does is laugh... but he can't hold back with a
It such a obvious and specific neurosis.