What are some Sup Forums approved games?

What are some Sup Forums approved games?

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chasing the dragon


>ywn get btfo by a little girl while playing chess and bullied by her in front of a bunch of people and cameras
Why live bros?

kill yourself, my man.

That little girl is absolutely crushing him.


oh he will, dont you worry

DnD. You can make the game as redpilled as you want.

I've created a universe in which I made nations with relationships similar to the world throughout history.

>One is an Absolute Monarchy that has successfully repelled democratic nations for centuries, trying to keep its own way of life
>A nation of elves that are also an Absolute Monarchy but push for democracy and the reduction of human populations in those countries as well as influencing everyone. I essentially made them into the Jews of the world.
>Another which is like America who is just trying to be left alone in the world.

>tfw never lost a chess match
>tfw hundreds of thousands of matches played online, hundreds to grandmasters
>tfw too smart to engage in competitions

Faggiest shit I've read today.

Coon hunting!

she is a grandmaster from Hungary.


>up 8 pieces
>wasted a move castling

that girl is a scrub and the guy is a retard



This needs to become an anime ASAP.

In Hueland we don't have the tradition of playing tabletop games.

But I always wanted to play some tabletop RPG.

I think that Sup Forums would aprove the games from Roll20.net since we can make up our own story there with it's own set of rules, and Sup Forumsacks could lpay online.

Aside from that, Im not sure.

I doubt Sup Forums would play anything that is not WWII related in some way.

Pure and unadulterated autism.



COC is a fun game. However, Sup Forums being the intellectually superior board, we like Go.

>tfw almost 30 and have no reason to be around young cute girls anymore
it hurts

>t. amerishart whose sports are nigger dominated with tons of roids

Go is for chinks and weebs. Chess is the white mans game.

The game of kings. The king of games.

Ice hockey. I played it in school, and I still skate all the time. It is healthy. It's great in the summer. Lots of qts skate and have great bodies. Gives you great legs, especially hamstrings and calves.

Castle early, castle often.

Bulletball is red pilled af too.

>I saved this because im so smart and quirky!

Who he will play Gwent when the servers end the beta phase?

>air hockey for poors

fuck already off nigger culture

if you like playing like a faggot

rather keep pushing my knights

A grandmaster? That young??

poker as long as you are a good player. if you are a bad player you are a degenerate gambler.

And trap them... I know. I've seen many player do that and 9/10 they are sub 1500.

runescape is Sup Forums approved


>he thinks a basic knights tour is "smart and quirky"
kek. fucking faggot. you're clueless

Kids should be getting married and fighting wars, none of this childish shit. Man I am sick of people acting like fucking toddlers all the time.

this is hilarious.

The game of kings.

>Knight's tour.
Here's a nice exercise:

Close your eyes.
Imagine the board and you're white.
The board is empty except for the black queen on d5.
You have a Knight on a1.

Here's what you should do:

Move the knight to every square and back to a1, in your mind, without stepping on a square that's covered by the queen.

Hangman is a favorite here.

>air hockey for poors
Bulletball table costs $525.

Try football.
No, not your gay rugby

Civilization 5

Europa Universalis Heart of Darkness

Hell yeah, senpai.

>Fighting wars

Good afternoon, Rabbi.

I am white, I don't have to imagine it, you shitskin.

when its gonna be officialy released? Gwent in Witcher was pretty fun.

Don't you have nieces or friends with kids or siblings who have friends with kids or something? i find myself around little kids way more than I want to be. Not that I don't like the specific kids I find myself around in get-togethers. They're they best little kids you can ask for. It's just that I may be half autistic and don't know how to act around little kids. Little kids are fucking retarded and don't understand basic shit adults understand. It isn't their fault, everyone is like that at their ages. It just still makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm scared they're going to hurt themselves or something. I don't know when to intervene if I see a kid misbehaving. Like I don't want to overstep my bounds and offend someone by disciplining their kid.

After typing that out, it's confirmed. I'm autistic. Not even a question now that I read that.

>choosing the dumb-as-fuck way to act.
>is white.

Pick one


connect four is a fun game

i play often against my bicycle


Problaby second semester of 2017.

Fingers crossed for no delays.



>getting offended at a joke
>is white


my nigga.
do you play on voobly?

Nice. Lookin forward too it. Hope you dont have to pay a shit load amount of money to have a halfway decent stack of cards though

>using scalar vector graphics
>is white


wanking each others dicks and seeing who cums first. it's a classic


The Campaign for North Africa



Computer games are the biggest bluepill so just ignore idiots ITT

Nice banter lel

>It's just that I may be half autistic and don't know how to act around little kids.
You and me both, brother.