Assad went full-retard. He was winning!

Assad is fucked now...

> (CNN) Survivors of a deadly attack in Syria described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, directly contradicting the government's version of events.

> Global condemnation intensified Wednesday, the day after the apparent chemical attack on a rebel-held town in Idlib province that killed at least 70 people, including children, one of the deadliest since the Syrian war began six years ago.

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This is one of the most poorly done false flags in a long time.

obvious lies. does anyone know if people in general are believing this? like normals and shit?

>trusting random civilians to identify a bomb in the sky as a "chemical bomb"

Yeah makes 0 sense. Why the hell would he do something like this now? Nothing adds up in this, except the fact that these goddamn jews want war and have been pushing this for years now.

also keep in mind north korea is exactly the same. nothing but globalist propaganda trying to make them out to be a threat and a problem.

didnt make sense the first time he 'did' it, the day of an arms inspection

SAAIDF out in force

you believe CNN? sage

False flag.

Why would he use these weapons on a strategically insignificant town when he was winning?

Nice try Shlomo!

Yeah and that time it was proven false. Why would not be different? They tried to lie to us then, didn't work, now after people forgot about that scam they're trying it again. Fucking DISGUSTING.

LMFAO this is the funniest false flag ever
who the hell could believe it

It's like the when the CIA false flagged halabja all over again and blamed the Iranians

Bait pasta

Err, because Trump and Rex et al. were telling him just days ago they weren't going to go after him, no matter what he did? Don't be daft.

So much shilling. People in this thread pretending they know what happened.

Let's be clear: You don't.


you are either retarded or a shill yourself

It makes no sense for Assad to do what they said he did.

Don't get trolled, anons.


They tried to fucking invade Syria over the same brand of false flag in 2013, only to back down after massive resistance not only from Americans but people around the world, and a few weeks later the UN of all organizations confirmed the "SAA" chemical attacks were committed by rebel groups.

Only newfags and non-readers believe this attack was committed by Assad.

t. shill

Only a shill would be so confident.

You can't just make up stories in your head and pretend they're facts.

>y-you don't know what happened
>I-I trust god emperor
>y-yes let's go to war with Syria
Good goy

>>I-I trust god emperor

That's the opposite of my position, shill.

Makes sense

idk about this one, they did not post anything proving it was aerial attack. One hole in the road, but where is the missile? I honestly have no fucking clue about what happened, but they should be able show us remains of the missile by know.

show me the proof that the government did it then. ohh wait, you cant, because there is none.

>No proof for story A
>No proof for story B
Hence: We don't know what happened.

Wow that was obvious.

Even if it's true, I don't care and it's not worth deposing the central Syrian government over.

if trump actually goes to war with syria i will lose all hope
but i will believe everything is 4d chess until proven otherwise.

then why is trump blaming Assad, stop being so blind

>normals and shit

What the fuck is this post? didn't believe they had shills for Assad, but this stupid post might convince me. Either that or you are the worst kind of reddit faggot.

its just the people/entities in power pushing for another war at any cost, any means necessary. the off world entities need this kind of war energy to continue existing. it's what they feed off of. look up montalks explanation about it

My biggest problem with this is exactly the same as before: Motivation.

What motivation would Assad have to do something like this? I don't see any point at all for him to do it.

And we know how trustworthy CNN is. When they're reporting it's likely that the exact opposite is true most of the time.


>then why is trump blaming Assad
You tell me.

You're saying you can prove what trump is thinking? His motivations? This oughta be good.

>trusting random civilians in REBEL OCCUPIED TERRITORY to identify a bomb in the sky as a "chemical bomb"

Yeah, not buying it.

>Muh 250k civilians in Aleppo.
>Muh 50k died in allepo
>Muh trusted sources
>Muh FSA
>Muh al qaeda
>muh moderate terrorists
>Lets give them more weapons
>Let's give them more manpads

Maybe he thought no one would notice, ir that Trump wouldnt care anyway since he said he would not remove Assad anyway

your arguments have made no sense and you provide no proof, goodbye wanker

>all that effort was made by Trump and his team to disqualify and rightfully so the lying mouths of the media
>people still post links from cnn

To me it sounds like a false flag. Things were going good for him, why would he specifically do one of the only things he could to purposely mess that up?

Sounds like we need to go to war in Syria to help Assad while out the revel group that did this

>another mythic assad chemical bomb when he had given all his chemical weapons to OPCW-UN and destroyed all his chemical weapon facilities untder their commission in 2013-14

I'm asking for proof, you provide none. You're the one making a positive claim, wanko shill.

And if Trump acted in Syria in a bigly way? CNN will spin it against his way so hard that it might spur the American public to actually want to remove him. If Trump is an idiot, then he should bomb SAA then.

Let's see who plays the better 6,000,000ED Cambodian Jiujitsu between Trump and the (((Media))).

it was the 7 year old little girl with perfect english and encyclopedic knowledge of war projectiles

it doesn't make sense at all, obvious false flag, can't believe everyone doesn't see how blatant it is, assad isn't a retard and he's not a psychopath either

Sure, goy, it was Assad dropping the bombs, totally not Russia or the U.S. time to take Assad down and conq- free the land of his tyranny.

The general public has the attention span of a puppy.


His family invented suicide bombings, get informed user


Don't forget gulf of tonkin and the kuwaiti babies thrown from their incubators

even if he was a psychopath, he's not a retard. why would he do something like this at this point in time? makes no sense. learn to give people the proper amount of respect, so you can truly sense where and why they would do the actions they do.

do you know him personally, professor?

My question is why he would use chemical weapons when you have other weapons just as good for killing people.

>implying i need to know someone personally to make obvious, basic, simple observations

>Survivors of a deadly attack in Syria described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, directly contradicting the government's version of events

these (((survivors))) are surely speaking the truth

Its more cost-effective

Ah, a professor of psychology i see. Impressive indeed.

it was just a basic observation

Somehow that makes this seem even more a false flag you know. Pretty sure the cost risk isn't good enough to use them.

He didn't do it dumbass. Think Mossad. Trump changed his tune on Assad & Israel wanted it changed back. Job done.

Yeah, sure, huehue.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD

fuck off shill

Pushing this on assad is the most obvious trap ever. They dont give a fuck anymore if we believe this shit.

They never did. They convinced most of the planet they went to the moon and then couldn't go back, whether publicly or privately funded.

All of you need to shut up and do what Trump tells you to do.

Nice evidence there Ivan.


I've seen a lot of normies not buying this shit.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This
is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and
burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on BASED ASSAD

Please remove Italy from the meme. We are only fighting in Iraq, and guarding tge Mosul dam.

T. shill

>Let's be clear

le go-to liberal phrase

that isn't what they said, don't be daft
why would they jeopardize losing the support of Russia, the only thing keeping Assad in power at this point, by doing this? i mean really, seriously, don't be fucking daft


>Constantly use chemical weapons
>Someone says he will report on it
>Catch one of the many attacks on tape
AssadIDF claims this proves its fake somehow

It is really not. Chemical weapons of all types are hard to make, dangerous to store, and risky to the user. They are most certainly NOT "cost-effective".

Why would Assad gas his own people? Because he fucking didn't. He was bombing the shit out of terrorists and hit one of their chemical weapons storages. That makes 100% more sense.

But let's say he did. Should the US go remove him from power and hand Syria over to the nice rebel Muslims? This sort of thing has never worked out and never will. The Middle East is full of shitty people and we have no use meddling in their affairs.

Their is only one group that benefits from the US toppling more regimes.

What is the strategic aim, though?

Sarin would be destroyed if bombed, it wouldn't kill anyone, just burn

Probably one of his (((generals))) gave the order so (((they))) get a reason to take Assad down.

Kill opposition? Who knows. They did it several times before (so did isis and rebels too btw, wiki page has several documented cases), probably because its easier to just gas people than to look for terrorists mixed with people and eliminate them. And every person is a potential rebel too

WTF I believe an illogical false narrative now

Wtf literally all the evidence says one thing but Id rather believe otherwise because based Assad

Evidence? Lets look at that.

Motive: None. It's actually against his interests to do what is claimed.

Proof of act: None. It's alleged.

So you have no actual evidence and the opposite of a motive.

WTF I believe your bullshit now

>All the witnesses, Trump, reporters, medical organizations and experts on one side
>RT on the other

Wtf i hate evidence now

>All the witnesses, Trump, reporters, medical organizations and experts

all the same people will tell you that six million jews died in gas chambers but that's been objectively proven wrong so perhaps you should re-examine your beliefs.

I blame affirmative actions and American education.

it sounds like the people of IDLIB should have used IDKFA

>all these people with important jobs say X is true, so it must be!

Arguments to authority are for people with no facts or reasoning at their disposal.

you haven't learned nothing right?

>Mit mir wird es keine Maut geben
I ask my self every day why and how such things are always forgotten so fast. At least in the general public.

Stupid fucking nigger its a false flag, kill yourself subhuman


This is the most logical explanation.

Six million Jews and millions of other "undesirables" as the Nazis saw it did die at the hands of Einsatzgruppen and SS, not all of them in gas chambers but several hundred thousand did go that way