/esp/ Spain General - Ines Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Spanish politics. Try to keep it in English so non-Spanish bros can keep up.
What do we do to save Spain?

Latest News:
>Concern regarding corruption in Spaniards increases by seven points.
>The PP wants to give the presidency back to Sánchez if the causes are filed.
>ETA will approach its dissolution once weapons are given.
>Espinar drinks Coca-Cola in the senate after asking to ban it in the senate.
>Rufián to the Catalonian antifraud ex-boss: "See you later, gangster, we'll meet in hell"


No beaners, sandniggers or protestant netherlands allowed.
>Catholic Netherlands

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spain is shit
just starve my shit up already

Ines is getting old. Not as qt as she used to be.

I don't agree with her on anything though.

by the way, can we have this as the thread theme?


for Ines

¿quien es este demonio de semen?

It's been some time since I've seen these threads. Bump.
Which politician do you guys think is /ourguy/?
I vote for my dog.

At least get Extraflags

github.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-Sup Forums

conversación de bar sobre lo maliiisimos que son los politicos.

Ponme una caña y una de bravas

>mot using this

The day Huerta de Soto makes his own party is the day I will maybe vote

>I don't agree with her on anything though.
I don't think anyone does, Ciudadanos have gone too far with their "w-we're not the conservative party!" bullshit.
>mfw there are people who think Ciudadanos is far-right
Just fuck my shit up

Deberíamos hacer "el bar de pol", donde los españoles vagueamos y arreglamos el mundo en la barra.

me cago en la hostia paco, esto no puede seguir asi!!!
como es que juega Carvajal teniendo a Casemiro y Benzema en el banquillo??

asi no se puede, asi no se puede HALA BARÇA!!!

>w-we're not the conservative party
but they're not

i love this photo

Inés Arrimadas, Ciudadanos.

We need the ETA's arms deposits for Reconquista 2.0. Keep them safe.

Cuentanos, Ramón. ¿Qué opinas de estos payasos?
Esto sería la idea más comfy que he escuchado hasta ahora.


>tfw every single fucking girl you meet is a brainwashed republican WITHOUT EXCEPTION
god give me strength that I may endure

Una estrella galicia!

>not true

tfw 21yo and middle class on college
how the fuck do i get to know a redpilled girl? at least redpilled friends

They started off as Sup Forums: The Party but after being called fascists they pussied out and became Podemos lite.

What region are you from?

>The call which saved Portugal

Suffering the same thing here, user. They're either sluts or leftist scum. Guess in which region do I live.

pon unos temas de actualidad en la hebra como hacen los otros generales

esos payasos sobran todos. Que tienen un parlamento en Murcia, y digo yo que porqué coño todo el mundo tiene un parlamento, un consejo de gobierno, y 10 consejerías. Y no hay debate de quitarlo oyga. Tio paco nos cargamos epaña

they just dont know where they are, pretty redpilled on the december voting, but they just wanted more escaños so started licking EU ass, and muh refugees, and muh feminism, and muh sentimientos

esto por favor
es la idea mas española que he visto en mucho tiempo

I voted for ciudadanos but due to lack of any good option really.

>Estrella Galicia
what do you think?
a un español se sabe de donde es por la cerveza que bebe


Pienso lo mismo. Estamos siendo follados por ambos lados. La derecha es estúpida de cojones y con la izquierda ya se sabe.
La gente piensa que tener una república que una monarquía es la solución a todos nuestros problemas y eso me toca los cojones.

No se mijito yo he vivido en muchos sitios y sigo pensando que estrella Galicia es mejor y por zona de nacimiento debería ser de mahou y por zona de adopción de lo que se beba en catalufia

We need to make a list of things to fix, explaining the causes, the solutions and expanding information about it.

No conservative girls in Galicia sounds like something weird desu. Remember Galicia is land of Aznar, Franco and Rajoy.


How do you say "i'd go" ?

yo ire?

Could someone give me a quick rundown about Rognaldanoffs, please?

Yo iría

same, int the Galician elections i didnt vote because there was not a single worth it party
and didnt want to vote PP because i dont trust them

dude, im from and living in Galicia, and you dont even want to look inside the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela or put a foot on Vigo

if you want to say that you WILL go then its "yo iré"
if you want to say that you WOULD go then its "yo iría"

Y que no falte el palillo en la boca

Aznar is Madrileño btw

>tfw only one with extra flags

lol so we do exactly the same as everyone. Thanks but I rather do something productive with my life, with or without you.

That kind of attitude is why we have no quality individuals. Or perhaps that attitude is the result of not having quality individuals...

Oops, my mistake, I was probably thinking about someone else but who ree

>Rothschilds bow to Rognaldanoffs
>In contact with secret government funding
>Rumored to be dumb as hell but with secret superhuman abilities
>Control both Portugal and Spain with an iron fist
>Own hotels and buildings all over the world
>Will dominate the first soccer fields in Mars
>Direct descendants from ancient Lusitanian tribes
>In the process of buying the world

no tenemos grandes personajes porque este es un pais de vasallos
somos grandes soldados, que necesitan grandes lideres

desde luego eso explica nuestras conquistas en el renacimiento y la caida del Imperio debido a la corrupcion y ostentacion de la corona

Bueno eso es cierto. Se que esos que están tirados en el bar podrían hacer grandes cosas. Lo triste es que para eso, necesitán de alguien que los obligue. Por si solos no lo van a hacer.

Un rebaño sin pastor no es rebaño ni nada.

la democracia fue un castigo, la república será nuestro fin

curiosamente solo somos ovejas cuando nos dejan tranquilos
en el momento que intentan meter la mano somo lobos

shamelesly posting my own OC

I think he was talking about Fraga, amigo.

He hecho este OC.
¿Qué pensaís?

Do you have a better quality pic?

Ei rauls, wut do you think of this?

You are close and can see this.

Maybe if we can plan, one of you or one of us Barbosas can arrange a stream to see this shit

Ciudadanos were "invited" to the last two Bilderberg meetings. Along with Cebrián, Pdr Snchez, Ana Botín and the usual suspects.

They are a fake, pro-(((gobalist))) party that was promoted as a counter-Pablemos weapon and it's just going to serve as a crutch for the bipartisan democratic charade in the future.

Don't fall in their trap.

i watched a documentary yesterday about this battle
and we fucking destroyed the brittish, based Blas de Lezo

"Una bala de cañon arrancó las patas del taburete en el que se sentaba el Virrey, reunido con Blas de Lezo [...] ambos resultaron heridos por las astillas"

Garzón is a kike/commie of the biggest order.

im sorry, i did it on a small screen so the quality looked good enough


>España solo puede sobrevivir con dictaduras

No problem brah, it´s some S+ OC. You should be proud.

what do you think of the incoming PSOE elections?
will Susana win? or will Pedro make a cumback?

based hogar social

Too bad their leader is a neo-nazi spic, though

Susana looks shady as fuck. I don´t even like Pedro Sánchez, but he was backstabbed like a bitch. Not cool PSOE, not cool at all.

That's a pretty cute one. Is she good at politics?


>More cleaner one

yep, as some user said once, they are to nazi to be mainstreams

at least some good memes and assblast came out of that

i legit think is the best one right now, so bad her party and politics are shit

I would pay just to see Farage. Then there is snowden (also some women on the refugees crisis), there would be no debate if there was nobody on the other side of the argument tough.
I would love to go, but just thinking of the money if spend to go to Estoril...

>"Todo buen español debe siempre mear mirando a Inglaterra"
Schools should definitely teach about Blas de Lezo

Same here in Catalonia, but even worse.
All women here are leftie-republican or independentists sluts, and 99% of them feminist scum. And I'm not so sure that the 1% remaning even exists in Barcelona, but I want to believe that there's some worth girl around...
Nuke us already plox

>Spanish redpilled girl
If you get one, probably you are the chosen one. The only redpilled spanish girl i know is that 19 year old VOX qt from Castilla La Mancha (I believe her name is Imma Sequí if I'm not wrong). Other than that you will have it almost impossible.
You better start looking for european qt's instead, there's higher chance to find a redpilled girl.
Same applies for redpilled friends... all my spanish friends, except 1, are bluepilled af. The ones who are redpilled are from other EU countries.
Anyways, I guess that on other places there is gonna be more "woke" people, I hope. Just don't search them on big cities, especially Barcelona. If you ever end up here, run away...

>Corruption in Spain
Spain has to be the richest country in the world.
Healthcare is free, property taxes are very low, yet these mayors manage to embezzle hundreds of millions of Euros. A government only has enough money in the treasury to keep things running. Where the fuck is all this extra money coming from?



I had to save this shit to show my brother. Kek

I feel really bad about your region, bro. Native Catalans are almost 20% of your country. Here in Valencia we are full of disgusting canis and chonis, I might move which fucking sucks since Valencia is really comfy.

>Where the fuck is all this extra money coming from?
the Americas, but dont tell anyone

We're two now miarma.

Who napoleonic-provinces masterrace?

>Where the fuck is all this extra money coming from?
You'd be surprised but the EU hasn't cucked as bad as it did to France or Sweden.

Our direct problem is our dumb as fuck government, we have skyrocket taxes while having no employment which fucks us really bad. Also, becoming an entrepeuner in this country is barely possible.

O sea somos un pais de democracia directa barera y lo echas por tierra.


Shiiiiieeeeet, if Farage is going to be there so will I

legend please, I only recognize Franco, Primo de Rivera, Isabel and Fernando


Caballeros, ¿cómo le quitamos el Gibraltar a brit/pol/?

We have corruption here too, but nothing on the scale of what Spain has. If a mayor gets caught taking $25k, it's huge news. I need to move to Spain and run for mayor of a small town, that's where the big money's at. You guys are the big dogs. Small town mayors taking down 8 figures is impressive.


You don't. They got it legally. Stop crying about it you fucking hypocrites, you don't even respect the Treaty of Vienna and kept Olivença

Evening lads. Is euroskeptism a thing in Spain?

Wasnt Primo Riviera for them like Rolão Preto to us?

Do go check the prices and all. If you go, try to post something to keep updated here. I wanna know what happens.
I was thinking of gambling my way in, but the money i would spend on the trip would make the risk to great.

By giving us opiven back.

No hay manera, colega, olvidalo y relajate.

Just join Juventudes del PP or Hogar Social

Just look at the cases of the Royal Family and Barcenas. They stole thousands of millions of euros and that's only some of the cases of corruption.


Olivença, fixed. *

Franco, Jose Bonaparte, Azaña, Reyes Catolicos, Jose Antonio, Carlos V, Amadeo de Saboya

>40% youth unemployment rate
Explique, Por favor.

>Is euroskeptism a thing in Spain?
Only in our dreams
By stop giving them (You)s :^)